This is one of my ideas that I got at like midnight. I'm begging you all, PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!!!!!
Pairings: SasuSaku, NaruHina, InoShika, NejiTen.
Set about, I dunno, a year after Sasuke comes back, when they are 15-ish.
Chapter 1: Let's Get This Partay Started!
It was 7:30 p.m, in Konaha. Couples were setting foot at the many resturants, and the place was buzzing, even for a Saturday night.
But, there were two places that were bustling with excitment the most.
The house of Uzumaki Naruto, was filled with the guys from the Rookie Nine, plus Team Guy.
Another place that was practically rocking with excitment was Haruno Sakura's apartment. Their party consisted of Ino, Hinata, Tenten, Temari(Who, as the Sand Ambassador, had to be invited) and Sakura.
"Listen girls. We have food, clothes, make-up, diaries, pictures of boys, and a web cam. What we need is one thing." Ino announced, standing up, surveying the living room.
"Umm...y-you...a-aren't g-gonna i-invite t-the b-boys o-over, a-are y-ou, Ino?" Hinata stuttered, looking at the overly confident blonde.
"Ino-pig! You better not! My mom's gonna kill me! She's away on a mision, and she expects this place all in one piece when she gets back!" Sakura said, glaring at Ino.
"Don't worry, Forehead. Just video-call one of the guys, and hook the phone up to the webcam." Ino said, smiling.
"Hey, now that you mention it, I remember Lee saying something about a Boy's night at Naruto's" TenTen said, hanging up-side down of the couch.
"Hell Ya! I'll call Naruto." Sakura said, flipping the phone, and dialing her teammate.
At Naruto's house:
"Kiba! Get that mutt away from my ramen!" Naruto yelled, looking around his living room, which was crowded by Sasuke, Kiba, Shikamaru, Shino, Choji, Lee , Neji and himself. It would've been great, but Kiba had to bring Akamaru, who was destroying Naruto's love, Ramen-chan(I had to add that, sorry).
"First off, Akamaru is not a mutt, and Secondly, don't leave your stupid ramen lying around!" Kiba growled, glaring at the loud mouthed baka.
"Dobe, your cell phone is ringing." Sasuke informed him, casually eating a tomato.
"I canm hear just fine, teme." Naruto said, answering his phone.
"Hey Sakura-chan!You're on Speakerphone" He yelled into the phone, and Sakura winced
"Hi Naruto, Sasuke-kun, guys. Tenten said that y'all are havin' a sleepover, so Ino-pig forced me to call." Sakura said, causing Ino to glare at her when Sakura called her Ino-pig.
"Forehead!!! I told you to not call me that infront of the guys!!" Ino yelled.
"Don't call me Forehead, Ino-slob!" Sakura yelled, causing everyone who heard the convo to sweatdrop.
"H-hi N-Naruto-kun. K-kiba-kun, S-shino-san, Neji-nii-san." Hinata said, her face heating up.
"Hey Hinata!!" Naruto yelled.
"Hey Hinata." Kiba said, and Akamaru barked.
"Hi Hinata." Shino said
"Hi, Hinata-nee-chan." Neji said, eating a tomato, which he and Sasuke brought bags of over.
"Hey Lee, Neji." TenTen said, grabbing the phone.
"Hey TenTen!" Lee shouted, a freaky huge smile on his face
"Hi TenTen." Neji said, looking down at his tomato.
"Um, Ino was saying something about a videocall, you have a webcam, dontcha Naruto?" TenTen said, and after hearing the response, she smiled.
"Then turn it on! You guys have so gotta see Ino and Sakura fight. It's hilarious."
At that point, the guys saw Ino and Sakura, both armed with pillows, hitting each other, Hinata was attempting to calm them down, Temari was flipping through a fashion mahgazine, and Tenten who was smiling and waving at the camera.
"Hey, Shikamaru.. Ino said that she likes you alot!!" Sakura said into the camera, smiling big.
"Forehead!! Shika, I don't I swear. You are so dead, Billboard Brow!"