Sakura walked down the isle, a vision in white, smiling up the isle at Itachi. It was a small ceremony, the three Akatsuki members Sakura spent all of her time with, and Konan, Pien was the preacher, and Deidara was holding Suchi. She walked up and stopped by Itachi who smiled at her and took her hand as Pien began the ceremony.

"Dearly beloved—cough cough—we are gathered her today to join these two in matrimony. If there are any here who has a reason as to why these two should not be wed let them speak now or forever hold their peace." No one said anything so Pien continued. "Itachi, do you take Sakura Haruno to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer until death do you part?"

"I do."

"Sakura Haruno, do you Take Itachi Uchiha to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer until death do you part?"

"I do."

"May I now have the rings?" Sasori walked forward and handed one diamond ring, and one gold band to Pien. "Itachi take this ring, and repeat after me." Pien waited until Itachi had the ring, and Sakura's hand ready. "With this ring, I do thee wed."

Itachi looked straight into Sakura's eyes as he slid the ring on her finger. "With this ring, I do thee wed."

"Now Sakura, take this ring, and repeat the words, with this ring I do thee wed."

Sakura took the gold band from Pien and slid it onto Itachi's finger. "With this ring I do thee wed."

"By the power vested in me by the leader himself I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." Itachi pulled Sakura into his arms and bent her over backwards in a kiss. "I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Itachi Uchiha."

Itachi and Sakura walked back down the isle, and back into the room where the small reception was going to be held. Sakura took Suchi from Deidara and rocked her back and fourth as they talked and drank wine all night.

When everyone left or had gone to bed Sakura was putting Suchi to bed when Itachi came in and wrapped an arm around her waist. He pulled her against his chest and kissed her cheek. "She's beautiful, just like you," he whispered against her ear. Sakura smiled and turned around to face him. The moon was shining brightly through the window and it cast a sliver glow on the two. Sakura cupped Itachi's face in her hand and just looked at him. Itachi turned his head and kissed her palm before leading her to the bed. He spent the whole night worshiping her body, and thanking whoever was out there watching over him for his wife and baby girl.

Two years later . . .

Mommy, come on!" Suchi called pulling on Sakura's arm as they walked into the open field where they were supposed to be meeting Itachi for a picnic lunch.

"Calm down Suchi, I'm coming, daddy isn't here yet either." Sakura said trying to satisfy and calm the young girl down. Suchi looked back to complain at her mother some more when she saw Itachi sneak up behind Sakura. Itachi held up a finger and told Suchi to be quiet. She smiled and let go of Sakura's hand to chase a butterfly. Itachi came up behind Sakura and wrapped his arms around her waist, burring his head in her neck.

"Guess who." He whispered against her ear.

"Hmm, I don't know, why don't you give me a hint." Sakura taunted. Itachi smiled and spun Sakura around in his arms before kissing her. Even after two years all the passion and love they had for each other had not dimmed at all. Sakura smiled and took Itachi's hand as they walked up to the top of the hill, and laid the blanket down.

"Daddy! Mommy!" Suchi called. Sakura and Itachi both looked up and froze as Suchi ran into Sakura's arms.

"Sakura, it's been a while."

"Naruto . . ." Sakura said with a nod.

"Oh come on Sakura Chan, we're not here to cause trouble, we just saw you and wanted to say hi, we missed you." Naruto said with a smile.

"Yeah, forehead, you would think after nearly three years you'd trust us a little bit." Ino said calling Sakura by her childhood name.

"Shut it Ino-Pig." Sakura called, making Suchi laugh. Sakura looked at the baby girl in her arms and smiled.

"She's beautiful Sakura Chan." Naruto said walking up to her. "What's her name?" he asked.

"Suchi, she's almost two. Suchi, this is Naruto, and Ino." Sakura said. Suchi smiled at them and waved. Sakura set her down and let her run around chasing another butterfly again.

"Wow Sakura, that rock!" Ino said seeing the ring on Sakura's finger.

"Yeah well Itachi spoils me." Sakura said looking up at Itachi. "Itachi you know Naruto and Ino, right?"

"Yes, Naruto, Ino." Itachi said nodding once.

Naruto held out his hand, and Itachi looked at it for a moment before grabbing it. "Let's get something straight Uchiha, if you ever do anything to hurt Sakura or Suchi I will kill you."

"And let's make sure you understand something too." Itachi said still not letting go. "I would rather die than see either of my girls in i any /i pain."

Naruto smiled and nodded, satisfied with the answer. They left not long after that, and that night when Itachi and Sakura were getting ready for bed, Suchi walked in with her green blanket crying. "What's wrong baby?" Sakura asked walking over to the door.

"I had a bad dream." Suchi said crying some more. "Can I sleep with you and daddy?" she asked.

"Of course you can honey." Sakura said picking up the two year old girl. Sakura carried her over to the bed and let her snuggled against Itachi before she sandwiched her in.

Itachi wrapped his arms around both of his girls and watched them as they fell asleep. This is what he lived for. He had escaped hell, and found heaven, and he knew that every time he looked at the two girls.