Her secret had actually been a secret since her 3rd year. Right after she went through puberty, now that she thought about it.
The secret that would have been so forbidden and that which would have made her friends leave her was that she was irrivocably in love the the Potions Master at Hogwarts, Professor Severus Snape.
No, she could not and would not ever tell anyone about this. If Harry and Ron ever found out, she'd be all alone. They hated him and she knew this, therefore, she'd never tell them. It wasn't as if anything would every come from it, seeing as how Snape loved nothing more then to torture the Golden Trio, including her.
Just this past year it had been what she would consider "love". It had actually gotten her so hot and bothered that it had started to effect her classroom performance. Especially in Potions and it had only made the torture from the brutal, yet honestly extremely sexy man even worse.
She couldn't see why everyone referred to him as the greasy bat of the dungeons. He was very attractive and his intelligence and the way he was so mysterious made him even more so, to her at least.
This year, she was taking Advanced Potions and had a plan. Even if it didn't work, it wouldn't hurt to try would it? I mean, it might hurt her feelings, pride, break her heart even but it was not going to stop her.
Hermione was ready for the fight against the feared Potions Master. It would not discourage her.
She was always up to a challenge and this was indeed a challenge.
By the end of Hermione's 7th year at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, everyone would know her secret.
Short, I know, I hate short chapters. First fanfition! Hoping it'll be good. Be gentle with the reviews, bitte. :D Future chapters will be much longer and the sooner I get reviews the sooner you get a second chapter ;)