Disclaimer: I do not own Life With Derek
A/N: Hey all. Please don't hate. I have such major writer's block on BB and WYBMJ that I now have a headache. That and I dont have my computer (I got one and now it's gone again) I'm beginning to think it's a sign.
Side note. I'm getting ready to have surgery by the end of the month. I'm a bit freaked out, so keep your fingers crossed for me :)
Ummm this came from a Life With Derek forum that I found. It's for GJ7B.X's challenge to write 30 oneshots. None of these are related to each in anyway, other then they're LWD. None of them will be rated higher then T.
Last thing, these are prolly gonna be real dumb. Just gives me something to look at while I try to get other chapters out. :)
Hope you like them!
Derek groaned and rolled over, burying his face into his pillow.
"Not again!"
Lifting his head to look at the clock, Derek groaned louder.
Awake at 9 am on a Saturday morning?
That was just cruel.
Derek dropped his face back into his pillow and covered his head with his blanket. Closing his eyes he willed for the noise to stop and for sleep to come. After several minutes of silence, Derek opened one eye and waited.
Sighing in relief, Derek grinned and closed his eyes again.
Derek jumped out of his bed, ripped open his door and stormed over to Casey's room. He opened the door and leveled the bed with a glare.
Casey rolled over; her eyes red and swollen and a box of tissues secured tightly under her arm.
"What?" she asked. Trying to sound annoyed, but it just came out raspy.
"Do you think you could sneeze just a little softer? Or better yet. STOP!"
Casey sat up as best she could, "Are you serious?! I'm sick you moron!"
Derek rolled his eyes and waved his hand around, "Details. I really don't care. All I care about is my sleep. Which I am not getting 'cause you can't be quiet."
Flopping back down on her bed with a huff, Casey crossed her arms, "Can't you see I'm miserable?"
"Well do you think you could be miserable in silence?"
Derek ducked as a box of tissues came flying by his head, "You insensitive jerk! For all you know, I could be dying!"
Derek raised an eyebrow, "Whatever Drama Queen."
"Drama Queen! I am not a-"
Derek closed the door and started towards the stairs, with Casey yelling after him as best she could.
Later that night Derek sat in his chair flipping through channels. Normally he did it just to bug Casey. But tonight she was still up in her room, and there really wasn't anything on to watch.
"Nothing good on?"
Derek looked over his shoulder to see Casey slowly coming on the stairs. Seeing her pale face made his jump out of his chair, "Hey, what are you doing out of bed?"
Casey frowned, "What does it matter to you?"
Derek half shrugged, "Well you look really pale"
Casey brushed her hair out of her face, "It's because I'm sick Derek."
"I just meant. You don't look like you should be up. That's all."
Casey started towards the kitchen, "Worried about me?"
Derek scoffed, "No. But if something happens to you, Dad and Nora will blame me when they get back."
Casey stopped at the dinning room table, "They're gone?"
"Left about two hours ago. Some dinner with some of dad's co-workers or something."
"Ahchoo! I see."
"Uh…I don't feel…so good" Casey's legs suddenly buckled. Derek jumped forward and grabbed her, kneeling on the ground with her in his arm, "Casey? Are you okay?"
Casey nodded slowly, "Just got really dizzy."
"Let's get you back to bed."
Lifting her in his arms, Derek carried her up the stairs and put her on her bed.
"Ahchoo! Ahchoo! Ahchoo!"
Derek stepped back a Casey fumbled for her box of tissues.
"God this is getting ridicules!"
Derek smirked and leaned against the door frame, "I think it's kind of funny."
"You would" Casey snapped then sneezed again.
"Just be glad I haven't gotten the video camera out yet."
Casey got under her covers and snuggled down, "Just you wait Venturi. What goes around, comes around."
"Ha! I don't get sick."
"Ahchoo! Not true. You got chicken pox."
"That's different."
Derek rolled his eyes, "It just is. Now get some sleep."
"Ahchoo! As if I could."
Derek stepped out into the hallway and closed the door, "Tell me about it."
Derek sighed.
It was going to be a long night.
Edwin and Lizzie looked up from the TV to stare at the stairs.
Nora laughed, "We've have had a case of the flu going on around here while you two were at camp."
Edwin looked over at Lizzie, "Good thing Marti's at Mom's. She would want to play doctor."
Casey came out of the kitchen, a tray in her hands, "Something I am most grateful for. It was bad enough when I just had my sprained ankle."
Everyone laughed and the two children went back to their show while Casey carried the tray upstairs.
Not bothering to knock, she pushed Derek's door open and walked over to his bed with a smirk, "I told you Derek"
Derek rolled over, glaring as best he could with swollen eyes, "Shut up Casey."
Casey smirked, "I actually think it's kind of funny."
Casey sat the tray in his lap then walked out and closed the door behind her.
A smirk still on her face.
A/N: Please Review