This ones dedicated to MoaningMomoMormon, for her...well, dedication to my stories. I'd also like to say hi to make me sound conceited, so I'll just say readers!

Toph and Aang were stretched out on some lush green grass, the summer sun beating down on them as if it would go out any day now. It was an uneventful day, with nothing disturbing the peace other then Sokka repeatedly inflicting injuries on himself, and everyone laughing at him.

The two benders were loosely holding hands as they stared at the clouds. Well, niether of them were actuly. Toph was lost in thought (and couldn't actualy see anyway) and Aang was staring at Toph. They had been doing that alot lately, since the whispered confessions of needing eachother.

"Aang?" Toph said, her voice relaxed and quiet like a summers breeze.


"What do you want?"

The question wasn't full of her normal what-do-you-want-hands-on-hips attitude or her bug-me-and-you're-a-dead-man-avatar-or-not, but full of sincerity and genuine curiousity.

Aang furrowed his brow, thinking. "I want happiness for my friends, and everyone else. I want peace. I want to run away from my dutys, but I've done that before, and it didn't work." His last sentence was filled with sadness and desire, before returning to its playful cheeriness and saying; "I want a kiss."

Toph smiled. "I dunno, Twinkles. What have you done lately to deserve it?"

Aang pouted. "I told you I love you."


He thought for a moment, before clicking his fingers and saying; "I gave Momo some of my Leechy nuts."

"I thought you'd know by now, Twinkle Toes, that my kisses are of very high value and that you've gotta be worthy for 'em."

More pouting.

"So what'da I have to do?" Pout, pout, pout.

"First, stop pouting, or it'll lose its effect or your face will be stuck like that." He gave one last long pout before stopping. "Okay...let me it. You need to get me three pebbles from the base of that tree over there" she gestured to a large oak, with pebbles scattered around its roots. "And wash them in the stream before giving them to me."

"And the point of all that?"

She shrugged. "You'll see. And no earth bending" she said as he raised his arms. Grumbling, he walked away. He returned a few minutes later, three freshly washed pebbles in his hands.

"Here you go."

She inspected the three clean pebbles in her hand, before raising them and throwing them at his head.

"Ow!" He yelled, holding his head. "Is that what all that was for? Cleaning them so you could throw them at me?"

"Well" said Toph in a matter-of-fact manner "if they were dirty, then you'll get dirt on your bald little head, and I'll have to kiss a dirty head better, which wouldn't be as good as kissing a clean one better."

"Oh. So you'll kiss my poor little bald head better?"

"Yup." She leaned in, but before she could kiss him, he swerved his head and grabbed her, kissing her lips. The kiss was full of teasing and playful-ness, and even though Toph was surprised, she didn't pull away.

"You're one naughty avatar, Twinkles" she claimed when they pulled back. "Is that what you wanted?"

"Yup" he said, a big goofy smile plastered all over his face.

"Well then, as I said before, you're one naughty avatar, and naughty avatars need to get punished."

"What are you talki-"

He never got the chance to finish, because he was suddenly on a earth pillar, been shot up into the skay.

"Toooooph!" Yelled his slowly decreasing in volume voice. "This isn't what I wanted!"

She smirked.

"But it's exactly what I wanted."

Short 'n sweet again, it also just popped into my head, and its a million degrees outside. Lots of fluff, fluffy fluff fluff fluff. Review and all that jazz. Or flame. Whatever doesn't kills us only makes us stronger, right?