The music blares from the speakers, pounding in my ears. The lights flash in different colors, the effect supposed to be dazzling and erotic. It just gave me a headache. People were packed into the room, bodies grinding against each other as the danced. Everywhere I looked, there were couples kissing and groping in plain view. I found the display sickening.

"Ichigo? You're on in 5 minutes."

Turning, I acknowledge the stage manager calling to me. I head to the dressing room backstage to change clothes. I take off my normal faded jeans and black T-shirt, and put on a white tank top, tight leather pants, a black belt, and a red tie. Then I go to wait for my cue.

My name is Ichigo Kurosaki. I'm 15-years-old with orange hair, and I'm a male stripper. I work in a seedy little joint called Hueco Mundo, a cesspool of prostitutes, drunks, and addicts. As far as I was concerned, it was hell on earth.

"Ok Ichigo. You're on."

Sighing, I leap onto the stage, grabbing the pole set in the middle and spinning around it. I gyrate my hips around, thrusting them out while arching my back on the pole.
The crowd starts catcalling and throwing money on the stage. I take off my tie and throw it, watching 2 women start fighting over it. I roll my eyes as I turn and thrust against the pole, slowly sliding to the floor.

While stretched out on the floor, I take off the tank top and toss it backstage. I slowly stood up, letting everyone get a good view of my chest and stomach, before spinning around the pole again. I take off the belt and unzip my pants, letting them ride low on my hips. Even the men are drooling at this point.

I can't help sighing as I strip. I truly hated this job, but I couldn't get out of it. When I was 8, I lost my family in a fire. I probably would have starved on the streets if I hadn't been taken in by my current boss, Byakuya Kuchiki.

Kuchiki was an arrogant jerk who couldn't crack a smile if his life depended on it. But he had given me a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, clothes to wear, and warm food to eat. I may have hated being a stripper, but I didn't feel right about looking for another job. It seemed ungrateful to me.

I finally finished my dance, wearing nothing but a pair of briefs that left nothing to the imagination. I pick up the tips the crowd had thrown, and walk offstage, scooping up the discarded pants and tank top. I head straight to the dressing room and changed into my normal clothes, including a more comfortable pair of boxers. As I got dressed, Byakuya entered the room.

"You did a great job tonight Ichigo," he said. "The crowd really loved it. A few of them nearly passed out from watching you."

"Thanks Byakuya. I did my best," I replied, turning to look at him.

The 32-year-old man had hardly changed in the 7 years I had known him. His narrow face was framed perfectly by his black hair, which contrasted the white tubes he wore in it. His dark eyes looked at me calmly, his face showing mo emotion whatsoever. I don't think he knew how to show emotion. I wasn't even sure if he had any, other than lust, contempt, and the occasional flicker of anger.

Byakuya came forward and took my into his arms, holding me close. I stiffened as I felt his breath on my ear. He began to stroke my hair with 1 hand, the other pressing against my lower back. He licks my neck and I suppress a shudder.

"I know you hate this job Ichigo," he whispers seductively. "I just want you to know that I'm grateful that you stay anyway. You mean the world to me. It's late, let's go home."

I smile and nod, glad to be leaving. Placing an arm around my shoulders, Byakuya leads me outside to his car. We soon arrive at his house, though mansion might have been a better word. The place was huge, with 8 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms, a study and library, a game room, and an indoor heated pool. Not to mention the kitchen, living room, dining room, laundry room, and the servant's quarters.

As soon as we get inside, I head up to my room and flop facedown on my bed. I was exhausted from today, and I don't stir when Byakuya enters behind me. Though I do let out a growl when he climbs onto the bed and lays down on top of me. He slips his hands under my stomach, fiddling with my belt.

"Not tonight Byakuya," I groan. "I'm too tired, and definitely not in the mood."

"Oh come now Ichigo," he said reprovingly. "you know that it makes you feel good. It always has before."

He finally undoes my belt and pulls my pants down. He then turns my onto my back and tugs off my shirt as well. Running his hands up and down my stomach, Byakuya reaches into my boxers and begins stroking my manhood.

"Besides, you know I always get what I want," he breathes into my ear. "You can't say no to me."

He kisses me then, slipping his tongue into my mouth, exploring deeply. He removes his hand from my cock, pressing and grinding his hips into mine instead. I moan heavily, letting him do as he pleased. I knew he was right, I couldn't say no to him. The man had me wrapped around his finger. I had been that way since I had moved in with him.

7 Years Ago

"You must be Ichigo Kurosaki. My name is Byakuya Kuchiki. I'm sorry for your loss. You'll be staying here from now on. The servants will show you to your room."

The 8-year-old Ichigo looked up sulkily. His normally bright orange hair was dull and unwashed, and his eyes were red from crying. Anyone could see that the boy was miserable. He sniffed, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand.

Byakuya paused, then reached out and gently patted the boy on the head.

"It'll be alright," he said. "I'll take care of you. Don't worry."

Later that night, Ichigo was still awake. He was crying softly to himself. Tears ran down his cheeks in rivers as he sobbed.

"Mommy, Dad," he choked out. "Why did you leave me behind? Why? I miss you so much. You and Karin and Yuzu. Why did you leave?"

The door to the room opened silently and Byakuya entered unnoticed. He was shirtless and his pants were low. He watched the boy cry for a few moments, then closed to door and walked to the bed, Ichigo's head jerking up with a gasp.

"I heard you crying," Byakuya said as he sat on the edge of the mattress. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Leave me alone!" Ichigo said angrily. "Go away!"

Byakuya didn't reply. Instead he pulled the boy into his lap and began to stroke his hair. He gently embraced the boy, rubbing his back until Ichigo's sniffles lessened.

"If you want," he whispered. "I can help you forget the pain. At least for a little while."

"Forget? Forget how?"

"Here, take this. I promise it will help."

Byakuya reached into his pocket and pulled out a small blue pill. He showed it to the boy, who clearly did not understand.

"If you swallow it, I guarantee all the pain will disappear."

Ichigo hesitated, then took the pill and swallowed it. Soon, his head began to swim and his eyelids drooped. He began to feel very relaxed. Ichigo barely noticed when Byakuya's hands began roaming his small body. Just before he passed out, he thought he felt the man's lips on his own.

When Ichigo awoke, it was the next morning. He sat up to find himself naked, lying on the bed in Byakuya's room. His stomach was nauseous, his head was throbbing, and there was a burning pain between his legs.

Present Day.

Byakuya was still grinding his hips into mine. I could feel his erection rubbing against my thigh through his pants. He smashed his lips onto my mouth, forcing his tongue past my lips.

"Oh Ichigo," he moaned. "I want you so much. Let me inside you."

"Like I have a choice?" I mutter

I reach down and pull off my boxer, wanting to get it over with as soon as possible. I then undo the clasp on Byakuya's belt and unzip his pants, pushing them down so they pool around his knees. He kicks them off, but not before he pulls out a bottle of lube from his pocket.

He turns my over so I'm lying on my stomach, then opens the bottle and coats his fingers.

He leans over me, kissing my neck while 3 oiled fingers trail slowly down my back. All too soon, I feel 1 of those fingers press inside me. Byakuya presses it deep, then moves it around to prepare me. He pulls it out, then pushes in 2 fingers, scissoring me. He thrusts them in and out a few times, hitting my prostate each time.

I moan and press myself back against his hand. I could feel myself getting hard, my body begging for more. I may not have liked being Byakuya's toy, but god knows that man knew how to turn me on.

He adds a third fingers, wiggling them around inside me. He pulls them out after a while and I whimper at how empty I feel. But I don't feel that way for long. Placing both hands on my shoulders, Byakuya pushes his erection inside me with 1 quick thrust. He pulls out slightly, then thrusts again at a different angle.

"Harder Byakuya, harder," I moan. "I need more, please."

"Of course, my dear Ichigo," he said smugly. "I'll give you whatever you want."

He begins to thrust faster, pushing deep into my body. He soon finds my prostate and jabs into it again and again. Reaching around, he takes my erection and starts pumping it. By this time, I'm nothing more than a moaning mess. I arch off the bed with each thrust, pressing Byakuya farther into me.

Suddenly, it's all too much and I see a white flash behind my closed eyes. I came hard, spilling over Byakuya's hand before going limp. He keeps pounding, harder and harder. He lets out a shout as he finally cums and collapses on top of me. We lay there for a few minutes, gasping for air while we enjoy the sex-induced high.

Byakuya pulls out after awhile, cleaning us up with a rag sitting on my dresser. He gets dressed as though nothing has happened. He then leaves, not glancing back once. It's always the same. He constantly hits on me, then after I give in and we have sex, he ignores me for the rest of the day. He never truly cared about me, all he wants is something to fuck when he's in the mood.

I get up and put on some pajamas, ignoring the way my muscles cry out in discomfort. I lay back on the bed and reach under my pillow, pulling out 2 photos. I hold them up and gaze at them for a few minutes, smiling. 1 photo is a picture of me and my family before they were killed. I'm sitting on my dad's shoulders, wearing a too big baseball cap and grinning like mad. His holding 1 of my sisters, showing her off to the camera. My mom's holding my other sister, helping her wave hello.

I feel a tear run down my cheek as I look at the photo. I missed my family so much. I then glance at the other photo. This one's not of my family. It's a picture of someone I loved with all my heart, but I was too shy to confess it. The person in the pictures smiles shyly at me, black hair nearly hiding his dark eyes.

"Good night everybody," I whisper. "I love you all."

I put the photos back under my pillow, and snuggle into my blankets and slowly fall asleep.