Disclaimer for all chapters: We do not own Resident Evil 4 or Dean Winchester from Supernatural.
Rated M for the reasons why the game was rated M.
This idea was based off an rp we did when Mark was playing Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition. We each had our own characters we were and we developed a semi interesting idea.
Here is who we were when role playing:
Mark Fri as: Leon S. Kennedy.
Michael Fri as: Dean Winchester.
Matt Fri as: Logan Graham.
We did our best to keep to the actual story while adding an interesting twist to it. Enjoy…
Note: We don't remember the foreword that well, so don't harp on us about it.
That was time where a mass breakout of a biological experiment done by the biotech research company: Umbrella. Members of S.T.A.R.S were sent to a mansion to investigate, only to find out that Umbrella was involved in the breakout. S.T.A.R.S agents Chris and Jill escaped the mansion and destroyed any remnants of the T Virus. Or so they thought…
Meanwhile not far from there, in a small town called Raccoon City was being overrun by zombies, a breakout of the G Virus. Not wasting any time and effort, the President of the United States ordered the immediate 'sterilization' of Raccoon City and he cut his ties to Umbrella. Soon stock markets crashed and for all purposes Umbrella was finished.
Resident Evil 4
Leon Kennedy stared out of the window of police vehicle as it rolled down the road of European forest. The music in the background occasionally ruining his train of thought, and then he realized that someone was trying to talk to him.
"Yo who are you really? Come on and tell us. You've come a long way from home Cowboy, you have my sympathies," One of the Spaniard officers chuckled.
"Guess that's the locals way of breaking the ice," Leon chuckled, "Anyway, you know what this is all about, my assignment is to search for the president's missing daughter; Ashley Graham."
"My sister," a voice echoed, and Leon looked to his right and looked at the young man wearing a black tracksuit in the seat next to him.
Logan Graham was the subject's (being Ashley Graham) brother, and he was present during the kidnapping when she was returning from her College in Massachusetts. Although he didn't see the attacker, two very interesting facts came up: first, the kidnapper had an accent, maybe Russian. The second (and the reason why Leon was here in the back roads of Europe) was a girl that fit the description of Ashley was sighted around a village not far from where Leon is.
Leon turned back to the officers, "Yes, his sister."
"What? All by yourself?" The officer chuckled.
Leon grinned a little and said, "I'm sure you guys didn't tag along so we can sit around and sing Kumbiya at some boy scout bonfire. Then again, maybe you did."
"Hah! Oh you crazy American, it's a direct order from the chief himself, I tell you it's no picnic."
With no more discussion on that they continued driving down the road. After awhile one of the officers just had to get out and do his business on the side of the road. While the officer relived himself Leon pulled out a picture of Ashley from his jacket and he went over his notes, more or less about the capture of Logan's sister and her strange appearance in Europe. Logan gazed out the car window and watched the forest intently, as if he was hoping his sister would run out and they could go home. Then he saw something out of the corner of his eye, was it his imagination or did he see a man in the forest? Logan looked at Leon and nudged him in the shoulder.
"Hey, did you see that?"
Leon looked at Logan's window and sighed, "See what?"
Logan looked back out the window once again; however he didn't see the person this time, it was as though he vanished. Just then the car door opened and the officer came back in.
"Sorry about that," The officer apologized.
Leon sighed impatiently as the car continued down the road.
Soon the car came to a stop and one of the officers pointed down a path to their left.
"There's a path over there, think that leads to the village?"
Leon looked down the road and said, "I'll go ahead and have a look."
"I'm coming as well," Logan stated as he opened the car door and stepped outside.
"We'll stay here," One of the officers said, "We don't want to get parking tickets."
"Right… parking tickets," Leon opened his car door and stepped outside muttering, "Where did they get these guys?"
"You say something?" One of the officer asked, luckily there was a beeping noise at his side and Leon pulled out a radio.
The radio crackled and the face of a young woman with dark skin, dark brown hair that was slicked back and a small pair of glasses.
"Leon do you read me? My name is Ingrid Hunnigan," The woman stated, "I'll be your support for this mission."
"Loud and clear Hunnigan," Leon answered, "Somehow I pictured you to be a bit older… anyway the subject's name is Ashley Graham right?"
"Right," Hunnigan nodded, "She's the President's daughter, so try to behave yourself."
Leon could only grin at that as he shut the radio off, then he and Logan proceeded down the path.
Leon and Logan walked awhile down the path until the saw a house ahead, they walked up to the porch and Leon motioned for Logan to wait as he drew his handgun out. Due to his training as a policeman he entered the house, making sure he wouldn't get jumped by anyone who didn't want him here. He walked into the dining room and found a man tending to a fire, Leon lowered his weapon and walked over to him.
"Excuse me?" Leon called out; when the man didn't answer he walked over and pulled a picture out of his pocket.
The man seemed to notice Leon because he stopped tending the fire and turned to look at him, there was something about him that made Leon nervous, but what?
"I was wondering if you've seen a girl with this description," Leon held up the photo at the man.
Then the man began to yell at him in Spanish and Leon took it as a sign to back off.
"Ok sorry," Leon apologized and he reached to put away the photo.
However as Leon was doing this the man walked over to the other side of the room, picked up an axe that was leaning against the wall, and then quite quickly he turned around and swung the axe at him. Leon whirled around and leaped out of the way before the axe could hit his neck; he rolled across the room, drew his pistol and aimed at the man.
"Freeze!" Leon yelled, however the man continued to walk towards him, axe held over his head.
"I said freeze!" Leon yelled once more, but when the man showed no signs of stopping Leon had no choice but to open fire.
With two shots the man fell to the floor, Logan burst in and when he saw the dead man and Leon holding the pistol his eyes widened. However a noise caught the men's attention, the sound of a truck starting up. Leon walked over to the window and saw three more men walking towards the house, Leon also saw a truck tear down the path he took and in a matter of minutes there was the sound of gunfire and crunching metal.
Leon looked away from the window and growled, "Shit!"
How do you like the intro? Is it good enough? Tell us what you think by reviewing, and we'll see you next chapter.