The War was finally over and they could live again. Moments ago Voldemort had been the source of his own destruction leaving the world of the living for the last time. It was now that Wizard's and Witches around the world could rejoice and party without a care in the world yet victory was not without loss...

Lupin and Tonks lay next to each other looking like they were enjoying a peaceful sleep, a sleep of death. The war had cost them; countless bodies of loved ones lay dead around them as wails of depression sounded throughout Hogwarts.

"Fred! Fred!" George Weasley called near to tears for the first time since birth. His smile that was so often seen spread across his face was no where to be seen as his eyes flowed over the bodies in search of his twin. Falling upon the body of a sixth year Ravenclaw he noticed his brother's body beneath it, rolling over the dead Ravenclaw he prepared for the worst.

"Oh shut up your Holeyness..." Came a grogy croke as Fred Weasley sturggled to sit up wincing in pain.

"Fred Weasley. When I get my hands on you, your going to wish you were dead!" came the unmistakable voice of Molly Weasley as she stepped out of the crowd to stagger over to the two boys enveloping them into a hug. "Thank Goodness you're alive! I thought that bitch Bellatrix had killed you!"

"Oh no mother, although it looks like you showed her whose boss. Actually I might have been killed but this Ravenclaw jumped out in front of me as Bellatrix cast the curse, it hit her instead. What was her name?"

"Lulu," Ron said in a defeated voice as he gazed upon the body of one of his school mates, the one girl who was actually crazy about George Weasley.

All left standing gathered the bodies into the Great Hall crying over dead friends, family and Professors. Two particular students made their way to the front of the Great Hall with a dead Professor. Laying Snape down on the cold ground, Hermione burst into sobs; she had always hated Snape but seeing him dead without that knowing smirk on his face was nearly too much.

"Even if he was a git, he was loyal to Dumbledore all the way it seems..." Ron whispered to the weeping girl by his side as he snaked an arm around her shoulders. Continuing to whisper words of comfort Ron led Hermione out of the Great Hall, away from the death, sadness, and he led her into a new life.

Well its now or never

"Hermione, I know this is not a great time, actually it couldn't be worse, but if I don't say this now I don't think I ever will," Ron started as they stepped out into the fresh air turning to meet the chocolate brown eyes of a girl who had shed tears for everyone leaving none for herself. Those eyes had confused, muddled, and drove him insane for the past seven years and eventually he had...

"Hermione I...I love you, I think I always have. Ever since the day I met you I couldn't stop thinking about you. I was so scared that I never had the courage to tell you, I never had the courage to protect you when I should have. I want you to be by my side from...from now on," Ron hesitated at the last part unsure of how all this would be received as he started into her eyes looking for something to confirm his dreams or his fears.

Before Ron had a chance to continue he received his answer in a rather non verbal way. Hermione's lips reached up to gently brush against his own in a innocent love-filled kiss. Grinning happily into the kiss he deepened it as his hands slide down around her waist forcing her closer to him.

Breaking off of the kiss, leaving Ron wanting more, Hermione started to speak in a low voice, "Promise to never leave me?" Ron decided to use this to get back at her for her non-verbal answer as he tightened his grip around her waist bringing a blush to her cheeks. "Promise Ron!"

"I promise, I will never let you go, never." Ron stated.

"Oi George! Look what we've got here! Ron's all grown up and snogging our poor Hermione!" Fred's voice brought the couple back from cloud nine as Hermione nearly jumped right out of Ron's arms. Ron wouldn't allow it though as his grip only tightened, holding her even closer.

"Welcome to the family 'Mione," George coursed from behind Fred. This comment was enough to turn them both red with embarrassment, and still Ron refused to let her go.

"It was about bloody time mate!" Harry exclaimed as he walked out hand in hand with none other then Ginny Weasley. No one was surprised of course, everyone knew that Harry and Ginny were destined to be together.

"Oh Hermione this is so wonderful, you'll finally be in the family!" Ginny added happily, "We'll be like sisters!"

"I've not asked her to marry me you know," Ron snapped slightly frustrated but also very touched by his family's comments.

"Not yet!" Fred chimed.

"Right you'll have to in the future!" George chimed in.

Hermione was very taken aback by the conversation of her future, and by the Weasley family's readiness to accept her into the family. Blushing Hermione found Ron's hand interlacing her fingers with his as she stated, "Indeed it would be hard to never let each other go and not be married."

This made Ron blush furiously as Fred and George who had heard the promise burst out laughing.

"I'll drink to that!" Fred exclaimed as drinks were brought out and shared.

A pugg-faced Slytherin had joined in the festivities as a certain blonde, pale boy watched his brow furrowed in thought. Handing a drink to Ron, watching him drink it in one gulp, the pug-faced Slytherin laughed.

That was the last time Ron was truly happy, and it was the last time he saw Hermione...


I know it's a short chapter but this story popped into my head last week and I had to write it! I hope yo enjoyed it. It will be updated ASAP, since I have up to chapter 3 written anyway.

Well later!