I am so sorry that my update took so long! Well, I hope that it's a good chapter!

I don't own Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, or any of the characters in them, and I never will. The amazing and incredibly lucky Stephenie Meyer does.

Chapter 2

My second day of school. My first day of school was great, but today would be even better because now I can see Edward all day long. Speak of the devil and he shall appear-there Edward was, walking over to my house. What could he possibly want? Knock. Knock. Knock. I hard him rap on the door. I ran down the stairs at vampire speed and opened the door. What can I say? I couldn't wait to see him.

"Hi, Edward," I said feigning breathlessness.

"Hello Bella. I was wondering if you would let me walk with you to school today?" he asked shyly, blushing and looking down.

"Oh of course Edward! Hold on, I'll be right back out!"

"Who was that Bella?" Carlisle asked with a small smile gracing his lips. "It was Edward, he's walking to school with me, I've got to go, bye!" I yelled running out the door. "Goodbye Bella," I heard Carlisle chuckle from inside the house.

"Ready?" Edward asked.

"Yeah, let's go."

We arrived at school 15 minutes later, and-unwillingly-went our separate ways to our first classes of the day. Not even ten seconds after I sat down, Mike was chattering about some nonsense, but one thing he said caught my attention. "Are you coming to my family's party two weekends from today?" he asked.

"Oh, of course as long as Carlisle doesn't need me to stay home," I mentally kicked myself. Why couldn't I have lied? "Is Edward going to be there?" I quickly asked.

"Oh yeah, and so are Lauren, Jessica, Angela, and Ben."

"It sounds like fun. I'll be there."

The day wore on and soon it was time to go home. Thank goodness it was Friday, I loved my new school, but I don't think I could've handled another day with Mike Newton without punching him in the face.

"Bella!" my favorite voice called to me.

"Hey Edward," I called back, waiting for him to catch up to me.

"Hey, did you hear about Mike's party?" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, he invited me to it…are you going too?" I asked hopefully.

"Of course…the Newton's parties are the best!"

"Well then, I will hope to see you there," I said only half-joking.

We soon arrived home, and decided to sit on his front steps to do homework together again today like we did yesterday. All too soon, though, his mother came out looking for him to come inside for dinner.

"Edward, it's time for supper, will you please join us inside?" his mother asked. "Oh, Bella, would you like to join us dear?" she asked.

I panicked. I couldn't really eat human food, but I didn't want to be rude, and I really wanted to spend more time with Edward…"Oh of course Mrs. Masen, I would love to," hopefully this wasn't something I'd regret doing later when I was puking up all of the repulsive human food that I would have to shove down my throat tonight.

It turned out a lot better than I thought it would, actually. The food was terrible, but I got to spend the entire evening with Edward and his parents, getting to know them better. All too soon though, it was time for me to leave. I only lived right next door, but Edward insisted on walking me back to my house.

"Thank-you again, for dinner. I really enjoyed getting to know your parents." I whispered, almost inaudible to Edward's human ears.

"Thank-you for your company, it was refreshing to have someone new over to dinner." he told me. You could almost hear the smile in his voice, and you could see his perfect blush betraying him as it crawled up his neck giving his face a beyond beautiful pink tinted hue.

"Well, I suppose I'll see you soon.""Um, Bella, I was, uh, wondering if you would want to go into town with me tomorrow, and I could show you where all of good shops are? I uh, wanted to show you something too…it's a surprise though…." he asked, blushing an even darker shade of pink.

"I would love to Edward," I smiled, showing off my beautiful white teeth. "What time should we go?"

"How about I walk over here around 10 in the morning?" he asked smiling an equally beautiful smile, making his perfect face light up.

"Okay, perfect…see you tomorrow Edward," I said before going inside and closing the door behind me.

That night, I snuck out of the house again to watch Edward sleep. His sleep-talking was fascinating. He said all kinds of things, although a lot of it didn't make any sense to me at all. The best part was when he said my name, which he said quite a bit. I loved the way it sounded coming from his beautiful lips.

All too soon though, it was time for me to leave so that I wouldn't get caught being a peeping tom. I forced myself away from Edward's window, and back into my room to get ready for my trip to town with Edward. Time didn't seem to go by fast enough though, and I was ready by 8:45. I couldn't wait until 10, so I decided to see what Carlisle was doing.

"Hello Carlisle, what are you doing?" I asked once I found him reading in the living room.

"Oh, hello Bella, I'm just reading a paper on the Spanish Influenza. It's supposed to be spreading like wildfire around the coast." Carlisle said distressed.

"Well that doesn't sound good."

"No, I'm afraid not. And, it's starting to spread farther west."

"Oh, well, it's a-" I was interrupted by the doorbell though. "I'll get it!" I yelled, then took off running at vampire speed toward the front door.

"Hello, Edward," I said with a huge grin on my face.

"Hello, Bella. Ready to go?"

"Yeah, lets go. Good-bye Carlisle."

It took us almost a half an hour to reach town. "Where would you like to go first Bella?" Edward asked me, with a small twinkle in his eye. "Well, Edward, why don't you show me where some of the important places are. Like, a market, a clothing store, book store, important places to know…things like that."

"Okay then, why don't we just go down the main street for shopping, and I'll point out which stores are which, and we can go into whichever ones you like," he said smiling.

"That sounds lovely."

"Oh, Edward that was so much fun!" I yelled excitedly as we started to walk away from the center of town.

"I'm glad that you enjoyed it, Bella. Oh, I almost forgot! I have something I wanted to show you." he said while a blush started to appear on his beautiful face. His beautiful face, that looked as if it were carved by angels. No Bella! Stop it! You cannot think that. You do not love a human! You are just…curious…as to why he is different. You are not in love! "Oh, yes, what was it that you wanted to show me?"

"Oh, I can't tell you. It's a surprise," he said playfully smirking.

"Please Edward?"

"Nope. Sorry Bella, but this is a surprise. If I told you, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore."

"Edward, I really don't like surprises! Why can't you just tell me?"

"Because, Bella, I'm not going to ruin the surprise!"

"Alright, let's go. I see that begging you isn't going to help," I sighed.

"Well, we're almost there anyways, just follow me." he said grinning excitedly.

We had been walking on the little trail through the woods for nearly an hour when I said "Edward, I do believe that your parents and Carlisle will want us home before it gets dark. How much longer will this walk take us?"

"We're here now."

Again, I am so, so so so so so so so so sorry! I haven't updated in like...two months, and this is only the second chapter. I've been busy lately, and I promise my next update will come much, much sooner than this one did.

Review please! If you hated it, tell me.

Happy Easter!
