Goodness…this day isn't even half way over yet

Goodness…this day isn't even half way over yet. My mind can be found nowhere -especially after that display in the locker room. "Sasuke…" "Saaaasuke…" I jump at a hand being slammed under me. "Sasuke-kun, PAY ATTENTION! I know math is boring, but it's still your duty to pay attention!" I nod absent-mindedly and go back to my daydreams.

I had called Naruto merely Naruto. There was no formalities involved, no worries about the right term at the right time… I think I might just keep calling him that from now on. I furtively look to my right (seeing as I'm next to the window) and see Naruto –also gazing absent-mindedly out the window ahead of mine. "Where are your heads today, you two? Honestly?" Kurenai-sensei presses.

"Sorry…we had…a bit of a bad start to our day, sensei. Please forgive us."

"Well, leave it outside the classroom for God's sake!" We still can't help but have our minds wander to that glorious moment a half an hour ago. Yet, he still respected my wishes. He called me 'Senpai'. I allow myself to drown in the cherished memory of his voice enveloping me in a feeling I've never quite known as a bird obscures the view of the now graying sky.


"Hey, Senpai! Senpai, wait up!" I merely shove my hands into my pockets as I wait for Naruto to catch up. "Hey! What's on the menu for lunch?" I sigh.

"Don't you read the lunch menu, Naruto? Besides, it's the same crap they've fed us since the pre-embryonic stages of life."

"They feed us goop from our mom?" I chuckle.

"No, Naruto. I said that to merely emphasize the point that they give us the same thing every God-damned day." His face reads understanding as we continue to walk to the lunchroom. "What do we have next? Study Hall with Anko, right?"

"It's the same schedule they gave us at the beginning of high school." His tone is incredibly mocking. "I was merely trying to emphasize the point that we have the same schedule nearly every Monday."

"You'd better watch yourself, Naruto, or I'll go back to calling you 'dobe' so fast, your head aerials will spin." He pouts and I pinch his cheek only to move his head lightly from side to side. "Aw, don't pout, Naru-chan. You know…I hate it when you pout." I purr to inform him. I let his cheek go (it left a satisfying red mark) and continue to the busy lunchroom. I probably left him blushing and in a dazed shock.


I rub my knuckles lightly after rapping on the door to apartment twenty-three. It opens to a half naked Naruto with a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and the foam surrounding his lips. "Hey, are you up for going anywhere?" He says, "Yeah, why?" through the toothbrush. "Get dressed warmly. I'll get you in fifteen minutes." I smirk and shake my head before turning to walk to my own apartment next door. I hear a muffled, "What?" that's still obscured by the toothbrush as I enter the hallway of my apartment.

Now…I need to find the perfect outfit. My legs carry me to the closet where I sift through clothes upon clothes upon clothes. I finally decided on a thin jacket under a dark beige blazer. My shirt is dark blue with a skeleton geisha that is a little snug on me, showing off my muscles and thin frame a bit. I choose a pair of worn-in jeans my dark blue, thin Pumas. I quickly shove my wallet into my back pocket and stride slowly to Naruto's door. I decide to let myself in –hey, we're practically lovers now! - and make my way to his bedroom. He's sliding on a pea coat with the back of the collar popped. His jeans are worn in, not unlike my own.

"Are you ready, Naruto?" My voice startles him a bit, but he smiles warmly when he sees me doing the same. "Yeah, senpai." I give a small shake of the head.

"It's just 'Sasuke'." The expression on his face warms me inside. It's a mixture of pleasant shock and slight happiness. "Come on." He trails behind me until we get outside, then he holds my hand. The Final Fantasy victory fanfare goes off and I answer my phone. "Yes?" I hang up when the line clicks dead after some words. "We've gotta go. The boss needs us." Naruto nods once and I hail a taxi.


"Please, sit." Naruto and I do as commanded of the white-haired boss. "Now…I've heard some…things."

"Things, sir?"

"Yes, things. I want you to confirm or deny these accusations. I heard that you two had an experimental escapade in the locker rooms earlier today." How in the fuck did HE find out? I mean, yeah, he infiltrated the school to keep an eye on us, but…not THIS close! "Can I judge by your silence that that means it's true?" Naruto nods sheepishly and I follow suit. "Well…we'll have to take invasive, decisive action. You two know that if you are as close to me as you are, then you are not allowed to fraternize in such ways." He sighs. "I might just have you two do the 'Yubitsume' ritual as an apology." My eyes widen. WHAT?! My little finger… I unconsciously look down at my left pinky. He leans forward and folds his hands together. "I'll let it slide this time, but, rest assured, if you do it again, then there's bound to be consequences. You are dismissed."

Naruto and I leave the room once given permission and walk out. We are silent the whole way back home. Naruto tries to go into his own apartment, but I pull him by the wrist to my own. "We need to talk about this." I finally state when we get inside. "There's a good chance that there are cameras in our houses, so be careful as to not say too much." We sit on the couch and I pull him close to me. "Naruto, what do we do? I honestly don't know what we do about this."

"We'll come up with something eventually. Don't worry, senp- Sasuke."


The alarm upstairs goes off, waking me up. Naruto clutches to me tighter as I try to get up and break my clock. "Naruto, get off! We need to get ready for school!" He moans and rolls over –a bad move on his part because he fell off of the couch. I dash up the stairs and turn off my alarm clock. My legs drag me to the bathroom to get ready for another boring day of school.


"Naruto, I've figured it out. We need to go some place else, though. We're going on vacation." His eyes light up.

"Really? When? Who's going? Wait…why?" I sigh.

"Naruto, honestly. Yes, really. This Spring break. Just us two." My back hits the warm concrete and my lips are occupied by Naruto's. He pulls away with a warm smile. "Thank you, Sasuke." His voice is sweet –almost sickly, but I really like it that way.

"You're welcome, Naruto."

"AHHH!! CHOU KAWAII!! SASUKE-KUN FANGIRLS UNITE!!" I feel my eye give a light twitch and Naruto quickly helps me to my feet, helping me to run away.

Here we are: stuck in the closet…again. This time I'm not afraid. My lips collide with his as my fingers fumble with the lock until the tumbler gives that satisfying click. "I hope you don't mind, Naruto. This is the only place we can get some privacy." He nods albeit scared. My hand gently caresses his back with the other occupying his inner thigh. "You wanna do this?" My voice is a bit harsh, but a little caring at the same time. He nods without hesitation and I continue with a lip-bruising kiss just as so. Things get heated when the doorknob begins to jiggle. We assume the 'help! -fan-girls' position as the janitor opens the door.

"Still 'idin', eh?" We nod and the man smiles. "There's no one in the halls. It's safe." We emerge to find a rather empty hall. He walks into the closet and locks the door. "I really gotta find out that guy's name and why he does that." I say still looking at the door.


"… 'inkng we could go to the local ramen shop later. You know…get to know each other a bit more." I peak around a line of lockers to see Kiba with his arm on the lockers behind Naruto and playing with the zipper of his hoodie. Naruto smiles softly, probably not reading the hints at all.

"That would be nice, Inuzuka-kun."

"Call me Kiba-kun." Naruto nods once and smiles. Kiba then leans in with his fingers holding his chin and plants a passionate kiss on him. Naruto hesitates after squirming a bit (my heart lifts at this). "Wh-What about Sasuke?"

"Weren't you just saying you couldn't see each other like that anymore?" Naruto nods timidly. "Well, there you go." Kiba kisses him again, but this time Naruto returns it with as much passion. Hot, stinging water builds up, but I try to suppress them through a kick to the locker without thinking of the pain it would bring later causing me to grunt. I quickly limp out of the room –I probably attracted their attention. In fact, I'm certain I did.

Stupid dobe. I knew he'd be nothing more than troublesome. I continue to limp to English with Kakashi-sensei.


"Sasuke…Sasuke, please listen to me!" The blonde's pleas merely remind me of the pain in my left foot, which feels like my proverbial image of hopping with one foot on glass bits; half of which are on fire, melting, and sticking to my foot. I'm on a mission to walk out the English room door. I grunt in pain as I fall to my knees. "Sasuke!"

"Sasuke, what happened?" I see Kakashi's handsome face above me as he picks me up. "I'm taking you to the nurse's."


I open my eyes after quite a long; much needed nap to see my own home. After further inspection, I see Kakashi-sensei sitting at my kitchen table reading through the reflection in the window. My leg itches, but my nails scrape against what I hope is not my leg. I lift the covers to see a dark blue cast that comes up to the middle of my shin. "Sasuke-kun, are you awake?" I look back to the window. How the hell did he know that?

"Y-Yeah, Kakashi-sensei."

"Come down here. I made you some breakfast." Who knew getting out of bed with a cast could be so bloody difficult?!

"I…uh…can't." He sighs and makes his way to the loft where I'm laying. The loft really isn't much –It's an INCREDIBLY small space with room only for my bed (which is level with the walking space around it), a small area to stand in front of my closets on either side, and my closets. The rest is opened to the rest of the house, which is how I saw Kakashi-sensei. He appears in front of me and picks me up bridal style and carries me downstairs. "H-Hey! Put me down! I can walk!" He smirks and chuckles.

"Of course you can…but this is more fun." I wrap my arms around his neck and roll my eyes.

"Tch, whatever." He seats me on one of my few chairs and, sure enough, there's a full breakfast ready for me. "What about school? Aren't you supposed to be there?" He shrugs.

"I called in saying that I was going to help you with your first day in a cast. You shattered your ankle fairly well, you know. How did you manage to do that?" Naruto… I unconsciously pout and emerge myself in my breakfast. "Sasuke-kun…" Only after he says my name again with a little more authority do I look. His eyes are stern.

"You know about Naruto and I, right?"

"Yes, and I'm impressed by your grammar."

"Whatever. After P.E. when I was about to leave, I realized that I had forgotten my paper for your class. Naruto had it on his backpack, but Kiba was flirting with him. So…I watched them a bit and then Kiba kissed him." My voice cracks a bit while trying to hold back from crying. "At first Naruto hesitated, but then he kissed him back." Several tears slip past and onto the table under me. "So…I kicked the lockers and limped to your classroom." Kakashi scoots closer to comfort me.

"Sasuke-kun…it's okay. Go ahead and cry. I won't tell anyone." I collapse to his chest and let it all out albeit reluctantly. Somehow I end up on his lap with his strong arms wrapped around me letting me know that he's there for me; That it's okay to cry (at least for right now, anyways). Look at you, Sasuke: You're a babbling brook on your teacher's lap. You're a pussy. No, Kakashi-sensei's here for me. He promised he wouldn't tell. God, my head is pounding! He's so gorgeous! Kiss him already, Sasuke! He's my teacher! I can't! God, you two are so retarded! I can't believe I'm arguing with myself over kissing my teacher. Yeah, Sasuke. Make up for your babbling and kiss him already.

"S-Sensei?" I clear my throat and he wipes my cheeks and under my eyes. I'm gonna do it… My stomach is on fire with butterflies flying in it as I slowly reach up and Kakashi (much to my surprise and delight) moves down slowly and meets me in a soft kiss. I shyly wrap my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss.


There is pounding on the door as I change the track. "I'll get it." I state lazily. I grab my crutches and hobble to the door and open it. "What do you want?"

"Sasuke, I-"

"That's 'senpai' to you."

"S-Senpai…can I please talk to you?" I sigh and let him in. As he comes in view of the kitchen, he asks, "What's Kakashi-sensei doing here?"

"Taking care of me. What did you want to talk about?"

"Can we talk in private?"


"It's okay, Sasuke-kun. I need to get dinner ingredients anyways. Don't have too much fun." The adult winks as he puts on his jackets and exits the house. I sigh and hobble to the fridge to get a Calpico. "Senpai, we need to talk about the whole 'Kiba' thing."

"Yes, you've already established this. You stall any longer and I'll throw you out. You're wasting my time." He blushes a bit.

"I-I'm sorry that I did that."

"Well, you did seem concerned. That is…until you started sucking each other's goddamned faces off. I can't believe you'd do that, Naruto-san. I planned our whole spring break. I told you I'd figure out a plan so we could be together, didn't I? Why did you just…throw me away like that?"

"We weren't even together, senpai."

"So? Now, if we're done here, I'd like to take a short shower before Kakashi-san returns." I stand to make my way to the shower. I step into the warm water and merely stand with my eyes closed, taking in the silence. I don't need anyone anymore. Loving Naruto was proof that I'm getting weak. No, Sasuke. It's proof that you're human. Yeah, whatever. I'm weak. I can't even take a kick to the locker anymore. I've kicked much worse. Why? Why can't I stand the sight of him anymore, but I can't even stand when he's gone? I lean against the cool wall the showerhead's on and let the water cover me for several minutes.

I dry myself and wrap my lower half in a towel before going out into the rest of the house. "Finally you're out. You were in there for about twenty minutes after I got back!"

"Hey, Kakashi-san." I sigh. "Excuse my attire. Or…lack thereof." He smiles.

"I don't mind. Honestly." He has what seems to be a fake smile. I give another sigh and run my fingers through my flat hair. "What's on your mind, Sasuke-kun?" Water drops hit the wood floor as I shake my head. "You don't have to lie to me, Sasuke-kun." He purrs while putting his face near mine. Heat rises to my cheeks as I tighten my eyes shut and sigh in annoyance. "Look at me." I don't budge. "Sasuke-kun, look at me." His forceful tone sends shivers up my spine. Quick! Do as he says! Do as he says! My eyes meet Kakashi's almost black eyes.

"Good. Now…I want you to tell me what happened between you and Naruto-kun while I was gone."

"Nothing. Some words were tossed around and then I took a shower."

"What words?"

"Nothing totally special."

"So? I still want to know."

"I grabbed a Calpico and he apologized. I said that he seemed concerned up until he started sucking Kiba's face off. And I told him how I planned our whole Spring break to get away…just the two of us. Then I went to take a shower."

"Well, maybe Naruto-kun can't see a way around this. Or…he's just not trying."

"Hn, whatever. I don't care anymore."

"Oh, I think you do, Sasuke-kun. I'm going to prove to you just how much." He passionately and roughly kisses me. My eyes go wide at his sudden action, but I move with my lips in perfect sync with his. He picks me up by my legs to wrap them around his waist and carries me up the stairs. When he gets to the top, he throws me down to my bed. "W-wait, Kakashi-san, I-"

"No, you're not getting out of this." My throat emits a low growl as he sheds his jacket and climbs on top of me. "My, my…feisty, are we?" He says with a mocking tone.

"Shut up, godammit."

"What? Are you worried someone might hear us? The only one they're going to be hearing…" He begins to take off my shirt before continuing with, "is you." One side of my nose wrinkles up in what could be disgust and pride, which causes him to laugh. "You're never going to forget this. And when I'm done…you'll be thanking me."

"Right. You really think that?"

"Oh, you'll see." He silences me by giving me a lip-bruising kiss. As he does so, he begins to work off my pants. I pull his shirt to his underarms, but growl lightly when he does not permit it to go any farther. It's as if he doesn't want to get naked until I get all the way there. To confirm this, he leaves bites and kisses down my neck and to my chest. I shiver as he pulls on my happy trail a little and continues until he pulls down my boxers. "Kaka-AH!" His tongue runs along the underside of me and to the tip where he proceeds to lick the slit there.

I gasp sharply as he takes the whole of my cock into his mouth. "Kakashi!" I arch my back as he slowly moves up and down. "F-Faster!" I command, but he doesn't oblige. Guess I'll have to compensate. My hips buck into his mouth, practically gagging the teacher, but I don't care; I just want to be properly sucked off. Much to my distress, he holds my hips so they can't choke him anymore. Then he sends me reeling by humming while bobbing his head. The vibrations paired with the head motions cloud my vision and mind, so I yell out, "AH! NARUTO! FASTER! AAAH!" I throw my head back in pure ecstasy; there's nothing in the world that could compare to Naruto fucking me.

Hahaha! It's not Naruto, you dobe. It's Kakashi! No, I refuse to believe that. Only Naruto could be this good. With the delusion that Kakashi is Naruto still firmly implanted in my head, I continue to yell as he does more tricks to get me there faster. "N-Naruto, I'm about to cu-GAH!" I explode in the blonde's mouth and lay limply on my back because I can't do much more than that. Two fingers get stuck in my mouth and I look at a silver haired man (my heart sinks a bit) who's looking expectantly at me. "SUCK!" He commands; I oblige. I wrap my tongue around them this way and that to get them as wet as I can.

Without warning, he pulls them out and makes me bend my legs. One of his wet fingers with my saliva on it wriggles its way into my asshole, causing me to hiss a bit. The contact feels uncomfortable, causing me to squirm a bit. "Stay still, Sasuke-kun." he halfway purrs. "This might hurt a bit." He says in the same tone. With that warning, he shoves the second finger into the same hole –THE SAME ONE! He reaches quite far and brushes that bundle of nerves that makes me moan out quite loudly. They begin to make a scissoring motion, which makes me scream out. "There we go."

After what seems like forever, he pulls them out and pulls a bottle out of his pocket, tossing it to the bed. I whimper at the pain I'm feeling in my ass, but I cry out when something much larger enters. I could tell Kakashi was only going slow for me.

Naruto…where are you when I need you?