Urf…so much to make up…I may need to combine chapters from now on…

After several days of slacking off and banging my head against the wall, I've returned! Hooray for me. I'm only mentioning 'Return of the Headmaster' because it's relevant and I'm skipping to 'Mission Accomplished' because I wish to.


Sentinel Prime's presence in the city was becoming more and more pronounced.

The arrogant bot had been given more than fifty tickets for reckless driving and for damaging property…mind you, this was minus the parking tickets.

However, lately, the mech had been keeping a VERY low profile, and many of the Autofans were confused as to why he was doing that…at least they were, until they saw the episode involving him, Optimus, and the Headmaster.

The Autofan base resounded with much laughter at the Elite Guard bot's expense.


"Hmmm…Sentinel's still stuck in his room on Ultra Magnus' ship, huh?" Ratchet asked Optimus, smirking.

"Yeah, and it's a good thing too. The fans'll never let him live this down. I'm still having a hard time believing it happened myself." The rookie leader replied.

"From what I heard, he actually thanked you for lying for him."

"He did, actually…yet another thing I can't believe."


"I'm telling you, Ultra Magnus, sir, these organics aren't anything but trouble!" Sentinel growled. The Elite Gaurdmech had his wires in a bunch because recently, the organic 'Autofan' commander, Jiyar, and his cohorts had requested permission to come aboard to discuss some important matters.

"Commander, if I may," Jazz piped up. "These organics don't seem so bad. A little overenthusiastic, but they're like sparklings if you can calm them down." Indeed, he managed to charm his way out of the mob of fans that had attacked him back in Prowl's room. "Besides, they seem to worship us for some reason."

"Hmmm. Very well, Jazz. I will give these organics a chance." Ultra Magnus said after a moment of though.

"But sir-!" Sentinel tried to say, but was stopped by the Autobot Commander.

"Sentinel, these organics hold no ill will against us. I know you've had bad experiences with organics before, but in case you haven't noticed, these creatures lack any means of harming us in anyway involving acid or any substance of the sort. If you don't change your attitude, you can just stay here with Optimus Prime and his crew."

That shut Sentinel up.


On the far side of the woods, a small campsite was set up. Several bots and their creators were huddled by several small fires, grumbling quietly. Near the Medic's tent, several Medicbots were working on damaged OC while their creators patched themselves up.

Ever since Ghost had disappeared, things had been looking bleak for the Deceptifans. Many of them had been driven back into the portal, leaving them with only a few good fighters and spies left.

"I can't believe Ghost just up and ran like that," one young Deceptifan muttered, huddling close to his OC.

"To be fair, Nijira DID take her down a peg," A beat-up Tracker replied. "But still…we're still without a leader."

"Oh really?" Everyone in the camp looked up at the voice. Striding through the brush was Nijira followed by what appeared to be a robotic ram. "Well, I think you've just got yourselves one." The animal snorted and small flames came from its nostrils.

"Nijira!" Tracker cried, wings fluttering happily.

"Yes, Tracker, I'm back. I just had to dispatch a certain traitor. Now then," Nijira clasped her hands together. "Who wants to follow me to the new Deceptifan base?"

Cheers echoed through the wilderness as the response to her question.


After a short hike into the mountains, Nijira stopped next to a mine shaft that appeared to be blocked by a load of rubble. Smiling, she went right through the rocks, motioning for her troops to follow.

Just beyond the hologram, a tunnel lit with lamps awaited the weary Deceptifans. "This base is directly connected to the Decepticon base. It took me a few days to finish it up, but I think it'll be suitable." Nijira said, leading them into a colossal 'den' completely furnished with couches, three separate televisions, and several computer stations. "The living quarters are down that hall, the kitchen's down there, and the tunnel linking us to the Decepticon base is right over there." The Deceptifan leader pointed the tunnels out as the fans looked around in amazement.

"How'd you get all of this done?" One of the fans asked.

"Well, I had some help." Nijira said. The floor began to rumble and a large drilling machine burst out of the ground. It promptly transformed into a large, brawny mech.

"Ye called, Ladee Nijira?" It asked in a rustic accent.

" Ah, Dugg, you're here. Everyone, this is Dugg. I found him underground and reactivated him in order to create the base." Several voices sounded their appreciation to the large mech.

"It warn't nothin'." He replied, transforming back into vehicle mode and burrowing back down into the ground.


Ultra Magnus looked down at the three humans that stood before him, and couldn't help but smile inwardly. It would appear that one greatly resembled him in character, and his two companions resembled Jazz and Sentinel. "Commander Ultra Magnus, sir." The one with spiky red hair said, saluting. "My name is Jiyar, Autofan commander of this verse. My companions are Anthony and Twillia."

"At ease, Jiyar." Ultra Magnus said. "Tell me, what's so important that you insisted on a personal conference with me?"

"We are aware that some of you soldiers," At this point, he looked over at Sentinel Prime, "Are untrusting of our intentions. Well, we are here to say that we mean absolutely no harm to you, but, like us, there are humans who support the Decepticons. They call themselves 'Deceptifans'. We are here to warn you of them."

"We thank you for the information, Autofan Jiyar, but I'm sure we can take care of these 'Deceptifans' ourselves."

"Well, that's not the only thing we're here to tell you," The one called Anthony piped up.


"Yes, there's a rouge human not on Earth, but somewhere in space. He's number one on both the Deceptifan and Autofan Most Wanted List. He goes by Otto Brigade, and he's on the run from us somewhere out in space. We advise you to be cautious of him. He's very, very dangerous, especially to Transformers such as yourselves." Jiyar stated. "We're sending you a picture in case you spot him."

"Oh please. What would an organic do to us?" Sentinel asked, scowling.

"Well, for starters, it's been reported he's got a partner that looks just like you, Sentinel Prime." Twillia replied snidely. "I'd be careful if I was you. They could frame you for something."

"We appreciate the information, Jiyar. We will contact you if said human turns up."

"Thank you for seeing us, Ultra Magnus, sir. It has been an honor meeting you." Jiyar said, saluting. All three turned to leave, but not before Anthony nodded goodbye to Jazz, who smiled back.

It seemed that they had found another creature taking after their own sparks and hearts…


Meanwhile, somewhere out in the middle of the forest, a small portal opened up and two figures dragged themselves through before it closed.

The girl had grey hair and appeared very battered and tried as the Pit, but she stood up, scowling. "File, are you alright?" She asked in a low voice.

The wolf beside her groaned "I'm alright, Ghost."

"That was a heck of a fight you put up. I'm lucky to have you as a partner." Ghost muttered, patting Filereaper's head. "But now, it looks like we're on our own for a while, eh?"

"Yeah…" The wolf replied. "But we'll get back at Nijira and her goat…I swear it."

"Yes, File, we will. But first…I think we need rest."



ACK. I know this is so late it isn't even funny, but I've been busy helping my new co-author on Deviantart. She doesn't have an account here, but I digress, I've been plenty busy with her, teaching writing and stuuuff.

Anyway, if you wish to know about Mister Otto Brigade, please look at 'Nemesis', and you will see why he's on the Most Wanted List for both factions. XD