Disclaimer-I do not own Life With Derek

Author's Note- Rated M for rape. Please R&R! The rape will be short because I don't like it but I had to write this story. This is a Dasey story.


For three months Casey MacDonald had been induring the abuse her boyfriend Greg had inflicted upon her. At first it was the perfect relationship. He was kind,attentive and treated her like royalty. Then Casey made the mistake of breaking a date to go to a movie with Emily. The next day Greg cornored Casey in the girls bathroom at school and hit her saying "Don't ever do it again.". After that he found reasons to hit her. Stupid things like he didn't like the shirt she was wearing or she walked to slow. Over the months the abuse got worse and worse. Casey was good at hiding it though,seeing as Greg never hit in visible areas. He would punch her arms,legs and stomach. No one suspected a thing...that was the worst part. No one could help her.

Chapter One-Too Far,He Went To Far.

Casey drove as fast as she could down Main Street. She kept glancing in her rearview mirror to make sure Greg wasn't following. She couldn't stop thinking about what had just happened.


"I'm sorry Greg,I won't do it again...Please...let me go."Casey begged. Greg pinned her down on his bed and forced her jeans off.

"Too late."Greg spat. Casey had asked him if they could watch something other then King Kong on television. Greg had lost it.

Greg pulled his pant's down forced himself inside her. The pain from her broken hymen caused Casey to cry out. Greg ignored her crys and moaned with pleasure as he thrusted himself up and down.

Casey laid still and waited for the rape to be over.

When it finally was Greg retreated to the bathroom. Casey,almost crippled by fear and pain,got up and ran to her car. Soon she would be safe.

End Flashback

Casey finally pulled up infront of her house. No one was home,George and Nora had taken the kids camping and Derek was with friends. Casey ran into the house and locked the door behind her. Panting Casey suddenly felt sick. She ran into the bathroom and emptied her stomach into the toilet. Suddenly she heard footsteps behind her.

"Yeah! Ok call you tomorrow!"Derek shouted to his friends as he shut the front door. Quickly Casey gathered her purse and ran upstairs..

"Hey! Case wait up! I have to tell you the funny thing Sam said!"Derek yelled,running after Casey.

"Not now Derek."Casey said shutting her bedroom door. Casey felt so much pain coursing throughout her body that she couldn't move anymore. She tried to balance herself on her dresser but she collapsed anyway,sending her jewerly box and trinkets crashing to the floor.

Derek was startled by the sound of a loud crash coming from Casey's room. He ran to her door and knocked loudly "Case! You ok?!"

"D...rek..."Casey whispered.

"I am coming in!"Derek shouted. He threw Casey's door open and found Casey lying on the floor. She was badly beaten bleeding from a gash on her head.

"Casey!"Derek cried,taking Casey in his arms. "What happened."

"Greg..."Casey whispered.

"Greg did this to you?"Derek asked,anger flashing in his eyes.

"Derek I don't feel so good."Casey said,feeling like she was going to throw up.

"Alright. I'm taking you to the hospital."Derek said. He scooped Casey up in his arms and ran downstairs.

"Derek..."Casey whispered as Derek sat her in his passanger car seat.

"Shh don't talk." Derek said. Casey thought his voice was soothing. She almost felt safe.

"Derek...Greg...he...he...too far..he went too far"Casey whispered.

"I know. And I will kill him for it."Derek said,shutting the door.

Derek sped to the hospital. "How dare he touch her!. The woman I love has been violated. I will kill him."Derek thought.

Author's Note- I know this chapter was short. But I will update soon with a longer chapter. If you didn't like this chapter then don't continue reading because this story is going to be dramatic. Please review...nicely. :-)


