I love vacation! I decided to get a head start since I have the time, so this is just another chapter in my grand scheme. Well speaking of which… I know it's been really lame the last few chapters, don't worry though, it's just a little hard writing a diary while he's actually doing something instead of after. XD well please enjoy!

I have no idea where I am right now.

I'm sitting in the side of an alley where I can't be seen writing in your pages. I should have packed more to eat; I guess an apple and some bread and butter won't cut it. I've been following someone till just now and then they disappeared. I searched and searched, but I just can't find him again. He isn't from this disgusting place, I can tell by his clothes. They're too fine to be from anywhere but the finest designers in Archades. I just can't get over that no one really notices him, it's like he has a cloak of invisibility. He's almost my age I'm sure, but I don't know if I've seen him in any of my classes at the ackademy before, it's been so long since I've been there that I can't truly be sure. I hope father's getting a kick out of me going missing right now.

I'm standing now, and if I'm not mistaken I think I'm near the river. I can't miss the smell now, its worse here than the rest of Old Archades. I think I see him now, I'd know those designer clothes from a mile away. Right on the edge of the river walk, he's standing there with a bunch of other kids that are yelling and screaming. I'm going to go over there, I need to know who he is and why some one of high status would be here. Surely not why I am? It seems unfair; because this might be the very last time I'll be able to escape here, while he can no doubt has done it constatly.

--Well, that's odd one of them, who's older than the rest has just grabbed him by the shirt collar, maybe this kid isn't immune to the streets violence. I'm edging close to the crowd now, and I can hear his voice. It' very sharp for someone who looks like he's going to get thrown over the walkway,

"If you really think I did it, then throw me." His face is perfectly calm too, I can almost laugh.

This is the one holding the noble "I think you'll change your mind, the water's are freezin' cold this time of year. Now if you don't tell I'll throw you fer real!"

The kid shook his head and smiled, "Go ahead, I don't fear the water or the cold, in fact they fear me!" (perfectly ridiculous,) but this comment seems to be stirring the crowd of ragamuffins to life, (I guess they wouldn't have a clue.) they're chanting now, some for the older one while others are cheering on ostentatious litt-iet.

Now he's going on- "I've learned magicks at the ackademy that can make you disappear, magicks where I could set one of you on fire; and you think water will hurt me?!" The boy who's holding him is laughing his arse off, he knows that it's a show too.

"You spend all your time 'ere! not in the Ackademy learnin'! I've been there afore and I know what they do, you're a right little lying bastard Ffamran!" The boy –Ffamran now—doesn't have a very happy look on his face. I'm still writing right now because the rest of the children are distracted, I hope they'll stay that way. Wait he's talking.

"Just watch Jules!" the kid is on the edge now and he's yelling, "Like I said, the water and cold fear me!" and he's jumping off the edge, that's the wildest thing I've ever seen in my life! He just—he's sees me, the boy Ffamran saw me… the water's splashed and he's in their depths now. He knows who I am, I can just tell. The one who let Ffamran go, Jules is pushing the others back; I don't think he wants them to go after Ffamran. Well, before you or I'm seen, I'm going to go after him and see who he is.

This is bound to be something exciting.
