Living In Oblivion


If anymore rain was pouring down it would be impossible to see anything ten feet away. The thunder was loud and booming as it cracked overhead. The clouds were darker than they ever had been. The blue skies were covered by the thick clouds completely. Not that they could be seen from the ground with all the rain.

Amy Rose was frustrated. How could Eggman pick such a horrible day to attack? Amy's quills were plastered to her neck. Obviously soaked with all the rain water. And her bangs were getting in her face. She looked out at the ocean where Eggman's current doomsday device was. Actually, it was more like a robot. So typical. Didn't he ever give up?

The only problem with her target being out in the ocean was that she didn't have any way to get over to it. Sonic and Knuckles were stuck in the same imposition. Getting over to Eggman was going to be tricky. The waves were beating against rocks with dangerous force. Thrusting all their power against the shore. If they were standing any closer to the shore they would be swept away.

"What do we do now?" Amy asked.

Sonic glanced at her and shrugged. "I don't know. I'm out of ideas for once."

Worry began to take over Amy. What if Sonic did something stupid and got himself hurt. It was then that they heard an engine. The droning of an engine. It was very faint but it could be heard nonetheless. They glanced over at Knuckles and he shrugged. All three of the friends looked up into the sky and saw the outline of an air craft. The Tornado.

Tails brought the plane down as gently as he could on the beach. "Come on Sonic!" he called.

Sonic sped over to the plane and hopped in the passenger seat. Amy ran up to the plane. "Amy you can't come with us. You'll only get hurt," Sonic said.

"I'm coming with you whether you like it or not," she said.

"No you're not. We're not having this argument," the blue hedgehog continued. Knuckles joined them and leaped up on top of the blue plane.

"He can go but I can't? That's so not fair!" she cried. She went to get in but Tails took off before she got in. "You jerks! Come back here! That's so not fair!" She waved her arms angrily at them not that they could see her through the thick rain. She cried out angrily into the storm.

She stalked down the beach in a huff debating what to do. Now she had no way of getting over there to help. And who knew if they were going to be ok. She had no way of knowing now. She couldn't see them from where she was standing. Maybe if she got a little closer she could see them. She moved closer to the roaring water. Still unable to see she moved closer.

That wasn't helpful. The rain was just pouring so thickly it was impossible to see anything. She turned to walk farther from the water when she heard a crashing sound. As she turned around a large wave crashed down on her. It pulled her off her feet and dragged her farther from the beach. She went under water for a few seconds and came up sputtering and gasping for air. She spit out some water and flailed around like a fish on land.

Then she realized she would have to have more control of herself to get out of this situation. She started trying to swim toward the shore in an awkward looking freestyle. But she was no match for the water, and it dragged her under its surface. This time she was under for a longer period of time. Her lungs started to feel like bursting after about half a minute. She needed air now. Desperately, she swam to the surface and sucked in as much air as possible.

The water just kept sweeping her farther and farther into the sea. Suddenly, she heard the Tornado. "Help!" she cried weakly. Water filled her mouth, and she was pulled under once again. This losing battle was weakening her quickly. If she kept this up for much longer she would most likely drown. She managed to get to the surface again and spit out the water. Immediately, she sucked in some more air.

The Tornado wasn't very far above her. She looked up at it and could see Knuckles. He was talking to Sonic and pointing toward her. Before she could see Sonic's face she was pulled under again by another wave. This time she barely put up a fight. The water seemed to be getting stronger. But it was more likely that she was just getting weaker. But before she died, she wanted one last glimpse of her hero. Her one and only love. Who didn't seem to share her feelings, but that didn't matter.

In one flail-like movement she made it to the surface. She could see the Tornado coming her way. Sonic was looking down at her. Pure fear and concern written all over his face. She wished the last glimpse she would ever see of his face would be of him smiling, but this would have to do.

Her body gave up and she was dragged under the dark water for the last time. The water surrounded her. Her lungs were dying for air. She could feel it in her chest. But it was over. She was done. No one could save her now. This must be what it's like to die, she thought as darkness crept over her.


A/N: Cliffhanger! I hope you will read on when I get the other chapters up.

I suddenly got the inspiration from a song I was listening to. So right now I'm brimming with ideas. I hope I can stay that way throughout the entire story. But I may reach writer's block and all I ask is that you'll be patient.

I'd really appreciate some input. It really helps speed up my thinking process when it comes to writing. So I hope to hear from you!