DISCLAIMER: Naruto, Sasuke, Sai, Sakura, Yamato belong to Masashi Kishimoto...

Insatiable lust

Part 1

Sasuke jumped from the cliff and put his arm around Naruto's shoulder.

'You have changed, Naruto. Has your chakra changed you? Where are your bruises, your scars? But your eyes – they are still the same, or am I wrong? Still, you must die or be mine today...' he thought.

„Didn't you want to become a Hokage, Naruto?"

„How can someone, who couldn't save one of his friends, can ever become Hokage, huh, Sasuke?"

„Then you will lose your life on my whim." Sasuke pulled his sword from it's resting place. His eyes looked closely into Naruto's, seeking any hints to moves Naruto could make.

„Naruto!" Sakura and Sai called out.

„Get away from him! Now!" Yamato added.

'Too late, jonin.' Sasuke laughed mentaly and a smirk appeared on his lips.

Kit, we got to strike him down. C'mon, he's gonna kill us. You don't want to die, I don't want to die. Let me out, just remove that seal. Let me take control, let me breathe, let me kill him. Kit."Kyuubi's voice pleaded.

Before Sasuke's sword touched Naruto, Sakura pulled him away from snake sanin's student.

Her eyes saying the same as her lips, „Don't you dare to hurt him again! And if you'll dot hat, I swear, you won't like what I'll do you." She hissed.

Sasuke looked very annoyed.

„Whatever." He said and pulled Naruto by his arm closer to him again.

„Now, where were we? Oh..." he said as he leaned over Naruto's face.

„Mmm... Naruto..." he whispered in Naruto's ear. „Usuratonkachi... You know... I missed you... your body... Remember how you moaned, screamed... begged... when I fucked you..."

Naruto blushed as those memories came back.

„You... raped me, you jerk!" Naruto hissed back and few teardrops ran over his whiskered cheeks.

„But don't say you didn't liked it... I know you did..." Sasuke purred and licked Naruto's ear.

Naruto shuddered.

Sakura's eyes widened in horror but Sai, on the other hand, opened his sketch book and started to draw something.

'Pervert' thought Yamato.

'Naruto... Sasuke-kun...What is gone into him?' Sakura wondered.

„Naruto... Naruto..." Sasuke whispered and nibbed his ear. „I... I want you... here...and now... God... I want to taste you... to feel you... to hear you..."

Naruto's eyes widened and more tears ran down his cheeks.

„What makes you think... that you'll get such a chance?" Naruto said with tears streaming down his face.

Sasuke pulled away from Naruto's ear and answered with a devilish look in his eyes.

„You won't have any other choice."

After he said that, Sasuke licked Naruto's lips. They tasted bit salty, probably from the tears that kept running down.

Done enjoying their taste, Sasuke pushed his friend away and grabbed Sakura's arm and pulled her in front of him as a prisoner.

Naruto's eyes narrowed when he saw Sasuke raised his chidori against Sakura's chest.

„So... Dobe you were saying? Now, while I got your attention, I'll say this once. I will let her go unharmed if you'll..." Sasuke started to smirk, „let me... have sex with you."

„WHAT!?!?!" Naruto, Sakura and Yamato shouted in unison.

„You sick?! Me. have... with you?!"

„Naruto, if you don't want to, don't. But something tells me, Sakura won't be as whole and beautiful as she is now..."

'Did-did he say – I'm beautiful?' inner Sakura cried tears of joy. 'Waaait! He's gonna kill me... and he wants... Naruto...What in the hell has Orochimaru done to him?!'

Sakura tried to break free from Sasuke's grip but Sasuke just used his (snake hand) jutsu that tied her up entirely.

Naruto froze immediately.

„Kyuub? What should I do?"

Kill him, of course."

„But he's gonna kill Sakura even if I step forward... What should I do?! I don't want him killing Sakura and more importantly – I don't want to be raped by him again..."

Choose one that will hurt less."

„Which one??"

Naruto's knees were shaking while he thought.

„Naruto, don't!" Sakura shouted as she imagined what could happen if he'd agree.

Naruto took a deep breath and lowered his head.

„Ok... let her go..." He muttered under his chin.

„Naruto, what did you say there? I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you." Sasuke's eyes sparkled – he understood that victory was his.

„I said – let her go, you bastard!"

„No... Naruto..." Sakura gasped.

„Just as I thought." Sasuke muttered.

„Sakura, you should be proud – Naruto came through for you..." he whispered in her ear.

'Naruto... why?...' inner Sakura asked.

She could see that Naruto was crying and tears soon filled the corners of her eyes too.

Sai and Yamato were both shocked just like Sakura.

„Naruto, don't! Don't do that!!" She shouted with tears streaming down from her nephrite green eyes.

„Gomenai... Gomenai, Sakura-chan..." Naruto muttered through all the sobs. „I can't... I can't let him hurt you..."

'Because I love you, Sakura-chan..." Naruto continued in his thoughts. „And I know that you still love Sasuke, no matter what happens... Because I don't want him to kill you... I'd better give myself to this jerk than see you dead... Gomenai, Sakura...'

In a blink of an eye Sasuke threw Sakura against the cliff and grabbed Naruto.

„Glad you said that – that you came to that all by yourself... Shall we?" Sasuke was more than pleased.

„Where? Here?!"

„No, dobe. Somewhere else..." Sasuke leaned over Naruto again. „You know, if you be a good boy, I will even

let you suck me a bit..."

Naruto felt nauseous after hearing Sasuke's words. A mental picture in Naruto's mind of just seeing Sasuke's cock made him almost barf. He didn't even want to think about putting that thing in his mouth.

„What's wrong, dobe?" Sasuke smirked.

Naruto closed his eyes for a second to stop tears from falling even more and when he opened them again, he was standing in a middle of a forest.Alone with Sasuke.

'Oh no... not here...' he thought.

„Well, what are you waiting for, usuratonkachi? Start stripping." Sasuke ordered and pulled his own shirt off.

„Or I'll do it for you."

Only a whimper was heard from Naruto.

„And, please, do it facing me. I don't want you trying something stupid."

„Like what?" Naruto tried to linger the part where he was supposed to strip.

Sasuke narrowed his eyes, „Naruto, you have 10 seconds to start stripping or I'll rip your clothes apart in less that time. Now, please?"

Naruto felt intimidated and unzipped his jacket. He saw the dark glow that his friend's eyes irradiated.

'Dammit! He's horny... How can I pull off my jutsus, if he's watching me like a hawk?'

He dropped his orange'n'black jacket nearby on the forest's soft ground.

„3 seconds left, dobe..." Sasuke purred and took few steps closer to Naruto.

Without long thinking, he pulled off his black T-shirt, exposing nicely tanned and well built chest.

„Oh.my.god..." Sasuke mentally drooled. „Ok. Stop there." He said to his little pray.

Naruto looked up to Sasuke – he had almost unzipped his pants.

'Thank god... Wait! Why did he told me to stop??'

„Oh, I almost forgot – take off your sandals, too."

Naruto raised an eyebrow.

„It will be more comfortable that way." Sasuke explained and moved closer to Naruto.

'That body... must not be used by something as stupid as women, specially Sakura... They just won't know what to do with it. Look at that tan, those muscles, that chest, neck... and his lips... So full and juicy, you could suck them all night long...' Sasuke's imagination always made him go wild. 'I could fuck him from behind and then from front... but before that I could enjoy myself touching every single inch of his body, then lick it and then fuck him... mmm... sounds good... Tied up on the ground or tied to something? ... Better tied to something... Just to be sure that he won't get away so easily...'

With an evil look on his face he stood right in front of Naruto.

Done with his sandals, Naruto looked up just to find Sasuke standing right in front of him, his arms crossed over his bare chest, smirking very evil smirk.

Sasuke took Naruto's chin and lifted him up.

Naruto's eyes were like an eyes of an animal who has fallen into devious trap set by a haunted – looking to one, soon to the other side, looking for an escape.

'Naruto... he always make things more... interesting, challenging... not to mention – exciting... Now, now, Sasuke... don't scared him to death now – he may run away and you'll be here all alone with your perverted fantasies and most importantly – you won't get any...'

„Naruto..." Sasuke said in a low voice. „What have you been doing all these 3 years in my absence?"

Naruto was confused, not to say more.

'In a time like this?! What is he thinking about?! Is this just to distracts me, to make an opening? Well, he isn't getting one...'

„Well, Naruto? " Sasuke's grin became darker.

„Why do you want to know?"

„I'm curious."

„Yeah, right. I ain't a complete baka, you're playing some weird game right now, Sasuke-kun." Naruto snapped.

„I change my mind. I better fuck you that learn what you've been doing without me." with that he threw Naruto against a tree – he smacked through it and it one behind it with a loud bang.

Sasuke moved towards his friend with lightning speed. And before Naruto even opened his eyes, Sasuke had already tied him to the tree. He was on his knees, facing the tree and his arms were tied around the three so firmly that he couldn't even move his fingers to perform any jutsu.

'Dammit! Dammit, Dammit! I got to break free!' he cursed while trying to tear apart the staring that held him in a positions that he wasn't enjoying. 'Hell knows what has he planned to do next... and the 'how' part is what I really would want to avoid...'

„Dammit, Sasuke! Let me go!" he shouted.

„Why? You promised me yourself, didn't you?" Sasuke replied calmly and ran his fingers through Naruto's golden hair.

Naruto was motionless by these words.

'That's right, don't try to fight much...'

Sasuke pressed his body against Naruto's and started to suck his neck.

The blond shinobi felt a wave of disgust coming over him as his friend's cool lips touched his body.

'Stop it! Stop! Don't do that!' inner Naruto screamed. Couple of teardrops fell from his ocean blue eyes.

His sobs were trembling as Sasuke started biting his neck and back, raven haired shinobi's arms wrapping around his torsos, moving up and down.

Sasuke sure was enjoying Naruto's body and his fears – he started to lick the back of Naruto's neck and shoulders meanwhile unzipping boy's pants.

'No, no, no! Stop it! Don't touch me!'

„Sasuke..." Naruto tried to shouts at him but it sounded more like a whine, a plead which only encouraged Sasuke to strip his faster.

„It seems to me... Naruto... that you want me to fuck you..." he said between licking and sucking boy's skin.

„No... Why should I want you to ravish me, jerk?" Naruto said.

„Well, it sounded like you would... real badly... Like you need me to do it..." Sasuke purred in his pray's ear.

Naruto noticed a sudden breeze of air on his legs, he looked down only to find his pants taken off until his knees. In shock he turned his head and looked over his shoulder.

'He... really... will rape me...if this continues... I... have to get away... as far as possible... but this stupid staring... he tied me too tightly... Dammit!'

„Kyuub! Hey Kyuubi! Please... I – I don't want... to go through that again..."

„What did I tell you? You should have killed him before he even thought of this in the first place..."

„I-I can't use my chakra..." Naruto mumbled almost panicking.

„Of course, you baka..." Sasuke gasped. „I have... restrained... your chakra..."

He pulled Naruto's hair, pulled his head backwards and kissed him.

Naruto could even taste raven hair's laughter in his mouth.

He moaned as Sasuke's tongue wrapped around his and squeezed it. Sasuke didn't pull away – just on the contrary – he deepened the kiss even more and repeated his actions just to hear blond shinobi moan.

'C'mon... moan already... Dammit! I can't wait for him to plead... Yeesss...'

Sasuke mentally smirked when Naruto moaned loudly. He opened his onyx eyes to see other boy crying again.

'You really make things interesting, Naruto... And to make it more enjoyable...'

Naruto felt an arm move around his knees. His pants were slipping down even more and with a quick push (maybe some chakra, too) they were pulled below his knees.

Everything else was just a matter of time.

With one of his arms still holding Naruto's head and with other holding on to boy's shoulder, Sasuke kicked off Naruto's pants until his ankles.

Blond boy felt other's groin rubbing against his ass.

„Sasuke!!" Naruto shouted. „Stop... stop... don't..." he asked, feeling Sasuke's hand trying to get under his boxers.

'Sorry, Naruto... not today and definitely not now...'

„No." Sasuke replied coldly and pushed his fingers under Naruto's underwear.

A/N: (my brain is totally caput... dead... toast... x.x )

I know... I have told that I'll upload the second part of this fic soon but it was october then...0.o...

well... I hope you liked the first part of this perverted story...

review if you want, it's not an obligation on this page... but it is on my deviantart account XD