Just an idea I had one possible way the writers could have preserved the happy ending and still allowed Lucy Griffiths to leave the show.

Marian ran into the courtyard to see the king laying on the ground an arrow sticking out of his shoulder. Guy of Gisbourne entered from the other side sword already drawn. She ran up to him placing herself in between Guy and the king.

"Stop. It's over Guy."

He was steadily forcing her back towards the king. "Get out of the way."

"All this time I have been fighting for England. You think I'm going to let you kill England?"

"Marian, get out of the way." He swings the sword at her a warning.

She stops a determined look in her eyes. "You'll have to kill me first."

"No. We're going to get out of this. I'm going to do this thing and then I will have power beyond measure. We will be together."

Marian looked at him finally seeing him for what he really was: a monster just as Robin had always painted him. There was no good in him to be salvaged. It was a shocking moment of clarity and she was tired of living a lie.

"I would rather die than be with you Guy of Gisbourne."


"I am going to marry Robin Hood. I love Robin Hood." She smiled at being able to say it finally. A burden was lifted and the exhilarating sense of freedom overwhelmed her causing her to be reckless. She looked Guy straight in the eyes wanting him to understand it never had and never could be him. "I love Robin Hood."

Guy stared at her in shock feeling his world crumble around him. It had all been a lie. She had just been using him to help Hood. He had risked his life to save her, had almost given up any chance of having status for her and she had never cared. A rage such as he had never felt took hold inside him killing any wish for redemption. His hand twitched on the sword.

Marian saw the change in his eyes realizing too late that she had pushed him too far. She closed her eyes preparing for him to strike.

Out of nowhere an arrow flew in striking Guy in the shoulder causing him to drop the sword. He was close enough to Marian however that the movement caused the sword to clash across her stomach. She cried out and clutched the wound her hand quickly becoming covered in blood.

Robin rushed to her helping her to sit down. The fear he felt at seeing her wounded expressed itself in anger. "What do you think you are doing? Do you want to get yourself killed?"

"Of course not. Like you haven't almost gotten killed yourself a few times?" She looked over at him seeing the fear and pain in his eyes at the thought of losing her and softened. "I'll admit it was not the smartest idea I've ever had."

Djaq after examining the king and determining his wound was minor rushed over to look at Marian. After a few tension filled moments she looked up at the worried couple and smiled. "It is deep but not serious. A few stitches and you will be fine."

Robin pulled Marian tight against him kissing her temple. "Thank God." Marian couldn't have said it better herself.