Hey! I thought this up as I was sitting on the couch browsing through the songs on my computer. I will continue to write The Thorns of a Rose, but I want to try something new. Ok, I'll stop rambling now. Please enjoy the first chapter of, 'Washed Up'

I do not own Pirates of the Caribbean, Disney does. I only own the characters that weren't in the movies. You know, the ones I made up. Anyway.

My name is Christina Groves. My parents and I were stranded here after our ship wrecked and we drifted on a piece of wood from the ship. My big brother is in the Navy. Perhaps you've heard of Theodore Groves? He's the reason we were on the ship in the first place.

We were on our way to meet him in Port Royal, when our ship crashed upon some rocks. It was night, so it was pretty much impossible to see them. So now we're here, stranded on this little island that we're sure no one knows about.

Wait, wait. Did I say we? Ah. Sorry. I meant, me. See, when my parents and I were stranded on this island, we used the trees and such to our advantage to build a shelter. We lived in this shelter for a year or two, then my world came crashing down...

"Mum! Look what I found!" Eleven year old me said as I ran excitedly up to my Mum.

She turned and smiled at me as she stood on the beach, her brown hair and eyes gleaming. "What did you find, sweet?"

I extended my arm and opened my palm, revealing what I had been clutching. It was a Sea Grape Flower. Completely edible. I was rather proud of myself.

She gently took the flower from my hand. "What is it?" She asked as her brow furrowed.

"A Sea Grape Flower. They're completely edible! Just ask father!"

My father. He was a botanist. That's how I knew of such plants as the one I showed my mother, and much more.

She nodded to my request and turned her head, looking at my father who was standing off to the side on the shore. "Robert! Come look at this plant!" She called.

At the sound of looking at an exotic plant, my father's head snapped in our direction. He made his way to us at a slow jog, a smile instantly spreading across his face when he spotted the plant in my mother's soft hands.

"A Sea Grape Flower!" He exclaimed excitedly, looking to my mother. "Where did you find this, dear?"

She nodded to me. "Chrissy found it."

He looked to me, the same excitement in his deep blue eyes. "Well, where did you find it?" He asked me softly.

I hung my head. "The...darkened part of the jungle."

The darkened part of the jungle is what we called the part of the jungle that we hadn't explored, and was a little more wild and exotic than the front of the jungle that we lived in. I was forbidden to go to this part of the jungle, which is why I had hung my head the instant I answered.

My mother's eyes widened. "Christina!"

"Don't call me that!" I hated my full name. I preferred Chrissy, nothing else.

"Chrissy," She said dangerously. "You know you're not supposed to go to the dark part of the jungle! There's no telling what may be lurking!"

My father butt in. "But look what she's found! Sea Grape Flowers are completely edible! We have extra food now!"

"Robert! Don't encourage her!"

Acting as though my father hadn't heard what my mother said, he turned back to me. "Chrissy, you must show me where you found this!"

"No, Robert! I don't want you two going back their!" My mother responded incredulously.

"Then come with us." I said simply as I lead my father away from the beach.

Sighing, she followed.

"There." I pointed to the Sea Grape Tree.

My father began picking his way through the brush, making his way to the tree. My mother, still worried, followed him.

"Come along," He said to my mother. "Help me pick some of these."

She obliged, walking to the tree and helping him pick the flowers. After a few minutes they had picked the tree clean. My father, not content with the clearly good sum of flowers, tried walking on deeper in the jungle.

"Robert, where are you going?" My mother asked.

"To see if there's anymore plants we can eat, come on."

"But Robert..."

"Come on!"

Sighing, my mother followed. Only a few steps deeper into the jungle, my parents must have stepped on a weakened place in the ground, for they fell through the jungle floor. My eyes filled with horror I ran to the place they had fallen. Automatically I turned and threw up. I don't even know for how long I did until I stopped and began sobbing.

They were dead.

Apparently, the place they had stepped on was a large hole that had been covered with brush and the sort over a period of time. There were jagged rocks at the bottom of this hole. They had fallen to their deaths. I turned from that place as quickly as I could, running until I reached the beach and my legs gave out. I crashed into the sand, my body shaking with sobs.

I was all alone on an island no one knew of. Had I known what fate had planned for me, I would have stopped being so afraid...

So, first chapter of 'Washed Up'. What do you think? Reviews appreciated! No flames please!