"Bedroom Bungles"


His thoughts while asleep were often disparate, a jumbled mess of visions that flashed across his mind, too quick to recognize and too strange to ever want to. But on rare occasions they would spin and race into one singular idea, a spark of inspiration which would cause him to awake into a half-consciousness and groggily record them as best he could.

Even if Dr. Drakken no longer consciously dreamt of the large scale world domination that had for so long had occupied his thoughts, in his sleep the schemes would still come to him as if by habit. And so, by habit, he still kept a little pad of paper and a pen on his bedside table on the left to scratch down the ideas in a wobbly penmanship for the morning.

In the past however, rolling over to his left did not entail bumping fully into Shego. In his bed. With him.

At first he paid no attention to the obstacle in his path, still trying to reach over and document his latest idea. This blissfully unaware state of semi-consciousness did not last long and when he realized what (or rather who) he was reaching over he awoke suddenly.

Her back was to him and he was at least grateful for that. She was starting to stir and his mind raced with a new sense of hysteria. Her hair had spilled everywhere and in the light from the hallway he could see her shoulder peeking out from the covers. Her bare shoulder. Oh doodles...

He jumped out of bed, forgetting he was still under the covers, and fell gracefully to the floor, an ungainly mess of tangled sheets and blankets.

If he still had any hopes of not waking Shego they were gone. He was starting to choke on his panic and his breathing felt labored. He was creating more and more noise by squirming feverishly trying to disentangle himself. It was as if the more he struggled the more they wrapped tighter becoming some twisted, self-created vice.

He could hear her grumbling angrily on the bed, most likely from the blankets being yanked off of her so abruptly, and he froze, not daring to make a sound despite the commotion he had already caused.

"Quit being stupid." She wrenched the corner of the blanket that was still on the bed to cover herself, the force of her pull unwinding Drakken like a spinning top. "Get back in bed, it's 3 in the morning," she commanded once comfortable again, wrapped within the thermal sheets. She spoke in a voice that was supposed to sound threatening but was more heavy with sleep than anything else.

He was sprawled on the floor and the cold was finally starting to hit him. He stood up simply, tried to regain as much dignity as he could after his inelegant and particularly embarrassing display (all naked of course) by clearing his throat, and returned to bed.

The warmth was reassuring.
