Disclaimer: All characters, names, settings etc belong to their respective copyright holders, only Night Wolf and a few other things are of my own creation (but inspired from many things under copyright, which aren't mine).

This is a sequel to a number of stories that began with UNIT: Night Wolf – Beginnings (or alternatively Sorcery, UNITed, Independence, Space). But this is a more direct sequel in the 'Encounters' stories; The Intelligence Encounter and The Doctor Encounter.

While it is a sequel you don't quite need to have read any of the previous though reading with UNIT: Night Wolf – Beginnings will give background and context.

This is also a crossover with Stargate SG1 and for SG1 occurs somewhere after Season 8 (but before Season 9).

Chapter 01

"Welcome aboard General, Doctor Jackson, Teal'c."

"Nice to be here Colonel, Carter got it all fixed now?" Jack asked stepping away from the ring platform, somehow using a 2000 year old Go'auld ring platform they left behind on a moon so far away from anything didn't feel right, despite Daniel assuring it was 'fine' and Teal'c nodding.

"Lt Col Carter's just finishing off the 'final connections'." Colonel Lionel Pendergast answered the General.

Jack shook himself. "You're sure that thing didn't leave any of us behind?" He said as they walked through the corridors of the ship towards the engineering deck.

"No O'Neill. The ring platform functioned correctly, it was certified by Doctor Felger more than 6 months ago."

"Jack they're safe." Jack looked at Daniel. "It won't turn us inside out, have the rings ever done that?"

Jack frowned. "No, but I wouldn't put it past the snake heads to sabotage them, just to piss us off, hello Carter." He said as they walked into the room that over looked the engines.

"Been doin' some redecorating Carter? So much for 'better than new' it looks like your lab, with less concrete." Jack said looking around, all the pristine computer banks had wires and crystals exposed, all leading to the ancient device in the middle of the room. That in itself had cables which no doubt lead to the bridge where a control chair lay.

"We should be just about ready sir, sirs…" Carter said as she rose from behind a bank of controls holding a crystal.


"General, Daniel, Teal'c, nice trip?"

Daniel rolled his eyes as Jack started to open his mouth. "Don't ask."

"So what does the do-hicky do?" Jack said as he played with the edges of a folder in front of him.

Lt Colonel Samantha Carter stared at her superior officer and then looked to Daniel, they'd all been at the briefing.

"You know be an briefings Carter."

She repressed a sigh.

The 'device' had been recovered along with the control chair from the ruins of the Ancient Outpost Toanas on the planed Proclarush. It had been uncovered in a 'sub-room' below the main chamber they'd discovered when they'd taken the ZPM.

It was from all their tests and simulations an extremely powerful and far reaching hyperspace acceleration drive.

With the SGC's assets spread out a whole galaxy away, even with the Asgard hyperdrives it still took an extensive amount of time for the Daedalus to reach Atlantis.

"So we're testing an Ancient hyperdrive, sweet."

"Essentially sir, but from our lab tests we need to be going, well, frankly flat out before it will engage, and it needs…" Carter trailed off searching for a word.

"A fine touch."

"And that's me Danny?"

"Yes, sir. We've interfaced the control chair and it should engage the 'ancient hyperdrive' once we've opened a hyperspace window."

"Why can't we use this to get to Pegasus, I'm sure Daniel would relish the chance to converse with the Wraith."

"That was proposed sir but…" Carter pointed to a screen behind her, it showed the great vastness between galaxies.

"Should the drive malfunction." She caught a look from General O'Neill "Which is probably unlikely, it was considered better by General Hammond that we drop out of hyperspace in our own galaxy than in between galaxies."

"Ah, that would be bad."

"Col Carter, we've got green on all panels."

Carter smiled. "Sir?"

"Oh, time for us to go, goody."


"Space," it says, "is big. Really big. You just won't believe how vastly hugely mindboggingly big it is. I mean you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist, but that's just peanuts to space." Harry closed the book and tried to drag himself out of bed. Adams had some odd ideas, though considering He, Capt Harry Potter Secondary Systems Coordinator officer aboard the ASCS Hattah lived and worked aboard a space craft, everything in proportion.

Harry had suggested once that the trip though the transmat might be improved if they did have a couple of drinks inside them, though that particular suggestion had been met with…less than positive responses.

Mindbogglingly wasn't really a way to describe space, though really you could have a long, long discussion about space and how your were supposed to measure something like it.

Count the stars, count the planets, count how many of them you've been to.

Hermione and the rest of the xeno-archaeologists who left Earth would probably win that one Harry conceded as he gathered his shower items and made his way out of his quarters to the bathroom.

Harry stared in the mirror, black wings laying drooped and wet behind him as he shaved, looking at the scars he'd acquired, not just from his unusual education, but from life in general, aliens trying to kill him, buildings determined to bury him alive and a particularly vindictive Dalek science attack force that decided the best way to find out how he worked was to try opening him using sharp tools quite slowly. They were supposedly more insane than your run of the mill Daleks according to the analysis of the remains that followed.

"Admiring yourself in the mirror again Potter?"

"Playing with your hair again Flighty?" Harry asked lightly to Flight Lieutenant Tyson Ardin as Harry watched him drag a hand through a foppish head of brown/blond hair.

"Maybe, you can talk." He flicked Harry's wings which were slowly drying in the air.

Harry just glared at him.

"So any ideas when we're going to be leaving orbit for something interesting?"

"I don't point the ship's direction."

The Flight Lieutenant looked at him in the mirror.

Harry glared back with a mouth full of toothpaste.

"Fine." Harry said as he spat it out. "The Colonel said that we'd be out of this within the day most of the junk's been cleaned up, plus he pushed the fact that we've been helping the Wolfsburg fix their sensors."

"Still, she's a fun beast to fly along."

The UNSCS (United Nations Space Core Ship) Wolfsburg was the longest ship constructed so far, at just over 1200 meters with three rotating sections to give it gravity and the ability to carry several of the pylons that made up a jumpgate it was big and long. It was also the only UN space craft, crewed in a joint sense by all the nations aware of it.

It was also they'd discovered a bit harder building something roughtly 3 times the length of the current space craft and making sure everything worked all of the time.

It weapons worked, as did its engines, and all the secondary and ancillary systems, the sensors worked most of the time, but needed to be re-calibrated occasionally.

Harry had the mind that it was all the scientists on board forever making changes to it.

Harry arrived at the bridge in a good mood, sans wings, it wasn't so comfortable to sit at his station with wings protruding for hours on end.


"Captain, morning." Harry said to Lt Colonel Chris Rogers.


"All hands this is Pendergast, prepare to enter hyperspace and device activation."

"Ok." Carter muttered to herself. "Engaging hyperspace window generators…" The Prometheus leapt into the hyperspace window and began its journey towards Earth.

"Any time now sir." Carter said looking back at the rear of the bridge where General O'Neill was sitting in the control chair, Teal'c watching him a short distance away.

"So I just think a big 'On button' and it should all activate, oh and fastness that will help."

"Just the mental activation and the control over that activation to bring it on gently Jack, I don't want to over shoot Earth and end up in another galaxy." Daniel said from across the bridge.

"Gently does it, right…now…"

Carter stared with wide eyed amazement. "Oh my…it's amazing…we've increased speed…10…20, 30 fold…"

"Colonel Carter?" Pendergast eyed the view out of the window.

"It's amazing the additional Naquadah generators are barely even registering a draw. Sir?" Pendergast nodded to Carter. "General, if you can bring it up further."

"Right Carter, bring up the imaginatory lever, up the imaginatory level on the not quite real button, all of this in my head right?"

The noise, the pitch of the ship rose as the Prometheus increased in speed again.

"At this speed we should be back at Earth in minutes, it's amazing, everything is well within the green and…"

At that point the Prometheus did something that Lt Col Carter would have attested was totally impossible, the Asgard probably would have agreed with her, though they might have widened their eyes slightly at the idea.

The Prometheus, while travelling using its adapted and advanced hyperspace window generators seemingly flipped over twice within the vortex within which it was travelling.

On board the most of the connections used to splice the Ancient device into the Prometheus' systems exploded and shorted out.

General Jack O'Neill who thought he was getting the hang of doing whatever it was he was doing was flung out of said chair as Prometheus began its flip, right into Teal'c, which was fortunate considering the amount of power that shorted through the chair turning parts of it into literal slag.

The Prometheus crashed out of a hyperspace window in Earth's solar system 'relatively' close to Mars.


Harry stared at the sensor analysis that had been pushed up to them, they were receiving some odd readings just outside of Mars' orbit.

"Sir, sensor analysis pushed this up, they were running some long range scan tests." Harry said as the information appeared on the forward screens, changing them from their forward views of the moon.

Rogers turned to his left. "Foster inform UNSCS Wolfburg we're moving out to investigate something." Then he muttered to himself. "They should still be busy with their sensor glitches."

They were half way there when a something appeared on sensors, the something was a mass, emitting energy.

"Sir." Harry said. The captain stared at the readings.

"Have battle analysis on standby, sensor analysis full work up."

"Battle analysis are always standing by sir." Harry commented, Chris Rogers chuckled.

As they approached the area of the disturbance and the energy mass it came into clearer focus.

"Sir, it's a ship."

"Lets have a look." The left hand screen changed to show the ship, it was…small and bulky. With two 'shoulder' areas at the rear, several what looked like radio masts and other odd protuberances.

"Are they windows?" The captain asked curiously.

"Sensor analysis is still running scans, it's got a huge energy signature, they're readjusting their readings to find its base line."

"Diplomacy and linguistics rustle up a standard language and numbers greeting pack."

"Do you want to send an opener Colonel or just the standard?" Harry asked relaying the question, adlibbing the actual request that they always seemed to send up in these situations even with the Daleks, at least they had a chat…most of the time, actually some of them were down right not chatty, but that was the Daleks for you.

"I'll do it." He said leaning back and touching a control on the 'periscope' that slid from the ceiling. "This is Lt Colonel Chris Rogers of the UNIT Vessel ASCS Hattah, to vessel in an…" he paused looking at the readings. "Erratic orbit close to the fourth planet from this system's star. Please respond." He turned around nodded to Harry.

"Linguistics have sent it, awaiting reply." He said after a moment. "At least they're not shooting at us, always a good thing."

"Unless they're plotting how to take us down." Lucas Varner, the weapons officer commented.

"Battle analysis got anything on its weapons systems?"

"They're wrangling in other sections, because the ship's got some odd designs."

"Aside from the radio dishes and windows?" Rogers replied.

"Yes…there appears to be missile tubes on the deck, and some form of weapons on the side of the ship, it's energy washout is affecting detailed scans."

"No response?"

"Not yet." Harry said, he didn't mention that it was only a few minutes, they'd sat waiting trying to talk to a ship for a few hours once, turned out the ship was just passing through gathering interstellar dust for its ramscoop, and wanted someone to talk to while it worked. It took them the better part of 2 days to work that out.

"Begin prep on Thylacines, just in case."

"Sir." Harry responded, despite the fact he hadn't actually done anything until the Colonel Rogers told him he knew they'd already be ready, alien craft, sitting near them, why wouldn't they be ready? They weren't shooting at them, yet.


"Whatever it was I didn't did do it."

"I…" Carter coughed away the smoke on the bridge.

"Carter, report?" Pendergast barked.

"Nothing critically damaged, we've lost some secondary systems, ring and Asgard transporters are down, some of the missile launch controls are down…I don't think the General did anything to cause this either."

"Thanks Carter."

"Where are we?"

"Near Mars I think." Daniel said, he had extracted himself from the station he was working at and looking out the forward window, Prometheus was still in a gentle roll as he looked out the window the stars rolled around.

"Wait…there" As they rolled around a red coloured planet came into view. "There." Then he retook his seat at his console.

"So we made it? Cool, Carter's gizmo worked."

"Restarting main systems now…" All the lights flickered and the pitch of the noise in the ship changed Prometheus stopped rolling and righted itself, as the sensors came online and communications became active two things became abundantly clear.

"I don't think we're in Kansas any longer Toto." Was Jack's contribution as he leaned over Carter's console.

"We're getting a signal from…" He trailed off.

"The ship Doctor Jackson."

"Not just a signal, we're getting data from it as well." Carter said as she brought it up.

"Yeah that's what I thought, what'd you think Sam?"

"It's…it's a basic language and number set….it's a simplified first contact package."

"A what, what what?"

"We've got one, in case we ever meet anyone who we can't communicate with, it sets out a basic set of numbers and letters that should allow two species to communicate and build a translation system." Carter explained to the General and Colonel Pendergast.

"Doctor Jackson what about the communication?"

"Uh…right…" He said touching a few controls.

The screen flickered with static.

"Ummm Sam?" Daniel looked across the bridge vaguely.

"Right, adjusting frequencies…"

The screen flicked once more and resolved itself. It showed a man in probably his mid 30s, wearing dark green BDUs.

"This is Lt Colonel Chris Rogers of the UNIT Vessel ASCS Hattah, to vessel in an….Erratic orbit close to the fourth planet from this system's star. Please respond."

"Uh oh." Sam said as the message ened.

"Uh oh Carter? UNIT Vessel? ASCS? Hattah? I don't think 'Uh oh' is going to cover it."

"Got it, the ship is forwards of our position holding steady…" She trailed off staring at the readings.

"Lets see it and them." He said and turned to the left of the bridge to look at the larger display.

It was big, bigger than Prometheus at least, almost more non-descript, with two things at the front which might be weapons ports, though Jack thought they could be for making jam, though it was about as unlikely as this was just some wacky dream caused by too much cheese before bedtime.

"Uh oh indeed Colonel Carter." Teal'c rumbled.

"Maybe we should respond?"

"Great idea Danny. Colonel?" General O'Neill asked.

"Of course General. Doctor Jackson?"

"Right…Go ahead Jack."

"Right…this is General Jack O'Neill of the United States Airforce ship Prometheus. This might be a stupid question, but is Earth around here somewhere?" He smiled and nodded to Daniel.


"Oh…" Harry muttered to himself as he stared at the 'postulations' coming from sensor analysis, it wasn't confirmation yet, but it was rising in the list of 'possibilities', and the statistics did appear to be stacking in its favour.


"Sensor analysis continuing to analyse their readings, but there's a suggestion that the ship might be from an alternate universe."

"How much of a suggestion?"

"From the data at the moment, they've matched the energy fluctuation to the data we have on file there's a 40 percent match to several of the sample data we have of some form of alternate or parallel universal interaction."

"That's still low within the realms of it being just an in contact event."

"Yes sir…but…signal coming through, linguistics is re-modulating it…"

A man with greying hair appeared on the screen, he seemed to be standing to the side of the ship's bridge.

"Right…this is General Jack O'Neill of the United States Air force ship Prometheus. This might be a stupid question, but is Earth around here somewhere?"

"The US Air Force? I think we've just gone up from low to quite high Harry, unless we all blinked and the US got something bigger than a space shuttle."

"How are linguistics going with two way communications?"

"Working on it, they're requesting to test now with the Prometheus to get a carrier signal back from them."

"Tell them go ahead, the quicker we get this worked out."

"The quicker we can get back to staring at the Wolfburg?" Harry asked cynically.

"Harry Potter, such cynicism." The captain chuckled.


Something beeped in front of Carter, it appeared to be a carrier frequency she put it on the larger screen, it read 'Carrier for two way communications stand-by'.


"Wasn't me sir. It's the other ship, trying to get two way coms up."

"Obviously they do this thing a lot if they've got the systems in place to do it so easily."

"Clever Danny." Jack watched as the screens flickered and then resolved themselves.

"General O'Neill."

"Colonel Rogers…so…about the Earth."

"Yes…that. We've got mounting evidence on our end that you might be from a parallel universe." Rogers said simply.


"…Might be from a parallel universe…" Rogers watched as O'Neill turned around to those behind him.

"Just a second." The picture went blank.

"Linguistics suggests a meet, as they're human and oxygen breathers…better to talk face to face, less mis-interpretations, better body language read…"

"Yes Harry I don't need to full 'meet and greet for beginners." The captain answered Harry back.

"They're back sir." Harry said casually used to the Captain's odd sense of humour.

"Yeah, we've been through this before, maybe we can meet talk about it we…" General O'Neill looked behind him, someone shook their head, Harry couldn't quite see who it was.


Daniel watched as Jack re-contacted the people from the other ship.

"…maybe we can meet and talk about it?" He turned around from the screen, Daniel muted it for a second.

"Asgard transporters?" He asked in what might have passed for a whisper at a NASCAR race.

Sam shook her head. "Sorry sir, and even if the rings were operating I don't think they'd have the technology."

Jack turned back to the screen, Daniel de-activated the mute he'd put in place.

"That sounds like an idea, we'll send a craft over to you, how many personnel will you be sending General?"

"A team of four Colonel, give us a shout out when you're ready and we'll turn the porch lights on for ya." Jack turned around and nodded to Daniel.

"Come on Carter, lets get kitted out." Jack grinned at them.


"…and we'll turn the porch lights on for ya." The transmission ended on the General's smile.

"Ready the platypus. Then kit yourself Harry."

Harry nodded and then looked up from his station.

"Me sir?"

"You've got the cross training, plus you're good with contact and you were the one making light of staring at space craft." The captain smiled at him. Harry nodded, it did beat staring at the Wolfburg.

"Yes sir…"

"Get…Rhonda Munro, she can watch your back." Harry nodded sending the orders down to linguistics, Munro was part of the linguistics section, she had specialities in non-vocal identification and understanding, but also had training in the 'Platypus', amongst other things. She was also one of the linguistics or diplomacy people willing to leave the ship, many of them were happy staying inside the ship, not quite yet ready to risk themselves with the possibility of being captured, maybe tortured or at the least interrogated and the outside chance of actually chatting and talking without any of the above occurring.

Harry stood behind the bay door waiting for Munro to arrive and the platypus to be finished pre-flight prep.

The platypus wasn't its 'official' name, but that was the what everyone called it, unlike the Thylacines which were their official name. The platypus was 'officially' called…well just Shuttle Transport craft.

It looked like a long oblong shape, that had been married with the X shaped construction of the Thylacines. It could easily carry about 10 people, or could have the seating removed to carry cargo. Like the Thylacine it had omni-directional engines, though eight instead of the Thylacine's 4, it could fly into an atmosphere of a planet and extend landing struts to land on a surface. It could also achieve VTOL. Due to a UN mandate it didn't have weapons, it had 'defensive systems' and a highly protective hull, a specialised species of magical wood sub frame that extra to the manoeuvrability…but no weapons.

"Sorcerer Potter."

"Rhonda Munro, ready for potential danger?"

"From parallel universe airforce guys, can't wait." She grinned. Harry smiled and nodded at the screen outside the door that had just turned green.

Harry hitt the buttons on the controls and looked over them all as he pulled the straps on his chair, while the Playpus could create a gravity field via its engines for shorter trips that involved some degree of manoeuvring it wasn't practical to create the gravity field.

"Green, green and green." He hit the comms button. "Platypus 1 to Hattah, we're ready to head out."

"Confirmed Platypus 1, you have communication protocols ready?"

"That we do captain." Munro said with a smile beside Harry.

"Good, try not to get into trouble Harry, Rhonda. See you on the return."

Harry grabbed a hold of the controls and the craft left the bay deck and through the open doors.


General Jack O'Neill, Doctor Daniel Jackson, Teal'c and Lt Col Samantha Carter were waiting on the bridge for the Hattah's craft to be launched.

"Got something, there's a craft being launched heading out way."

"Lets see it Carter….That's…different." Jack managed as he looked at the image of the craft travelling toward them.

"It's nothing like we've seen before…we can probably rule out Goa'uld."

"It's sort of like a Bell Boien Osprey, only more engines…space engines." Jack said to himself…and the rest of the room.

"Or a Harrier jump jet, it looks like it uses those engines for all manoeuvring and power…the power systems for that…"

Jack looked to Daniel, but he was still watching the images.

"Come on lets head on down to the docking bay." He said quickly lest he let Carter get on one of her…technobabble wanderings.

"O'Neill." Teal'c said in an alerted manner.


"What do you think? Their bridge?" Harry said looking through the 'window' which wasn't at the front of the platypus, it wasn't a window in the same way the clear stuff around the Thylacines wasn't glass.

The craft was sitting almost nose to nose with the Prometheus.

"Nice flying but do you think they might take this as a predatory act?" Munro asked curiously, with a hint of nervous.

"How many times have we tried to contact them?"


Harry shrugged. "Try a third then comm. back to Hattah and get them to try."


O'Neill spun on his heel and stared out the window at the front of the ship, the craft they were all so engaged in was looking at them through the window.

"Danny…they wouldn't be trying to contact us would they?" He asked casually.

"What?" Daniel turned around and saw where Jack was pointing.


Jack heard a quick conversation going on between Daniel and whoever was piloting the…craft.

"They're proceeding to the bay Jack."

"Come on Carter, lets head on down to the bay, you can quiz the guys in person."


"Right, ok. Harry, middle section portside. They said there'll be 'lights on and everything'."

Harry raised and eyebrow and rolled the platypus away from the front of the Prometheus.

He immediately saw the bay they'd indicated, the doors were open…and he could see some people waiting there for him.

"Rhonda, check the scanners for energy readings." That was one other thing the platypus had a lot of, scanners, sensors and other detection equipment…purely as a safety measure of course.

"There's a low level reading of an energy barrier, it doesn't conform to any force field on record."

"It's a ship that might be from an other universe."

"It's probably to keep in the atmosphere, there's gravity as well Potter."

"Ah fun…" Transitioning from zero gravity to somewhere that had gravity made manoeuvring that little bit extra complicated especially when it was an instantaneous sort of thing like space to space ship. The Hattah's forward bays that used for the platypus were at the forward sections of the ship where it was outside the gravity field of the engines with practically no gravity, aside form the designated walk spaces that had particular charms applied to them to negate the zero gravity in specific places. Though said charms only worked in with certain things, and therefore couldn't be applied to the whole ship…or that was how it had been explained to him when he'd asked.

Harry brought the platypus gently into the bay sideways edging it in and around.

"Deploy landing struts." He said as he looked at the screens as he countered the ship's gravity.

"Deployed…and down."



Jack looked at the craft from one side of the docking bay, it was…he didn't really know what.

"That's interesting."

"What Daniel?" Carter tore her eyes away from what could only be a human built craft for a moment and looked where Daniel indicated.

"That's the UN flag isn't it?" She said, though she was pretty sure it was. Not that the SGC really had much dealing with the UN.

"The captain of their ship did say 'UNIT'…wonder what the I and T mean."

"O'Neill, the craft is opening." The four of them walked around from where they were to see and greet them.

The rear of the craft hissing and opened revealing two people.

One was a man in his early 20s, dark hair and bright green eyes. The woman next to him was in her later 20s, possibly mid 30s, with ash blonde hair tied into a pony tail.


Harry took in the team that he was to pick up, there was General O'Neill, whom he'd seen before, though due to the way they generally operated everyone on the bridge was framed out allowing the captain to speak with whomever he wanted.

"General O'Neill?"

"That's me." He smiled, a grin almost.

"Sorcerer Captain Harry Potter, Rhonda Munro Linguistics / Diplomacy."


Jack could tell Daniel was mouthing the word Sorcerer, without even looking.

"General Jack O'Neill, Lt Colonel Samantha Carter, Doctor Daniel Jackson and…" Jack paused. "Teal'c."


Harry nodded as each of the General's team was introduced and wondered for the briefest moment if he should have saluted, and then decided to dismiss the thought, they were after all from a different universe, General could be the guy who made the cake for all he knew. But he suspected that it wasn't. Glancing vaguely to his side he could tell that Rhonda was curious about the big dude, Teal'c tattoo.

"Shall we?" Harry gestured toward the platypus.



Sam looked around the craft they'd followed the Sorcerer Captain into, there was seating along each side of the hull, facing each other like on many military aircraft, but the floor was scuffed slightly and it appeared as though the seating and the flooring could be configured different ways making it a multipurpose craft.

The captain and the linguist made the short distance to the front of the craft with the General standing watching them go.

"You'll need to strap in General." Said the Captain, Jack watched as Captain Potter pulled straps on the harness on his chair.

"You're not expecting a rough flight are you?" Danny said from the seat directly behind Potter.

Potter turned around in the chair. "No, but I don't think my captain would appreciate me bringing you to our ship shaken up." He turned around back to the controls.


"Green, Green, Green."

"Everything's green Harry." Rhonda said looking at the indicators.

"Which is good…alrighty…engaging antigravs…disengaging landing struts…" There was a noise from below them as the antigravs held them above the Prometheus' deck.


Carter looked across at him as he listened to Potter and Munro.

"Everything's green Harry."

"engaging antigravs…disengaging landing struts…"

Antigravs? He mouthed at Carter, Carter made a shrugging motion.


"Ok and through the energy field…easy…" Harry muttered to himself.

"Ok if I?" Rhonda said nodding her head towards their passengers.



Jack immediately felt it as they left Prometheus' confines. Zero gravity, and the craft's own motion tugging slightly on them.

"You don't have gravity?" He asked as Munro turned around to face them.

"It can, but on short journeys it's not worth stretching the energy field around." Called Potter from the controls.

"What he said."

"So…" He started.

"You're from the United Nations?" Daniel asked curiously.

Munro nodded, but it wasn't quite an indication of correctness.

"We're part of it. You seem surprised, the UN didn't assist in you ship's construction?"

"Nup, all American ingenuity, mostly Carter's."


"Captain Potter, sensor analysis have broken out the portable gear, they want to scan our guests when they arrive to achieve a clear scanning of any dimensional residue before they come aboard."

"Haven't they worked out from the close in ship scans?" Harry asked the voice in his ear.

"Inconclusive there's a lot of energy washout either from the Prometheus' powerplant or something else. They want to be sure we're not dealing with some form of subterfuge."

"Right, got it. Approaching the ship now."


"It's a big ship." Daniel said staring out the window at the ship they were approaching, dark coloured, with not a lot of distinguishing features, except what he guessed were probably weapons.

"There are bigger." Munro said casually.

Jack watched, Carter's eyes almost bulged at that comment.

"And you build it all yourself you don't have any…help?"
"From 'aliens' you mean? They help by leaving behind things, reverse engineering is good for that, plus remains of civilisations gives our xeno-archaeologists something to do."

"Xeno-archaeologists…archaeologists who focus on non-human discoveries, amazing, I…" Daniel tried to lean forward and was stopped by the straps he himself had pulled tight.


"Just thought I'd mention it, once we land our people just want to run you though a few scanners…before the readable energy and elements gets all…" Harry waved a hand briefly taking it off the controls.

"Mixed up with the general mish mash of the universe." Rhonda finished.

"Right. Ok." General O'Neill said from behind him.


Jack looked around the bay that the craft had landed in, it was a cargo bay, much like Prometheus' much like the SGC.

Except there were odd things that he was sure Carter had ideas about on tripods, stands and people checking the things over, scanning them.

New universe and all that, best not to piss off the hosts. Probably new universe. Though he doubted his imagination stretched this far with this amount of technobabble.


"Sorry about that." Harry said as he lead them out of the bay, the scanning hadn't taken that long, though it'd probably take a short while for them to come up with conclusive proof. Colonel Rogers had ordered him to take them on a friendly tour of the ship or to have in formal discussions with them, whichever he thought was better.


Whatever Jack thought they were going to do, sitting holding a mug of coffee wasn't what he imagined.

"So, I guess we have some questions." Captain Potter leaned back into the chair, they were sitting in the crew's mess. He looked around, there were some crew sitting, eating, many of them didn't have any indications of rank.

"Your captain said you were a UNIT vessel?" Daniel let the question hang. "I was curious it sounded United Nations based."

"United Nations Intelligence Taskforce, protecting the Earth against everyone who wants to invade it."

"Okay…how many people have tried to invade?"

"Lately or overall?"

"There's that many?"

The Sorcerer Captain, that was something else he intended to ask about was about to elaborate when the lights flashed blue.

"Battle Alert, Battle AlertAll personnel to stations."


Harry stood up quickly and then looked at his guests.

"You'd better come with me." He smiled and nodded toward the door.

"Sir." Harry said as he walked onto the bridge, Colonel Rogers turned and gave him a look at his entourage, Harry gave a look back, it wasn't as though he could have left them in a broom cupboard some where, that would be erring on the side of rude.

He motioning for them to sit in the observer seats near the rear of the bridge that were used for people observing or not actually operating any stations.

"Why the battle alert sir?" Harry asked as he settled himself in looking over the data that was coming into the bridge.

"Sensor analysis picked it up." He gestured towards the three main screens.


"Carter you're doing the astonished fish act again."

"Sir this, this set up and technology its…"

"Yeah Carter, but no window." He waved towards the front of the bridge. "Not one, anywhere."

"Something to ask the Sorcerer Captain after this crisis…Jack…" Daniel started.

"Danny you're not going to ask me." He was cut off by Daniel's wonderings.

"You don't think this is our fault."

"Daniel, I told you not to tell me that."


"Energy spike, intensified hyperspace window forming, it's a big one too sir." Harry said, but the levels on the screens before them spoke for themselves, it was rising and rising further up the 'big and dangerous' scale.

"Move us to a safe observable distance, inform Prometheus to move into an orbit between Phobos and Mars. Send coordinates if necessary. Prep Thylacines for launch."


"Thylacines?" Jack pondered.

"Extinct Australian marsupial." Daniel answered immediately.

"This crew is Australian. Maybe space here is ruled by Australians. That'd be different." Carter added.

"Except he" Daniel nodded toward Sorcerer Captain Potter "He was probably born in England."

"On account of his weird accent."

"I'm a linguist Jack, I think I can tell these things."


"Mass detected leaving window. We're reading huge energy washout on the scanners."

"Bring them up."

"We're getting a transmission sir, linguistics is running it now."

"Let's see it anyway."

Two of the screens changed, one the left displayed the three large ships that had appeared through the hyperspace window.

"How big?" Colonel Rogers breathed as he stared at the three pyramid shaped ships.

"Sensors are having trouble, conservative guesses are at 650 meters long. Unidentified power source, unidentified defensives. Battle analysis and linguistics suggest an imperialistic and oppressive based civilisation based on intimidation. Still running the language." Harry reeled off the relevant information as the man in the interesting clothing leaned back on a golden throne, and from the sounds of it ordered them to do something.


"That slimy snakehead." Jack muttered.

"What's he saying Daniel?"

"I'm…give me a minute."

"I thought you're the 'linguist' Danny?" O'Neill mocked.

"It is Ba'al O'Neill." Teal'c said in a low voice.


"Launch Thylacines protective formation around us, contact Earth what ships have we got there. Harry battle analysis?"

"Just coming up, we're trying to tease out usable data."

The left hand side screen switched to show the battlespace of their local area of space.

It showed the three pyramid shaped craft with the lead ship and two others forming a rough triangle with the Hattah at the apex.

"All three ships have energy shielding, we're detecting craft launching from an area within from all three craft."

The battlespace had started off not too much in their favour, and now was looking decidedly worrying.


"Oh dear." Daniel said looking at the screen.

"Maybe, just maybe Daniel that might be our fault." Jack admitted and pulled the straps on his seat that much tighter.


Author Notes:

This chapter took me a while to come up with.

It's taken me a while to find and get into my head the 'voices' of Jack, Sam, Daniel and Teal'c. Plus at this point I think I've got Jack down alright and Sam sort of and Daniel sort of, sorry if they're not too spot on.

What the person on the Ha'tak is saying isn't specified for a few reasons, one is they're speaking Goa'uld, the second reason is I did want to actually write it and have it sneak in here and there throughout these final few paragraphs, however it's quite hard to find an English – Goa'uld translator.

There will be a translation next chapter courtesy of the Hattah's linguistics section.

Harry is a bit older and he's a Captain now so he's gone up a rank (from lieutenant).

Thanks for reading.