This wasn't just a kiss, it was the kiss. It was the kiss that changed everything, his friends, is reputation, his life but there was something amazing about it all. Link didn't care who was looking, it was his and Tracy's time. Her lips felt like velvet and he didn't want this to end. He knew that it was the start of something real. He felt her slowly pulling away and he gazed into those big beautiful brown eyes. Tracy was smiling warmly up at him and there eyes had locked then he saw her face fall. He couldn't understand what was wrong. She grabbed his hand and ran off the stage away from all the leering eyes.

"We … we just kissed on live television" she stammered and swallowing hard trying to grasp what had just happened. He smiled could she get anymore cuter?

"We sure did," and he pulled her closer to him "and it's not going to be the last one" he said charmingly and he could still feel a tingling on his lips from when they kissed. She looked gorgeous in her white and black dress and her hair looked so long and silky, she was just so perfect. He leaned in for another kiss when he felt a sharp tug on his jacket, he whisked around and he saw Amber standing there pouting huffily and her hands were sitting on her hips.

" L..Link Larkin we are over!" she squealed and he felt her cold small hand slap him across his face. His cheek was stinging like crazy and it was probably bright red too. Though showing no pain he said seriously and quite coolly "Amber we were over before we even started."

"AHHHH!" she screamed and stormed off, her high heels clicking on the cold hard floor. He turned back round to Tracy instantly and her brown eyes were glistening.

"Sorry you had to see that Lil' Darlin" he said apologetically.

"I was more worried about you, that was one heck of a slap. Here this might help." She said and she stroked his cheek gently and then planted a kiss on it. His heart started pumping really fast and he felt butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Then they spotted Velma Von Tussell Being dragged out by two security guards screaming "No I… I belong here it's my job it's that chubby communist girls fault!" pointing at Tracy. Link and Tracy started laughing. He trailed his finger through her soft hair and she smiled up at him. "Now where were we before we were so rudely interrupted" he grinned and leaned in to kiss her.

Tracy sat at her dresser, her name was hanging above the mirror and there was a huge vase of flower sitting on it from one of her fans. She had to say that again to because it was so hard to believe, her fans. She picked out a big rosy coloured flower and started to twirl it around her fingers. She caught glance of herself in the mirror and for once in her life she felt pretty and it was all because of Link. How did she Tracy Turnblad end up with this happily ever after? All her dreams had come true, she was dancing on the Corny Collin's show, it had become integrated and Link had kissed her. Everything was just so perfect. She looked at the flower again and started to pluck the petals off it.

"He loves me …

He loves me not…

He loves …"

Tracy went silent when she felt the gentle warm hands cover her eyes. "Guess who" said the familiar charming voice. She felt her heart flutter. "Hmm let me guess Corny? Brad? Seaweed?" she said teasing lightly.

"Lil' Darlin' you've forgotten me already?" Link said and spun her chair around so she was facing him.

"Not a chance" she whispered into his ear and kissed him tenderly on the lips and then it deepened and she savoured every moment of it. She didn't want to break away and his kiss made her feel weak but there was this annoying voice nagging her. Finally she found the strength to pull away.

"W…we should get back out there" She said dreamily still recovering from the kiss.

"Ugh, just two more minutes, they're hardly going to miss us that much" he pleaded and leaned back in for another kiss but she put her finger on his lip but he opened his mouth and sucked it.

"Eww your gross" she said taunting him and wiping his salvia on his jacket.

"Yeah and your one to complain about my salvia" he said laughing

"Oh come on" she said linking hands with him and walked back out to the stage. There were cheers being let out everywhere and the celebrations were in full swing. Link stood still for one moment "Did I mention you look beautiful" he said softly, gazing deep into her eyes. Tracy felt her cheeks instantly warm.

"Come on you we are going to miss the party." She said secretly loving every moment of it. How did she end up with this amazing guy? She felt she was in a dream and she never wanted to wake up. Once they went onto the stage she felt all eyes fall on her and suddenly felt quite self conciseness which really wasn't like her.

"Trace," whispered Link tearing her from her thoughts, "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, everything's amazing" she said confidently and he grinned at her

"Now come on lets dance" and he pulled her to where everyone else was dancing.

The mood changed as the song changed to a slow song and Link pulled Tracy close to him and she rested her head on his shoulder. She'd waited for this moment for 3 years but she had never imagined it would be feel this good. The song ended and the music stopped altogether but they still didn't let go of each other.

"Sorry folks that's all for tonight but thanks for coming" Corny said cheesily and then grinned down at Tracy and Link. He'd always had a soft spot for both of them.

"Tracy!" squealed Penny from behind them, Link wanted to plug his ears from the noise of their high pitched screaming but he just laughed instead.

"Cracker boy!" said Seaweed his grin stretched out on his face.

"I see the girls are having a good gossip about us" he laughed

"Us?" gulped Link, he knew that's what girls did but he wasn't really used to being told about it.

"No, about the shade of lipstick they are wearing," he said sarcastically, "Of course about us and I thought you were the expert when it came to girls." He said jokingly.

"Yeah well I don't know everything yet." He said and he looked over at the two of them talking and giggling. They were truly best friends and they would never say a bad word about each other unlike Amber , once any of her "friends" had their back turned she would be saying all sort of comments about them.

Tracy came skipping back over towards him.

"Link I've really got to go now" the lights were starting to be switched off and the crowds were disappearing out the doors.

"You sure you don't want a ride home with me babe?" Link said looking adoringly at her.

"I want to but I really should… you know explain to mum and dad about everything"

"I understand" and he kissed her on the lips even though he felt disappointment surging at the bottom of his stomach.

"I'll see you later" and he winked at her. He watched Tracy skip off happily. This must have been the best day of his life.