Hi everyone, it's the Pickles and Jelly show! With your hosts, Pickles the Pickle, and Jelly Jiggler! Any words for the audience Mr. Jiggler? Yes! I do have one thing to say…HOW DARE YOU ALL CUT ME OUT OF THIS SERIES! I AM HE ENTITY OF GREATNESS, THE ONE WHO'S ON YOUR TOAST EVERY MORNING, THE MAN WHO DELICIOUS SNACK FOODS! I AM JELLY JIGGLER! AND IF I CAN'T BE A PART OF THIS SHOW THEN NO ONE WILL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Episode 24: He's a gummy SELLOUT! Give me a real challenge!
"AHAHAHAHA! FELL THE WRATH OF MY POWER! HAHAHA!" Haniku laughed evilly as he began to charge for Bobobo.
"Ah! NO! You're gonna scuff my polished floors!" Bobobette cried, waxing the floors to perfection in a maid outfit and soccer shoes.
"Why are you wearing cleats anyways, Bobobo?" Don Patch wondered. "CUZ I WANTED TO GET THE WINNING GOAL!" Bobobo screamed as he kicked Don Patch into a soccer goal, with a large crowd cheering in joy.
"Congratulations, Bobobo! You've just won yourself the greatest gift in the world…a high five!" Pokomi announced as she held her hand for a high five, though Bobobo suddenly looked irritated. "I THOUGHT I WON A PONY!" he cried, dressed as Beauty.
"HEY! THAT'S SUPPOSED TO BE MY LINE!" Beauty screamed out.
"HAHA! SUPER FIST OF BUBBLE GUM: TAFFY SURPRISE!" Haniku screamed with a devilish face as he threw wads of taffy at Bobobo and Don Patch!
"Yum! This is good! What do you call this?" Bobobo smiled as he and Don Patch chewed the taffy.
"Wha?" Haniku gasped in shock.
"Cool! Look at what I can do!" Patches giggled as she floated through the air, though her skirt was being peeked under, though all she was wearing was puffy, white bloomers that the old ladies wear.
"Oh my! You pervert! DON'T YOU EVEN LOOK AT ME!" Patches screamed as she punched Hatenko away, who watched his boss grace through the air.
"I'M SO SORRY BOSS!" Hatenko cried in the distance.
"Grr…YOU GUYS ARE REALLY IRRITATING ME! FIST OF BUBBLE GUM, CHERRY BONANZA!" Haniku screamed as cherries and gum shot toward Bobobo.
"HA! YOU THINK THAT'LL STOP ME!? FIST OF STALLING! DON PATCH BUFFET EATER!" Bobobo screamed as he put Don Patch in front of him, who ate the attack like a delicious sandwich.
"NO WAY! Grr…FINE! I'LL JUST HAVE TO KICK IT UP A NOTCH! FIST OF BUBBLE GUM: TAFFY SURPRISE!" Haniku screamed as taffy came Bobobo's way.
"Ya know it's not a surprise if you tell us. YOU JUST RUINED MY BRITHDAY!" Bobobo cried, kicking Haniku in the gut and pounding him into the wall.
"Alright! Great move Bobobo!" Pokomi smiled.
"FIST OF WIGGIN: BRUCE LEE KICK! YA!" Don Patch screamed, as he delivered a barrage of kicks to Haniku, who was then covered in blood and his eyes swirling.
"Yea! That was awesome Bobobo! You beat him!" Beauty cheered.
"Oh godfather! Move out the way!" Hatenko cried, pushing Ichigo away in order to get to Don Patch.
"That was incredible, godfather! I just wish I was like you! You're so brave and cool!" Hatenko smiled as he hugged Don Patch.
"GET OFF OF ME YOU BRUTE!" Don Patch screamed, punching Hatenko away.
"I'm sorry godfather! I'll never do it again!" Hatenko cried, bowing down to Don Patch.
"Aw. Poor Hatenko. Don Patch treats him like a punching bag more than a godson." Pokomi said to her brother, who wasn't really listening, just standing there, staring at Bobobo with a confused anime face.
"Hello! Big brother! Hey! Can you hear me? Hello!" Pokomi said, snapping her fingers in his face though still no reply.
"…Where'd he get those shoes?" Heppokomaru said out of nowhere, making Pokomi and Beauty fall anime style.
"That's all you were in a trance about!? HIS SHOES!?" Pokomi screamed, though Heppokomaru put his palm on the top of her head and turned her head for her to look at Bobobo's glow in the dark sneakers with purple straps.
"T-They're beautiful…" Pokomi whimpered, tearing up at the sight.
"YOU TWO HAVE TOTALLY LOST IT!" Beauty screamed, hitting the brother and sister in the back of the head with a paper fan.
"Ow. Why'd you hit me so hard?" Heppokomaru whimpered, on his knees and clutching the back of his head.
"We're really sorry." Pokomi whimpered, in the same position as her brother.
"Well it was still dumb!" Beauty replied with her hands on her hips.
"So, Haniku…Like my shoes?" Bobobo smiled, posing like a supermodel.
"I LOVE THEM!" Haniku smiled, completely recovered for some reason.
"YAH!" Bobobo screamed, karate chopping Haniku in the back.
"So…Haniku…Where's Tsurulina the 6th? TELL ME NOW!" Bobobo yelled, dressed as Batman.
"Hehe…Why would I tell you-" Haniku was cut off when Bobobo threw him into the mirror.
"ANSWER ME!" Bobobo screamed.
"Okay! Okay! Don't have to get all physical. The truth is, you have to defeat the three Supreme Bases before getting to her. They are located in three different countries. The Shou Base is in Mexico, the Satsu Base is in China, while the Kagai Base is here in Japan, in a mysterious city far from here. However, you must go to the Shou Base before proceeding to the other two. Each leader has a key to the Base above them and only with that key will you be able to enter their fortresses. Besides, I doubt you'll even be able to defeat the Shou Base leader, Commander Kanoi anyways, Hahaha-"
"Don Patch chop!" Don Patch screamed, karate chopping Haniku in the back, with him passing out.
"So…We've gotta go all the way to Mexico, then to China, then all the way back here!? WHAT THE HELL, MAN!" Pokomi cried on the ground.
"This is great! Well, not the fact that we'll be fighting but the fact that we'll be going on a little vacation in those places! I'm so excited, aren't you, Hekun?" Beauty smiled at him, and he blushed a bit.
"Well, sure. It sounds like fun." he said.
"How come He-san talks different to her than everybody else? I mean he's always yelling or being mean to others but he's all quiet and nice to her, I just don't get it." Ichigo wondered.
"Hehehe, you really are clueless, Ichi-kun." Pokomi giggled, as she then watched her brother and Beauty with a smile.
Aw. They're so cute. It's almost like he forgot about everything in the past when he's with her. I hope it'll stay like that forever. I hope I find somebody that I can have a relationship like that with someday. Pokomi thought peacefully.
"YA! WE'RE OFF ON THE BOBOBO TAIN! IF YOU GUYS DON'T WANNA WALK THEN GET IN!" Bobobo yelled as he turned into a train.
"Seriously? YEA! I'VE NEVER BEEN ON ONE OF THESE BEFORE! THIS IS SO COOL!" Ichigo cheered as he jumped on board, with Don Patch sitting next to him, smiling as he were an old man.
"Ugh. Fine. I guess there's nothing else better to do." Heppokomaru said in annoyance, walking onto the train.
"All aboard!? OK! NOW LET'S GO!" Don Patch yelled, as nosehairs came from the floors of the train and the bars of the seats to twirl around everyone's wrists and ankles to secure them.
"JUST GETTING YOU GUYS PREPARED FOR A BUMPY RIDE! NOW LET'S GO!" Bobobo yelled as he sped off like a dog chasing a juicy bone.
"AH! BOBOBO SLOW DOWN! GODFATHER CAN'T HOLD ON MUCH LONGER!" Hatenko cried, as he watched Don Patch holding onto the edge of the train door for his life.
"DID YOU SAY SPEED UP? WELL OKAY! LET'S KICK IT UP A NOTCH!" Bobobo yelled as he went into turbo gear.
"HATENKO YOU IDIOT! WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Don Patch cried, as he fell and trampled onto the train tracks.
"WAIT A MINUTE! I think someone dropped some luggage. I'll go back and get it!" Bobobo yelled as he turned himself around somehow and sped up, crushing Don Patch.
"DAMN YOU BOBOBO! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS! Only $230.99!" Don Patch screamed in agony, though switching into a chibi face and talking as if he were on an advertisement commercial.
"ONLY 230 DOLLARS!? WHAT A GREAT PRICE!" Beauty screamed in sarcasm.
"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BOBOBO PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Pokomi cried, though Bobobo didn't care, and sped up even more to the point that breaks didn't exist.
Though suddenly, something crashing into Bobobo's train and it fell backwards and upside down then crashing on Don Patch, who was trying to crawl away.
"…Ow…What the hell was that…?" Heppokomaru said, spinning around and holding his head. "I-I don't know. I just know that hurt so bad…" Pokomi said, as she moaned in pain.
"Oops...I-I guess I went too far-"
"YA THINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?" everyone screamed at Bobobo, who was chibi and crying.
"Oh, are you okay, Bobobo-san-"
"DON'T TOUCH ME BOY!" Bobobo screamed at Ichigo, slapping him in the face.
"Hey, don't you guys wonder what just hit us?" Hatenko wondered, with Don Patch crawling behind him.
"Hello! It's me, Torpedo Girl! Here to save the day again! Because I'm a TORPEDO!" Torpedo Girl screamed, with Softon unconscious on her back though she was smiling.
"B-B-Bobobo…I…I have to…Beauty…" "Save your breath Softon, sweetie. I'll tell them." Torpedo Girl smiled, as Softon tried to get up.
"Softon says that-"
"Torpedo Girl. I'll tell them. D-Don't worry." Softon struggled, though he managed to get up without help.
"We have to go somewhere. It's very important." Softon said. "Where?" Pokomi wondered.
"IS IT SOMEWHERE FUN? LIKE AN AMUSEMENT PARK? OH! MOMMA! CAN WE GO PLEASE!?" Don Patch jumped in excitement, as Bobobette got her purse and whacked him in the head.
"Beauty…Mother and Father…t-they're waiting for you at home…with a very special message…at home…at the Snow Kingdom…" Softon said, struggling to do so. Everyone gasped with wide eyes, though Beauty was shocked the most.
Did I hear him right…? I-I have a mom…and dad…worrying about me…? And…the Snow Kingdom…what's that…? Beauty thought, in a trance at the previous sentence that came out of her older brother's mouth.
"R-Really…?" Beauty wondered, as uncontrollable tears came from her eyes.
"Hey, Softon. What's the Snow Kingdom, anyways?" Hatenko wondered.
"It sounds like so much fun! We have to go!" Bobobo hopped up and down as if he were a child.
"Well, you guys can come, too. We wont be there for long, hopefully." Softon smiled, as he began to walk the opposite direction.
"Hey! I WANNA GO!" Bobobo cried as he ran after Softon.
"YEA! SANTA MIGHT BE THERE!" Don Patch cried as he ran as well. Beauty then ran behind them, with a smile.
"Come on, Hatenko-san, we can't be left behind!" Ichigo yelled as he and Hatenko ran behind everyone.
"Hmph. I guess we've gotta go, too." Pokomi said as she ran after everyone.
Heppokomaru then went with her, though his facial expression looked worried for some reason.
The quest to the Snow Kingdom begins! What secrets lie within this Kingdom? Will Beauty's family really be there? And why is Heppokomaru so worried? Find out on the next episode of Randori Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo!