Wish you were here

DISCLAIMER: I only own the story NOT the characters

Chapter 1- surprise before you go.

Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez had been together three years since they had starred in a production, called Twinkle Towne. After, they became more then best friends, they became lovers.

Troy received a letter from his coach, Mr. Bolton.

He opened it and this is what he read.

Dear Troy,

I would like to inform you that the basketball away games have changed destination to New York. You will be staying at New York in a 5 star hotel. Your flight will be on Thursday and we wish you luck.

Remember, you have an important life ahead of you.

Yours truly, Simon Greggs

(Basketball Manager)

That night Troy needed to tell Gabriella, but things came up like a phone call or something like that.

The next day, Troy had to tell Gabriella so he disconnected the phone line and turned the cell phones off.

"Gabriella, I need to tell you something important."

"Okay, well tell me then" said Gabriella.

"Well, you know the basketball away games, well I sort of have to move away with the team for two years. I am so sorry!"

Gabriella was speechless, "Umm….. Congratulations!" she said as she was trying to hold back a stream of tears.

Troy wasn't stupid and had known Gabriella for long enough, she was about to cry.

"Hey! Come here, every thing will be ok. Did I tell you that I am going in two days?"

"No, when did you find out?" Gabriella asked.

"Yesterday, I tried to tell you but so many things happened. Like the phone kept ringing and today I turned off all cell phones and I disconnected the house phone so I can tell you with no interruptions"

"I'm going upstairs to speak to Taylor I wanted to see if she wanted to go to the mall tomorrow, see you in a bit."

Gabriella left Troy to speak to Taylor. Troy was in the living room playing 'Call of Duty 4' on his Xbox 360.

Whilst Gabriella was upstairs, she thought of a good plan for Troy to remember her by, and then she rang Taylor.

"Hiya Taylor, its Gabriella."


"Troy told me about the basketball thing and I was thinking of something he could remember me by."

"I can't believe it, Chad is going as well"

"What about a surprise party for them?"

"Ok, count me in"

"Here's the plan, we can send Troy and Chad to the gym, and say we are going to the mall. But we stay in and have a farewell party for when they come back."

"Ok, I will be at you house with Chad tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock"

"See you then, bye!!!"

Gabriella put the phone down. And fell asleep. When Troy had finished playing his game, he went to see where Gabriella was. He found her sleeping in her bed. Troy went downstairs to the couch to sleep.

The next morning, Gabriella woke up to the sound of her alarm clock, she went downstairs in to the living room, to Troy who was sleeping on the couch.

"Hey gorgeous" Gabriella said softly and sweetly.

Troy opened his eyes.

"Come here and sit next to me" Troy said sleepily.

Gabriella sat next to him and cuddled up to him and kissed. A few minutes later, Gabriella started to feel hungry.

"Gabriella, do you want some breakfast?" Troy exclaimed at the sound of her stomach rumbling.

"Errmmm… Ok, then, I will have whatever you're having"

"Well Miss. Montez, I am making pancakes, don't worry, I will cook.

"Huh! I didn't know you could cook!"

"Yep, it's sort of a hidden talent" Troy laughs.

"So Mr. Bolton, you've been making me cook for you and you say you can already cook!" Gabriella giggles.

After the last mouthful, Gabriella looked impressed.

"That was delicious! You can cook better than me!" said Gabriella, "That reminds me, you need to be ready in 10 minutes, because you and Chad are going to the gym. Don't worry, I have booked you two in. me and Taylor are going to the mall shopping."

"Yeah ok. How come you have only told me this now?" asked Troy.

"It slipped my mind. Sorry babe!"

Ten minutes later, the doorbell rang and Gabriella ran to the door and answered it and invited the two friends in.

Troy came down the stairs carrying his gym kit.

Chad moaned about going to the gym.

"Look Chad, stop moaning, and train as hard as you can. You will need to win loads of games!" Taylor said.

"I suppose it is better than carrying bags around for our loved ones all day" Troy laughed and winked at Gabriella.

"Hey! You Meany!" Gabriella teased.

"Well come on Chad, we need to get going before we get into trouble with the ladies!"

Chad said "Can I ask you girls, how are you getting to the mall?"

"My car stupid!" Gabriella shouted to Chad.

"Oh I though you couldn't drive and Troy was just being greedy for having two cars."

"Right man" said Troy as he pushed Chad out of the door, "Lets go."

When the guys had gone, the party started to take shape.

Taylor and Gabriella went to buy some food and alcohol, then Taylor rang the every friend, her, Chad, Gabriella and Troy knew.

Time was ticking fast, and the party had been organised. Everyone had arrived and in darkness as they hid behind the furniture to surprise their friends.

Chad and Troy were walking up the drive having a short conversation about basketball like they normally did.

Troy turned the key and walked in followed by Chad.

"SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!" everyone shouted as they walked into the house.

The lights flicked on and party poppers banged. A big banner was painted in wildcat colours and said 'Good luck wildcats'

The party had begun.