
Kabuto looked over the village.It was a crisp autumn day. He could smell the hickory in the air. The village was bustling with people going to different shops and restaraunts. He kept walking taking note of all the sights and where they were located at. He would be here for a few years, he didn't want to get lost. He finally saw the top of the academy building. "How dull" he murmured going to sign up and such. What he didn't know was that he'd meet someone very special to him here but that's a part for another time.

Sasuke groaned as he entered the academy to sign up. He blinked as he saw someone he didn't know. He knew everyone..didn't he? He went over to the new guy licking him on the neck before poofing away. He couldn't help how the taste lingered in his mouth. He tried to act as if nothing had happened but the other boy tasted so good. He glanced over at Kabuto to see the other boy glaring at him. He blushed and turned away to hide it. It had been meant to tease the other. So, why was he the one blushing?

Kabuto shook his head and bent over writing in his name before looking back at the boy and going over. "I think you should know. You've just ingested poison." he whispered in his ear as Sasuke gasped at the closeness. "What?" Kabuto smirked at the boy. He seemed to be having trouble concentrating. He led the boy out as Sasuke's eyebrows scrunched trying to remember what was wrong about this.

Sasuke blinked as he was pinned and began rutting against the leg that was thrust between his moaning. "Kami!" he gasped clutching Kabuto's shoulders to hold himself up.

Kabuto smiled helping him stay up as he let him fuck his leg like a dog. After Sasuke came and fell against him in exhaustion,he licked his neck. "Maybe next time you'll think before licking me, eh?"