Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to J. K. Rowling. Semika sent me this idea and asked me to write it. Some OC's will be my own, some might be Semika's. This story is a complete AU. I DO NOT own Harry Potter. I hope this is what I need to say to keep out of trouble. :)

Chapter 1: The Ritual

A tall figure stepped out of the shadows. He moved without sound and at great speed. He could feel the power radiating from the young boy. 'Stupid wizards wasting such power!' The mysterious man looked down at the small baby; laying in a basket on a doorstep.

'You deserve better than this!' His eyes flashed with anger. "Come young one I will give you what you deserve." With that he was gone; no sign of him, wizards or Harry Potter left on Pivet Drive.

The powerful man stormed through a great castle, his power and authority unmistakable. Cradling his precious bundle against his strong chest, servants scurried out of the way.

He descended the ancient staircases that led to the most sacred rooms in the kingdom. Once there he set Harry in a small basin in the center of the room. It was a large round room, there was an opening that led to the top of the tallest tower above the basin. A sliver of moonlight already made its way into the room. The walls, floor and ceiling were lined with the sacred symbols of his race. Pulling his dagger out of its sheath on his belt he cut runes into each palm. Placing his hands on the ledge of the basin, on either side of the sleeping babe, he began reciting,

Child forgotten come to me

Take what I offer

Child Forgotten come with me

Have what I give

Child Forgotten

Take my name and my blood.

Become my blood.

Become my child.

Willingly be my child.

Great spirits of old.

Both of blood and of magic.

Hear my plea.

Give this child to me.

If he so wishes.

Make him my son.

Great Spirits of old.

Child Forgotten.

Hear my plea.

When he finished the full moon filled the room with light. The sacred symbols shown silver in the light. A few silent seconds that seemed like hours to the mysterious man brought his heart to lightning speed.

The blood that was slowly running from his hands began to run in the channels carved there. With a surge of power he was brought to his knees clutching desperately to the basin for support. Blood gushed from his hands, running in the channels spread throughout the room. The blood traveled up the walls and across the ceiling. It made it's way slowly until it made a complete circle around the moonlights door. With a flash of lightning across the moon and a clap of thunder that reverberated in the sacred chamber. The blood retreated into the basin, covering all except the babes face, then even that.

The basin emptied at a horrifyingly time-consuming pace. When it was empty the babe gave a single cry, and the powerful ruler crumpled to the floor.

Author's Note: I know, I know! Yet another story. I have to many muses to write just one story at a time, then Semika sends me his! Don't worry I WILL FINISH EVERY STORY I START!!!!!! Please Review!!!