I decided to redue this chapter mainly because Abby wouldn't give in. I have my theories about the show and they may not be yours but this is the real version of chapter four, all reviews are welcome, I know this is also early but I need to keep my mind off the holdiay with my boyfriend being in a different state and I won't see him till May.

When Gibbs finally left after a few minutes of silent glares Abby noticed a card on the floor and picked it up. She glanced at it and saw it was a poem. She knew straight off Tim's somewhat messy scrawl and crumpled the note.

Ziva walked over and caught the ball as Abby tossed it away and looked at it.

"What a sweet poem, Abby, it's valentines day, I mean I still don't get it but it's about love?" she asked and the Goth glared at her.

"Let me see" Tony snatched the wrinkled card and smirked.

"Beauty is never astray, if only you could hear" he recited and Abby snatched it.

"Ow, god Abs give the probester a break, if he's back to writing cheesy love poems its got to be serious" Tony said and sucked on his finger that now dribbled blood.

"Yeah, now you see why I want to get rid of it" she muttered and Ziva glanced at her after blwing on Tony's finger.

"Why would you want to rid it, I thought you and McGee were very close?" she asked and Abby shook her head.

"We are, but Tim's going back and I can't do that again" she muttered and Ziva raised a brow.

"I know I wasn't here when you first met but you two seem like a great couple" she commented and Abby glared at her again.

"You're right David, you weren't here, you weren't my best friend who I told everything to, you're her replacement so just back off" Abby yelled and Ziva did back away.

"Abby" Tony scolded and Abby turned away from him, ignoring his hurt look and stomped to Ducky's desk and sat with a huff.

"I'm borrowing your notepad Ducky, thanks" she said inviting herself in his stuff and started to write and no one tried to stop her. Ducky went to dealing with his bodies with Jimmy and Ziva followed while Tony just stared at Abby.

Abby felt his eyes but just continued to write till a few minutes later had a full letter and turned to look into disappointed eyes.

"Tony don't start with me, you know damn well what's going on, Ziva will never be Kate and I can never accept that" she said and Tony nodded keeping his stare and Abby moved around uncomfortably a few seconds before storming off.

"I thought we were good in the girl talk business yes?" Ziva asked grasping Tony's hand who shrugged but remained silent, staring at the door as the Goth disappeared.

"Boss, would you stop staring at me already, I just need a few days to clear my head, I'll stay here" Tim was pleading as he sorted the mess Tony left on his desk, the box gone.

"He's staring because you're being an idiot Tim" Abby said cooly and Tim looked up.


"Stop, before I have to do what I did to Mikel, Tim we could go on being friends for ten years and I still may never be ready, or tomorrow my choice could change, but it has to be me"

"Fine" Tim replied with a huff and Abby stomped her foot impatiently.

"Stop, just please stop making this four years ago, Kate's not here to give me my pep talk and I can't take this stress, valentines day is a great holiday but why can't we just remain friends?" she pleaded and Tim nodded.

Abby gave up, threw her hands in the air and stormed off to her lab crumpling a letter as she walked and finally smacked him in the head with it.

"What did I do wrong?" McGee asked when he looked down at his desk and suddenly felt another slap on his head.

"That's for trying to break rule 12, Tim, Abby is not like Ziva who probably never felt comfort, she is full of love but is afraid of it, she fears death and so grips us to convince herself were still there for her, she was in therapy when she was three for losing it in nursery school when a girl played a joke by hiding when she turned away" Gibbs said softly and Tim gave a blank stare and he sighed.

"That was why she hid Mikel from me and the real reason I didn't shoot him or you, she wanted to see and feel him to make her feel better but she overjudged her fears, Abby hates pressure but loves accomplishment, she loves you Tim with all her heart, why can't you just accept that she wants you close but with no strings attached" Gibbs said the last three words slowly and Tim nodded.

"I get it boss, I guess you really do know your team" he said impressed and Gibbs smacked him but a little lighter and Tim smiled.

He got up to go to the lab and Gibbs pushed him down.

"Not yet, my gut says Abby pissed off Ziva, she said Kate was gone" Gibbs said and Tim nodded.

Gibbs was right as usual and for the past three minutes Ziva walked in the lab and stared at the unhappy Goth.

"Would you quit with your crazy death stares their not working" Abby finally said getting annoyed as she typed on her computer, they had no cases so she was just typing.

"I will if you quit typing, especially since we had no leads on any of our cold cases Abby" Ziva said somewhat icy and Abby stopped.

"Fine, Ziva I didn't mean to, I mean, I just" Abby fought with the words and the israelli smiled.

"You are apologizing correct?" she asked in her normal voice and Abby nodded and then turned on her.

"Yeah sure, but how could you go against me, why would you just let Tony get you pregnant?" she asked and Ziva shrugged.

"Maybe I'm just not afraid or maybe I am, I will not lose Tony, he is my partner and I'm sorry about Kate but I am now his partner and he's no longer the skirt chaser I saw two years back" she said and Abby nodded understanding.

"Well now he's stuck with you forever, I don't think you have to worry about his old flame, she'll move on and you'll all be fine" Abby said and without warning hugged the woman and Ziva blushed but patter Abby back.

"So Gibbs was right? Glad to see everything's smooth here now and don't worry I'm not leaving at least not forever, I still have to get Sarah situated" Tim said lightly and felt a hand clasp on his shoulder.

"Well of course probie san, we wouldn't want some wacko cheerleader who won't even know her to give her drugs" Tony teased and Tim elbowed him.

"Funny DiNozzo, I hope you're ready papa, now you'll have to be responsible, how in the world will you manage?" Tim teased back and the tension was somewhat lifted and Tim glanced at Abby and Tony grabbed the hint and left with Ziva.

"Abs, I'm sorry" "Tim I'm sorry" Both apologies came at once and both laughed.

"Gee De Ja Vu much" Tim teased and Abby gave a small smile.

"Abs, I love you, hell I'm crazy about you but Gibbs told me everything and you don't need to be afraid I get it, I won't push it any further just sit back for the ride I promise" he said and Abby hugged him.

"I shouldn't yell at you, I can never hate you Tim that is the truth, I will get through this I know it I love you so much Tim, Happy Valentines day" she whispered and Tim hugged back.

"Happy Valentines day my little valentine" he said and they shared a kiss.

The two had no idea but they would someday be together forever all because of baby DiNozzo the end (for real)