Hey everyone. I'm really busy lately and I need to finish off several fics so I'm ending this one with this chapter. I hoped you all enjoyed it nevertheless and thanks to all the supporters of this fic.
Thanks so much!
-Shewolf aka EveeElric
Dada walked past several buildings humming to himself when a young girl ran past him. "Well, hello Pucca"
Pucca had already run off but Garu, not far behind, jumped from a wall and landed on Dada's back, crushing him into the ground. "oooh..." the character moaned in pain as Garu sped off again. Dada picked himself off the ground and muttering groans under his breath, dusted himself off before...
"Get back here Pucca!!! I need my vengeance!!" Ching screamed and trampled Dada, running off into the distance. Dada lay there for a moment, expecting someone else to stomp him but nobody did so he suspected it was all done. When...
"Pucca, Garu, Ching! I have a cure!!!!" Abyo stomped over Dada's head waving a small white packet in the air. For a finishing touch, Tobe happened along and neatly stepped on Dada's head as well before skipping along after the Abyo.
"I hate my life." Dada murmured into the dirt.
In the other side of town, Pucca hid desperately in a nearby barrel, breathing hard. She peeked out one of the cracks in the barrel but saw nobody so she cautiously edged the top of the barrel open. Hearing a rustling, she froze but then Won, Ching's chicken hopped over.
Sighing in relief, Pucca hopped out and picked Won up.
Pucca screamed as Garu came hurtling out of nowhere and began to smother her with affection. Pucca struggled desperately but she noticed the carefuly laid out eggs around her. Oh no! She didn't want to crush won's eggs, but she didn't want Garu attacking her!. Then Ching came around the corner.
"PUCCA, Prepare to be humiliated! Muahahaha!"
"I have the cuuure!" Abyo screamed as well, hurtling towards them.
Three things happened at once.
First, Abyo tripped and the half-open packet sprinkled its contents on Tobe.
Second, Pucca turned to get her sword out and crushed the three eggs, getting the goo all over herself, Garu, and Ching.
Third, Dada fell into the ocean.
There was a cut-scene for the commercial before they all realized what had happened.
Pucca shook her head and saw her crush, Garu, and with a squeak of delight, jumped on him. Garu, flailed in disgust under Pucca's kisses. Abyso watched as Ching blinked and began to cheer them on.
"Looks like every thing's back to normal, Guess we didn't need that so-called cure after all!" Abyo smiled. "Hey! Ching, wanna spar? Hiyah!" He ripped his shirt off and ran to sword fight with Ching.
Except Abyo was wrong...
Off to one side...
"I love life! I love life! I love life..." Tobe sang as he spun around in circles.
Yep. That's it guys. Sorry, and thanks for reading and supporting this fic!
Have a good one!