A Typical Day with Akatsuki
As usual, I don't own Naruto and I make no money doing this
Thursday: 6:00 AM
Every week day, the alarm clock in Sasori and Lola's bedroom goes off at 6:00. Sasori is always the first one awake. He turns the clock off, turns the TV on and wakes Lola up. Once she is awake, he goes downstairs to start a pot of coffee and fix Lola's lunch. Lola usually spends a good five minutes deciding what she's going to wear to the office takes another 25 minutes to do her hair and makeup. Then she goes downstairs to have coffee and breakfast with Sasori. It's nice because every morning they are the only ones up this early and the house is so quiet. This morning's breakfast is glazed donuts left over from the previous day and the conversation is reflected best portrayed in Lola's hatred of mornings…
"What time do you want me to pick you up today?" Sasori asked. There were days when Lola drove to the office, but there were some days when Sasori kept the Acura and just picked her up when she was done.
"Anytime after 5:30 is fine….unless my dumbass bitch assistant Jonathon gives me retarded ass paperwork….then it will be 6:15."
"Alright, I'll be there at 5:30. What do you want me to get at the store today to cook?" Sasori asked.
"Hmmm…I would say fish but Tobi got sick last time. Dana's on a meat free kick. Marisol has dance rehearsal until 9:00 and Deidara and her will get something. Itachi complains about everything….screw it we'll go out and take Hidan with us so he isn't stuck here eating frozen fish sticks…hell those freak Kisame out."
"Okay, that sounds good."
"I may be ready to blow someone's head off tonight. I meet with a client today concerning a high profile divorce case….some high maintenance bitch wanting a divorce from her cheating ass husband…this will be fun." Lola said partially sarcastically, partially serious. After they finish breakfast Lola goes back upstairs to get her briefcase, laptop, purse and coat while Sasori heads outside to warm the car up in the cold before they leave. The time is now 7:05. Lola has to be at the office by 8:00, her first meeting today is at 9:00. Lola makes certain to take a thermos of coffee to work with her because she hates the "nasty ass shit they brew in those unwashed pots". By 7:15 Sasori and Lola leave the quiet house for the law firm downtown.
Now, despite how orderly the morning goes from 6:00 until 7:15, by the time Sasori returns from dropping Lola off at 8:00….that's when everyone else begins to wake up….and do their normal annoying things
8:10 AM
Sasori returns from dropping Lola off at the office. Kisame is the next one that is awake in the house. Of course he's barely awake by the time Sasori walks in the door.
"Hey, have you seen this stupid morning news program? I mean it's so stupid! All they talk about is weather and basketball scores!" Kisame told Sasori as he displeasingly watched the channel 9 news broadcast.
"Can't say as I've noticed but it wouldn't surprise me." Sasori got a cup of coffee and sat down with Kisame.
"So uh…..your grandma called while you were out this morning." Kisame said reluctantly. Sasori nearly choked on his coffee. It wasn't that he didn't like his grandma…it was that his grandma had never met Lola and there were three things Grandma Chiyo didn't like: 1. Lines in the ' 10 items or less' Lane at Wal-Mart 2. People from Connecticut 3. Lawyers. So with two out of three things on her dislikes list applying to Lola….it was a delicate situation.
"Wait….what did my grandma want?"
"Damn it, I was afraid you'd ask me that..she uh..she was thinking of coming to visit for a few days."
"Oh god, oh god, oh god….if she comes to visit that means she meets Lola which means…oh god can open…worms everywhere!" And so Kisame had officially stressed Sasori out already.
"Well, you never know maybe it will go well if your grandma visits." Kisame tried to convince Sasori.
"Go well? That's like saying Deidara will never again get his hair stuck in the toaster!"
"Hmmm…you might be right." Kisame said. By 8:25 Zetsu, Hidan and Kakuzu are awake. Hidan starts each morning with a fifteen minute prayer to Jasshin. Kakuzu counts all the money he has hidden under his mattress and Zetsu just goes downstairs to find the paper.
"Morning, does anyone know where the coupon section is of the paper?" Zetsu asked.
"It's behind the classified ads." Kisame told him.
"Alright, there better be some coupons for those microwave pizza rolls this week."
9:00 AM
Marisol comes downstairs fully dressed and ready to head out to the salon. She has to be at the salon by 10:00. She finishes up at the salon at 3:00 and then heads to dance class from 5:00-7:30 on Thursdays. Deidara will take her dance stuff and drop it off at the studio as well as meet her for dinner before her class starts. Thursday's class is a pointe class so she always comes home with sore and aching feet.
Dana is awake simply because Marisol is awake and today they are trying to decide what day is best to go tanning.
"Okay, I can go on Monday, Wednesday or Friday of next week, yeah." Dana said.
"Hmmm…..okay. I can go on Wednesday!"
"Wait, can Itachi and Deidara go on Wednesday, yeah?" Dana wondered.
"Oh, I don't think so. Itachi has that thing and Deidara has a waxing at 3:00." Marisol said.
"Oh my god what is he waxing, yeah? See, he went through this phase when he was like 16." Dana said.
"Brow waxing, I told him I would do it but I couldn't get the right kind of sugar wax at the salon so he's going to that really trendy place in the mall." Marisol explained.
"I thought he was over his waxing thing but obviously not, yeah. What if we made an appointment on Monday?"
"Hey we can do Monday! I don't work on Mondays and our dance class is over at 11:00. Oh my god we could so go after class is over!" Marisol said excitedly. "Wait, wait….me and Deidara have to take Princess to the vet, she has her shots Monday. I guess that leaves Friday."
"Okay, Friday at 1:00, yeah?" Dana asked.
"Yes! So we'll book 4 twenty minute sessions." Marisol said.
"Oh my god I so can't wait, yeah!" Dnaa said.
"I can't either! I love tanning!"
"Me too!
"AAAAGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!! TANNING!" That concludes the morning's most annoying disruption. And to think, it wasn't even 9:30 yet.
Hey everybody, I'm posting a new poll this week. I'll announce it when I post it. Thanks for voting…I'll announce the results when I close the current one!