Title: Harry Potter and the Elemental Destiny

Author: Elemental Destiny

Rating: T

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter, J.K Rowling does. I just mess around with her characters. Anyone you don't recognize is my own creation.

Summary: With 5th year over, Harry is stuck in a deep depression. Yet with his 16th birthday approaching he will come to learn that not all magic is wizarding magic, not everything dark is evil, and that sometimes the correct path to follow is lying right before your eyes. AU Post OotP

A/N: This is my first fan fiction and comments are always appreciated. Happy Reading!

Italics – Thoughts

Prologue: Enter the High Council

The full moon shone brightly in the clear night sky, bathing the side of a large hill in its light. All was peaceful and quiet except for the soft padding of paws on earth.

Atop the hill, pacing in the moonlight was a wolf, her paws thumping against the ground as she moved back and forth. Her movements were hurried and anxious and her silver eyes never left the opening of a trail that lead down the hill into an expansive forest.

He's going to make us late if he doesn't show up soon; they won't look kindly on that.

She tried to stop her racing heart as further thought brought up just why her human might be so late to their meeting place. Shaking her head as if to shake off those bad thoughts she stopped moving and opened her senses, searching for any sign that might indicate that the man she was looking for drew near.

Finding no sign of anyone near her, she laid down on the smooth grass finally giving in to her worry. Placing her head down on her paws and keeping her eyes glued to the path leading up the hill she decided to wait only a little longer before going out in search of him. Her worried heart would allow her to wait only a little longer.

She was lost in her concern and worry, so much so that she didn't notice the cloaked man creeping up behind her. A slight smirk graced his face as he pounced on her.

She yelped in surprise and leapt to her feet turning to face the man who was barely holding himself upright and near hysterical with laughter.

His laughter was cut short however by a low and angry sounding growl. He looked up from his mirth in time to see a silver blur launch at him knocking him off his feet and pinning him to the ground such that he could barley draw a single breath.

Talasien Darkholme! Do you have any idea how worried I was, you weren't here on time and I had no idea where you were. For all I had know you could have been hurt and you pull a stunt like this.

Talasien cringed as he heard the angry voice of his familiar inside his mind.

" I'm sorry Selena, I really am. I came from the north and I saw you looking at the south path up the hill, and you were so into it, and distracted, and oh, I just couldn't help it." he rambled, sounding about six rather than his 36 years of age.

Selena glared at him, but after taking in his contrite expression and apologetic manner she relented.

Apology accepted.

She got off him and allowed him to rise to his knees before giving him a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Well, let's get a move on Loki we've been summoned by the High Council and they don't wait for anyone.

Talasien smiled at the use of his familiars nickname for him, god of trickery indeed, and a sure sign that he was truly forgiven for his small bit of mischief. He hadn't been greatly worried though, Selena knew he had a mischievous side that sometimes just had to come out. They had been together since his 16th birthday and not a soul alive knew him better than her.


"Selena, how much farther is it we've been traveling for hours?" Talasien asked, looking at the wolf that was yards ahead of him pushing through the underbrush.

Well, if someone had gotten to the hill on time we wouldn't have had to take a shortcut through the woods now would we.

It was times like these that Talasien was amazed that one living being could project that much sarcasm through mere thought alone.

"I wonder what the council wants with us, I mean getting summoned is a big deal most go their entire lives without even seeing the building that houses them let alone the council members themselves."

It's something big, very big I can feel it. Plus it would have to be big for them to justify dragging you so far away from your family.

I'm not worried, I mean its great to be home, no place I would rather be but with Kiray and the kids. They will be ok on their own for a few days. Besides Aiden is with Kiray and he would never let anything happen to her, or to the children, he's quite the dedicated familiar." He smirked slightly and continued, " So don't worry so much they will be fine."

Selena sighed and looked fleetingly annoyed at being seen through so easily but eventually remembered that there was simply no way to fool her human, he knew her too well.

You're right of course; absolutely right they will be fine.

As the pair passed under a particularly large bit of underbrush they came out of the forest and onto a path that was leading to a large building surrounded by trees.

It was a simple building, though a massive one, with a large ceiling and stone grey bricks making the walls. In fact besides the size there was only one noticeable thing about the entire building and that was the gemstones. Lying above the door in an arc were nine gemstones of different colors. Green, a blue white mix, black, light blue, yellow, grey, white, red, and blue, and all seemed to glow with a power that went beyond the gem itself.

This is the Grand Hall of the High Council; it's smaller than I would have thought.

"That's not funny Selena, this is a big deal we have to be serious and make the right impression."

I know but you are too nervous and I was trying to ease your mind. Besides as you have said numerous times, sarcasm suits me. Relax Loki lets just go in and hear what they have to say. Just remember that this is an honor and treat it as such and you will be fine.

Smiling slightly at her wisdom Talasien opened the door and stepped inside, Selena following closely at his heels.

"Come forward young Druid, state your name and be known" A wise voice spoke, echoing inside the large room.

"I am Talasien Darkholme my lord, and this is my familiar Selena, we have come as you have called us." Talasien spoke respectfully, head bowed, pausing only briefly to point to Selena as he introduced her.

" Welcome Talasien, son of Earth and welcome to you as well Selena, daughter of Earth. I am Landon son of Lightning, Lord and High master of the Druidic High Council."

Talasien looked up at this and got his first full look at the legendary High Council. Seated at an arcing table there were four people to a side with Lord Landon in the middle. In front of each member sat a gemstone identical to one of the gems above the entrance, and if the stark yellow gem sitting in front of Lord Landon was to be considered, indicative of which element they had mastered.

A voice however stopped his observations, though what the voice said would lead to his ability to make many more.

" I believe introductions are in order." Lord Landon said as he indicated to his far right.

A man sat there in flowing green robes, the green gemstone, Emerald his mind provided, sat in front of him. Everything about this man screamed earth and when he finally spoke Talasien was not surprised by what he said.

" Well met young one, I am Eamon, son of Earth, Lord and Earth Master of the High Council"

Next to Lord Eamon sat a woman who was almost wild in appearance, though not ugly by any means. Her short hair was all over the place and she wore simple robes of pale blue. Her blue-white gem shone brightly in front of her.

" Greetings Earth son, I am Willow daughter of Wind, Lady and Wind Master of the High Council."

"Darren son of Darkness, Lord, and Dark Master of the High Council" he spoke bluntly, starting as soon as Lady Willow had finished. While not rude his eyes, the same black color as his gemstone held more than just a hint of impatience.

On Lord Darren left side sat a women whose icy blue eyes made Talasien shiver and move closer to Selena. With her eyes, her light blue robes and the icy blue gemstone there was no need to guess what element she had mastered.

" Ileana" she spoke. "Daughter of Ice, Lady and Ice Master of the High Council."

As Talasien's eyes once again met the stormy blue ones of Lord Landon he waited to hear if the High Master would speak again, and if he did Talasien hoped what he said was simple. For Talasien was still trying to process what he had learned of the other members.

He needed have worried, as all that was said by the High Master was, "Landon son of Lightning, Lord, High Master, and Lightning Master of the High Council."

To Lord Landon's left sat a man who, in Talasien's opinion, was easily the most intimidating. With concealing dark grey robes, a penetrating stare and a slight sneer, he spoke in a tone of voice that simply shouted danger.

" Shayden, son of Shadow, Lord and Shadow Master of the High Council."

To Lord Shayden's left sat a women in pure white robes. She smiled at Talasien and said softly, " Lana, daughter of Light, Lady and Light Master of the High Council.

To the Light Lady's left sat a man who looked like he would rather be doing anything but sitting. He had sandy blonde hair and looked to be suppressing boundless energy.

Nonetheless he smiled at Talasien and said, " Fuero, son of Fire, Lord and Fire Master of the High Council."

The final member of the council was by far the strangest. Her deep blue eyes looked a million miles away and when she finally spoke her voice had a distinctively dream quality to it.

"Wyrda, daughter of Water, Lady and Water Master of the High Council."

When Lady Wyrda was done speaking Talasien exchanged greetings with all the Council members, passing along Selena's greeting as well. Though he liked some more then others they were all highly skilled in the Druidic arts as well as their chosen elements and all deserved his highest respect.

" Alas the pleasantries have come to an end and I believe it is high time to get to the reason that we summoned you here," said Lord Landon.

"Do you wish to start Landon or shall I, or perhaps even Wyrda," said Lord Eamon.

"No, I believe I will start," Lord Landon sighed and with a quick glance at Talasien began again. " Talasien we have summoned you here for an important reason, things are being put into motion earlier than we have ever foreseen.

"With all due respect my lord, what are you talking about?"

Lord Landon chuckled and said, " Let me speak more clearly, over a thousand years ago in this very hall, a prophecy was spoken to the High Master of the time, his name was Kyron, a son of Shadow. Now this prophecy spoke among many things of a boy who would be blessed in the magical arts, as well as be a son hidden in plain sight. For years the High Council has been trying to discover the meaning of those words and now thanks to Lady Wyrda we believe we have found the answer."

" You are too kind Landon, the answer would have presented itself I simply found it earlier than we expected," said Lady Wyrda.

"Now pay attention young one, I was not named Wyrda for no reason, I am a seer and highly capable at divination. While I was scrying the wizarding world one day I saw something most unexpected. A young man in a fit of rage, now normally I wouldn't have paid attention except for one thing, I noticed that the angrier he got the darker the sky became."

"A lightning elemental?" Talasien interrupted.

" One would think so but he was not I checked the archives that record all elemental wizards at the moment of there birth. It was not hard the archives are in this building so no, he was not a wizard gifted with the power of the elements. While his situation was interesting I put it to the back of my mind and there it sat until last Friday when we, the Council, were looking at the prophecy of old and then it hit me." She told him, smiling at the confused look on his face.

" I that I do not understand." Said Talasien.

" Then I shall help you to understand. This boy who could darken the sky is the child of the prophecy. A son hidden in plain sight, those words mean that the child of the prophecy is a druid but none know it. Once I got my suspicion however I could check it easily. Getting some of his blood was not too difficult and the answers lay in that blood. He has the druid's gene from both Mother and Father and since that information is."

"Accessible to any who could draw his blood and test it, he was in a sense a son hiding in plain sight," Talasien finished.

" Very good young one" Lady Wyrda complimented.

Talasien smiled at the compliment, exchanging look with Selena before once again address the Water Master.

"What does this mean for him, for us? What else did the prophecy tell?"

Lady Wryda frowned slightly as she spoke, " I cannot tell you earth son and that is why we need your help."

"What do you mean?"

" No one knows the full version of the prophecy like all other prophecy it can be touched only be one whom it is about. All we have is the information that was written down by the council of old and it's not the full content, of that we are sure. That is why we need you to go to the wizarding world and bring the boy to us, we must know the full contents of the prophecy and only this young child can help us." She told him.

" You want me to go to the wizarding world, pick up a boy who has no idea who or what I am and just bring him here?" He asked, incredulously.

" Precisely," Lord Landon said.

As he spoke Talasien's eyes flew back to the Lightning Lord and he saw the seriousness of his gaze.

" We chose you for a reason earth son, we know you can do this. The child will make the change as all our kind do at sunrise on the 16th birthday. We charge you with the task of helping him adjust as well as bringing him hear." Lord Landon told him.

Why do you want Talasien to do this?

It was the first time Selena had ever spoken to any but her human but this was important so she projected her thoughts into all minds present.

I know that Talasien is a great druid and a fine earth wielder but there are other with more experience and power so I repeat, why do you want Talasien?

It was Lord Eamon who answered this time and he did so after a heavy sigh, " This child has not lived a happy life. He has had much misfortune fall upon him and we fear how he will take the change. That's why we summoned you Talasien, your compassion is well known in our community, that boy needs compassion and someone to take help him."

"You believe that I am the person to do this?"

"We do, you are a good father and a compassionate man as well as a passionate fighter who is apparently not aware of how well known he is. The prophesized child will need help and you are just the man to help him."

" My deeds are not as great as they say my lord, you know how people tend to exaggerate. However, I will do it, far be it from me to not help a child in need. Selena and I will set out in three days after we return home and prepare. I am honored that you believe me worthy for a mission of this importance. If that is all then I must respectfully ask to take my leave as I have much preparing to do."

"There is but one more thing earth son, we believe that you should know what awaits you. The child is in great pain and will need a great deal of help to let go of it. I wish to show you the child himself so you may see what awaits you and prepare accordingly."

"You can show me the child, while you sit here in the council room and he in a land far from ours." Talasien said, awed.

Lord Eamon smiled at the look that graced the face of Talasien, for it was quite amusing. His action sparking a though that often occurred when young Druids stood before the council.

Honestly they think we are all powerful or something, oh how rumors fly.

"The child has a pet, a snowy owl, and using the will of the earth I will join my mind with hers and allow you to see through her eyes as though you were in her place."

"That can be done?" asked Talasien, who was immediately interested. His own element was earth and though he himself was well learned he had never heard of such a power before.

"It is a rare but not unheard of trick fellow earth gifted. It is also near impossible with the consent of the animal, which I thankfully have. She is quite worried for her master." Lord Eamon informed him.

" I am ready when you are my lord."

Lord Eamon got up from his seat and walked towards Talasien, stopping a few feet in front of him. Sifting his eyes downward, the Earth Master's face gained a look of deep concentration. A soft glow of pale green surrounded the man and after many long moments when he finally looked up his normally vivid green eyes were now a darkened amber.

Talasien raised his own eyes to meet with those of the Earth lord although when there eyes met he felt a slight pulling sensation and was no longer staring at amber eyes, instead he saw a the back of a dark haired young man, leaning against a window.


Harry stood leaning against the frame of his window, his eyes locked on the night sky, well at least on part of it. Sirius the Dog Star glowed brilliantly and his emerald eyes never left it.

When he could finally bear no more and his eyes were filled with tears that he refused to shed, he pushed away from the window unable to stop the flood of images that were appearing in his mind

A loud bark like laughing filling the large room… The whirl of colors being sent back and forth… The deep red light… The graceful arc … His body disappearing… The shadowy curtains of the whispering veil.

"No!" he shouted, shaking his head furiously as he continued to battle back the tears.

Heavy hearted he walked across the room to Hedwig's cage, pulling a chair with him as he passed it.

After he was seated, Harry looked down to see Hedwig who, having sensed her master's upset flew to his arm and landed there offering what small comfort she could.

"Why Hedwig, why didn't I listen to Hermione, she knew something was wrong." He told her softly.

"Why didn't I use the mirror, all it would have taken was a few minutes to go up to the tower and I would have known he was safe. No, I had to go and play the hero, how could I have fallen for it."

His eyes then took the familiar path to the photo album lying on the bed. The faces of his mother, father, and godfather smiling up at him from the picture.

His voice grew softer still and when he spoke again it was in a voice barely above a whisper as though the words hurt so much to say that he couldn't bear to say them at a normal volume.

" Why do I always loose everyone who I love?"


Talasien pulled his head away and dropped to his knees, sorrow etched over every feature.


The thought from his familiar matched with the distress he felt form her caught his attention and he looked up at her, wordlessly opening the connection between their minds, showing her all that he had witnessed.

We will help him. We will go to the wizarding world, find this child and we will make him whole again.

Talasien had to crack a small smile at the determined voice of Selena. There was a reason no one dared to come between a mother wolf and her cubs. Her instinct to protect this lonely child, this broken cub, was quite strong.

Talasien rose to his feet feeling her determination mix with his own.

" What is his name?" Talasien asked simply.

"Harry, Harry Potter. Based on the information we have gathered he lives in Surrey, in the home of his aunt and uncle." Lord Landon said.

" I will go to him and bring him here, seeing him safely through his upcoming transformation." He told the Council.

" I will make him whole again." He vowed to himself.

"Go then young one, it is obvious that your thoughts and the need of your talents are elsewhere. Go and tend to the young Druid but be careful I fear reaching him may prove, challenging." Lady Wryda said casting him a small smile despite her grim predictions.

" Wyrda is right, go now Earth son. The blessings of the High Council go with you." Lord Landon told him.

Nodding once and bowing in respect to the Council Talasien turned and walked towards the exit with long determined strides and in a matter of moments he was gone, Selena following closely behind.

" Have we done the right thing Landon?" Wryda asked softly after staring at the door through which the pair had left.

" There was no one else, you know this and have anguished over it since."

" He has no idea what he is getting himself into."

" Men of his kind rarely do my dear, come it is late and we should retire."

The members of the council rose silently making for the back of the large room where there was a hallway that led to the chambers.

The room was still and all was quiet as the Water Master made her way towards the chambers stopping briefly to look at a tapestry on which was depicted the High Council of old.

" Good luck Talasien, son of earth, and good luck Harry Potter, son of Destiny."