Bumblebee was frozen. He had been caught. Even Skywarp wasn't that stupid to figure things out . . . was he?

"What are you doing?" asked Skywarp coming up to him.

"Um," Bumblebee said turning to him holding his large breasts. "Are these double D's?"

"Did you just stick that disk down your-?" he started.

"Uh . . . no. Skywarp there's something that I . . ." Bumblebee didn't know what to say or think.

"Oh slag, he's caught. Bumblebee abort, abort!" cried Ironhide.
There was one thing left to do that Bumblebee knew he had to do . . . it was the only way to save himself and the mission.
"What's that sound?" asked Ratchet hearing the sound of clanking metal.

"I think he's attacking him!" gasped Sideswipe.

"Get 'im Bumblebee, Get 'im!" cheered Ironhide. "You can take him!

They then heard silence and soon heard Bumblebee say-

"Heh, heh I just had to get that out of my system."

All wondered what, but when they heard Skywarp say-

"Man . . . you're a good kisser."

They all knew.

None . . . no autobot had a solemn face. All laughed hysterically till their very own circuits hurt.

"Men, don't laugh. It's not . . . it's not fuhuny!" Even Optimus Prime couldn't help but laugh.

"See you around huney," smiled Bumblebee leaving Skywarp frozen stiff.

As soon as he left the room he let loose his gags he held in. He wiped his mouth so many times trying to halt himself from vomiting.

"BLEH!! That was disgusting!!" gagged Bumblebee.

"Way to take one for the team!!" laughed Ironhide.
"Oh great . . . they heard it," sighed Bumblebee. "You guys OWE ME!!"
"Did you get the disk?" asked Ironhide.
"Yea . . . right here," sighed Bumblebee hitting his breasts. "I'm just glad that wasn't Starscream. He'd probably want to stick his whole tongue in my mouth."

As he walked down around a corner Starscream jumped out just smiling at him. Apparently he had seen everything.

"How 'bout you give one of those to me," he smirked.

Bumblebee just gulped seeing he was doomed.

Bumblebee just wanted to leave and return to the autobots but it seemed that everyone wanted a good-bye kiss.

"Right here toots," smiled Rumble pointing to his lips.

Bumblebee grumbled low in his throat and leaned down just giving him a peck on the head.

"There, now scram!" said Bumblebee not in the mood to play around.

"Aww, I never get a full one!" complained Rumble crossing his arms and marching off.

Bumblebee then made his way to the base's exit when he ran into Thundercracker.

"Ah-uh, you ain't leaving without givin' a kiss sweetheart," he smiled pecking his lips outward and shutting off his optics for a moment.

Bumblebee was ticked. he was so aggravated he just wanted it all to stop. No more! he looked around for something, anything! to knock this deceptibum right on his keester.

There! He found his weapon of choice. There was a long flat plank right next to Thundercracker so he picked it up and smiled saying-

"You want a kiss Thundercracker? Here's your KISS!!"

WHAM! right across the face. Bumblebee knocked him down and out of the way. Bumblebee just stepped over him and went his way shaking his tailpipe to and for saying-

"Ha! This is one femme not to underestimate!"

Some last words to leave them with. Thundercracker eventually came back online saying-

"That was some kiss."

The autobots were all standing outside their base waiting for Bumblebee to return. There! they saw him come marching back in those dreaded high heels.

"Welcome back Bumblebee," smiled Optimus glad to see him safe and home.

Bumblebee said no word though. He took the disk out between his breasts and just threw it at Ironhide who was standing right by Optimus. It bounced off his chest and fell to the ground. They looked at the disk, but then turned to Bumblebee who began to rip all his femme things off. First the make up . . .

"Aww, After I worked so hard blending those shades," bowed Sunstreaker.

Then the pig-tails, then the tank-top and breasts, then the skirt, and then the heels.

"Um, Bumblebee," pointed Ironhide seeing he forgot the garner.

"Oh just shut up Ironhide! I am sick and tired of your stupid taunting! I have been pinched on the tailpipe every minute of the tail, goosed every hour of the day, whistled at none-stop, and I have been proposed to four times . . . well . . . three and a half Rumble doesn't exactly count. Now all I want is a nice relaxing oil bath I can soak in for hours, a femme massage, and a LOT of mouth wash!" cried Bumblebee fearless of anyone.

"But-" tried Ironhide to tell him.

"Just leave me alone!" shouted Bumblebee marching off towards the ark's entrance and then inside.

He passed Gears and Brawn who just starred at him sideways because of the garner he still had on.

"What are you looking at?!!" he shouted at them marching right by them.

"I think we kept him with the decepticons too long," said Optimus seeing his behavior.

"I think two weeks can do a lot to a little guy like him," agreed Ironhide.

Optimus held up the disk with the virus on it and all rejoiced their victory.

"We all couldn't have done this without Bumblebee," he smiled turning to him who sat next to him and greatly acknowledged him.

"Gee, thanks guys," He smiled crossing his legs like a femme, but caught himself and stopped. "But I tell you I will never . . . ever . . . ever . . . do this again! I won't be going on a mission for a very long time."

"Not even if it's for cybertron buddy?" chuckled Ironhide.

All just laughed a good hearty laugh and, for once, Bumblebee joined in and laughed with them. He needed it.

"So . . . somehow the autobots got our disk," pondered Megatron.

"I know, but no one listened to me about Bebe," sighed Shockwave.

"Will you just shut up! Bebe was not Bumblebee . . . perhaps a relative. They did resemble each other . . . strangely," thought Megatron.

"How do we get the disk back?" asked Starscream.

"Why don't we dress Soundwave up like a femme and have him infiltrate the autobots?" asked Shockwave in sarcasm.

"You idiot Shockwave!" said Megatron. "No one would ever fall for that! I mean it'd make no sense how she got here and she'd look just like Soundwave, but a femme. What do you expect the autobots to go gaga over one femme just because they haven't seen one in a while . . . and bring her into their base and show her the disk?! That plan would never work! What incompetent fool would fall for that?!"

Shockwave just placed his head in his hand and gave out a hard sigh . . . he was surrounded by idiots.

Hot Shot's girl: The End. I hope you guys liked and enjoyed it. I laughed my butt off writing it :) It was just a thought I had for a while and my sister finally convinced me to write it on fanfiction. Apparently you guys like it and so I'm glad. Every time I look at the picture I drew of him I just about burst up laughing . . . I can never look at him the same again because of this story lol:D