I'm not JK Rowling.
AN:Just a little something I thought of once I found out George's wife, which wasn't that long ago. (I'm a bit late, I know).
"Bye Angie, see you later," said Fred, kissing his girlfriend and watching her as she stepped into the fireplace and Flooed home. As soon as Angelina Johnson had disappeared, Fred began the process of magically sealing the fireplace from the Floo network. George was sitting on the couch of the small living room, reading over the most recent Weasley Wizarding Wheezes catalogue, and had been for the past hour. The twins never felt uncomfortable in the other's presence while one of them was snogging.
The early July breeze was light, but nevertheless the temperature had become somewhat cooler as the evening progressed. As a result, Fred closed the window that overlooked Diagon Alley and turned to his twin.
"What?" asked George, feeling Fred's gaze on him and looking up.
"You've been reading that catalogue all the time Angie was here," said Fred with a slight accusatory tone.
"Just checking the prices," muttered George, twirling his wand around and turning a page.
"Oh, come of it," said Fred, walking over and snatching the colourful catalogue out of George's hand, in the process knocking over a shirt that was on the couch's armrest. The flat was littered with the twins' clothes. "I know you're thick but it doesn't take an hour, even for you, to make sure the price is right."
George remained silent, looking down at his hands, knowing full well that Fred was right – apart from about him being stupid - but it was about the only subject he felt uncomfortable discussing with his twin.
George looked up just in time to see a smug smile form on his twin's face.
"You like my girlfriend," said Fred, his smile wider than it had been in a while.
"I do not!" protested George, feeling rather hot at the back of his neck.
"You're blushing," said Fred. "Oh, Georgie, Georgie, Georgie."
Fred sat down on an armchair opposite his twin and put his legs on the coffee table.
"I don't mind," said Fred with a shrug, and George looked up. "Besides, you're no competition; I'm the better looking one. Hey!"
Fred chucked the pillow George had thrown at him aside. His expression suddenly became serious.
"Yeah," said George, looking up. Fred stood up, walked over and sat beside George.
"If I die-"
"Don't!" yelled George in fright, closing his eyes.
"You can date her," finished Fred.
"I couldn't," said George, shaking his head, his eyes still closed.
"You won't have to if I don't die," said Fred with a slight laugh. "But you have to if I do. Look, Lee Jordan's had his eye on Angie ever since second year. But he doesn't know how to treat her right. If I die, Angie might go into depression-"
"Fat chance," muttered George with a smile.
"-and do something stupid. So I want you to find her before Lee Jordan does."
George looked into Fred's grey eyes and saw that he was dead serious.
"Alright," said George. "But you're not going to die!"
"Only if you promise."
"What good will it do if I promise that I'll do something after you die if you promise that you won't die?" asked George, frustrated.
"Oh, fine, I promise!" said George. "But effing hell you're not going to die!"
"Yeah alright," said Fred, getting up with a smile. "Better get ready to go to the Burrow tomorrow."
He started bustling around the flat and picking up all the clothes that were lying around.
"When are you next seeing Angie?" George asked suspiciously.
"At the wedding," said Fred excitedly. "She's coming Polyjuiced as one of Fleur's cousins."
"And while you're making out with fake Veelas, I'll find myself a real one," said George.
"Don't tell me you're moving on from Angie already," said Fred.
Not surprisingly, he was hit by another pillow.