Disclaimer: I don't own Scrubs.

Author Notes: There will be some POV changes in this chapter. It begins with Dr. Cox POV and changes to third person, which is what the rest of the story will be. This is my First Scrubs fanfiction. I don't usually watch the show but I love JDA and DCA fanfiction. This story will be DARK. It will deal with TORTURE and RAPE! If this makes you uncomfortable or you are too young to read adult fanfiction, please look someplace else. You have been warned.

Also, the bar that they frequent is about a block from Sacred Heart. Thus they usually walk there. It just fits the story best.

/Dr. Cox's thoughts/

Chapter 1: My Rough Day

Dr. Cox POV

/Yes! End of the shift. Finally. It has been a very rough day./ I walk into the locker room, passing Newbie as he walked out. He doesn't say anything to me, and normally I would make a scathing comment about this, but I let it go, just this once. Shirley's day has been worse than mine. Not that I care. First thing this morning, though, Newbie was almost hit by a car, right outside Sacred Heart. Luckily, the kid was just fine, if a little shook up. The driver just kept going. I don't think that Newbie has even told anyone about the accident, as he spent most of the shift with me. Then to top it all off, two of his patients died. There was nothing he could have done, but, being the girl he was, Cindy was taking it hard.

Putting off changing, I head down to the Nurse's Station, to let Carla know, o so subtly; because I don't care—really I don't. But Carla's not there. /That's right. She is on Vacation with Gandhi this week. I forgot. That's why Julie has been hanging around me all day. Hmm… I haven't seen Barbie around either, not that she would be much help anyway. But that means Newbie has no one to talk to./ I hit my head on the counter, then walk quickly to the exit. Sure enough, there he is. /Dammit, I'm going to regret this for months./ Even so, I throw my arm around his shoulders.

"Come on, Newbie, Let's go get a drink." It is were I was going anyway, might as well bring him along, and pretend to listen to his problems. He seems a little surprised, but agrees, and we walk toward the bar.

We're barely out of sight of Sacred Heart, when I feel a sharp pain, and all goes black.

POV Change: 3rd Person

There is a loud thud, as Dr. Cox falls to the ground. JD looks over in surprise, having been so lost in his fantasy; Dr. Cox professing his love, and giving JD a hug; that he hadn't noticed the man behind them. But he did see now, and he also saw the gun pointed at him.

"Turn around." The arm holding the gun motions in a direction. JD is fascinated by the weapon, unable to take his eyes off it. "I said turn around." The voice, definitely male sounds angry. "Or I will shoot him." The gun moves to point at Dr. Cox. This finally brings JD to his senses. He turns slowly putting his back to the man. There is a slight sting on JD's arm, and the world slowly begins to go black. Just before he looses consciousness completely, JD sees the man opening the door to a car that look vaguely familiar…

TBC...Please Review :)