Ah-either an exclamation of surprise or an affirmation

Anata-a term of affection that women use to address their husbands


Arigato or arigato gozimashta-Thank you

Baka-idiot or fool

Bakata-I understand

Dagu-a light weight swear word, used to express annoyance

Daishobu-Are you ok?


Domo-nice to meet you, or thank you

Doshde-What's wrong

Dozo-here you go

Gomen or gomenasai-sorry

Hai-multiple meanings, can mean yes, I'm coming, or I understand

Haiyaku-hurry up

Hatsukoi-first love, a very special person in Japanese society



Ja ne-Good bye

Kesu-a swear word, meaning dammit

Kesuma-you bastard

Mah ne-I guess so


Name-chan –a cute addition to someone's name, usually reserved for children

Name-ji -uncle

Name-kun –usually used for younger boys, or someone a person knew as a child, it is also a sign of respect

Name-sama –a way of addressing someone you wish to humble yourself to

Name-san –a polite way of addressing someone, slightly more formal, it shows respect.

Nande or Nani-what



Ojosan-young lady


Oneesan or name-nee -older sister

Oniichan, niisan, oniisama, or name-nii -older brother

Otousan or oyaji-father

Segoi-that's incredible

Sempai-an older classmate or someone who has been doing something for longer


Soda or Soka-Is that so?

Soda or Sodane-that's right

Sumimasen-sorry or excuse me

Urusai-Shut up


Yokata-that's a relief