Disclaimer : Paramount, Viacom, Desilu and probably other corporations that I don't even know about hold the copyrights that own the context and the characters of the Original Star Trek series. No copyright infringements are intended and I am making absolutely no money with this.

A Note from the Author : If you've read my profile, I have one other thing to add. I don't believe in killing off characters, even if they come back to life in a sequel. The fact that 'the powers that be' chose to do this with both Kirk and Spock really turned me off. I started to write my own fan fiction with the knowledge that in my 'own', post-V'ger galaxy, these events would never occur. This venture has amused me greatly, and now, hopefully, others as well. I've read so much TOS fan fiction that I have adopted certain words and phrases from others, but cannot recall who the originators are. If you know, please contact me so I may give them the credit they deserve. These stories are my very first attempt at fiction writing, but I do own the story, and no one may use it, in whole or part without my permission.

Spock and Christine, Finally! - Samek

Fifth story in the series.

Chapter 1

Soon, Very Soon

It was time for Spock and Christine to have an important conference with Dr. McCoy. "No Vulcan will ever contest the fact that new-born humans are extremely resilient. They are usually born into a room of glaring lights and blaring sounds. They cry to clear their lungs and take it all in stride. Remarkable. However, this is not our situation."

"I'm listening Spock, go on." McCoy replied.

"We are completely aware that our son is half human, but his birth will be by the Vulcan way. Normally, a mother in labor is attended by Healer - Midwives, no one else. I will have to make do. We are in agreement on this. Unless there is a medical emergency, your presence is respectfully declined."

"Well, that's a nice way to put it, Spock." McCoy was disappointed. "I am still responsible for all persons on board this ship. Just when do I get a chance to check my patients out?"

"I will call you shortly after he is delivered. You may bring your medical tricorder. You may not speak out loud near the baby, nor hold him. I can read lips and will follow your instructions. You may then examine Christine and speak very softly to her at that time. We do hope this is acceptable for you."

"I don't really have a choice, do I?"

"I'm sorry, Len. Not this time." Christine answered.

It's Time

Christine couldn't sleep anymore. She had been having mild contractions for a few hours now. Nothing for her to do at this point but try to relax and wait. She didn't want to wake Spock but he already was. He already knew. He remained motionless, eyes closed, next to Christine until she was ready. The famous words. "I think it's time. Spock?"

"I'm awake. Shall we begin?" Spock pushed back the covers and knelt next to her.

"I hope these months of meditation, mind melds and exercises are going to make a difference. Help me into the bathroom. I may be in there a while. I'll call you when to get me." Good thing Spock was stronger than a Terran. It still took more than average effort to for him to assist his wife out of the bed.

"I am confident our preparations will be effective. You must start even now with your own meditative state. I will set up the bed and gather what we will need." Spock proceeded to strip the bed down to their special temperature pad. He had a fitted, waterproof mattress cover to go over it, than another fitted regular sheet. He would be able to adjust the pad manually to keep Christine cool enough when necessary. Next, six large, absorbent, yet waterproof bed pads for her to lay upon. As each one was used, he could pull it out and a clean one would already be there. Finally, a flat top sheet to give her a sense of security. Christine called. He helped her walk slowly back to bed where there were numerous pillows to prop her up any way she wanted in finding a comfortable position. She removed her nightgown, it would just get in the way, then covered herself with the sheet.

The room temperature was eighty seven degrees. Spock could not allow it to be any cooler than that for the baby's sake. He adjusted the ambient lighting in their quarters to ten percent for the same reason. When he came back to Christine he was now wearing just a tee shirt and exercise pants. "You look like you're getting ready to do some work too." she observed.

"We'll work together, like we planned. Here, on the nightstand, your tricorder and scanner. Would you like to take an initial reading?"

"Yeah. Hand it over." She scanned herself. "Everything looks good, the baby is fine, head down and ready to launch. Contractions at seven minutes, dilation is minimal. Good. Come keep me company." as she patted the bed next to her.

Spock joined her. "We have a little time?"

"More than a little. I know. We've got the names down to the short list. I told you I would be happy with any one of them. Have you made a decision?"

"Yes, and I hope it pleases you. I have chosen 'Samek'.", he said with a touch of pride.

"I am pleased. It was my favorite too. Our son has his name, Samek."

"Now all you have to do is deliver him." Spock was trying out his Terran humor again.

"What happened to 'we'll work together'? Stick around, buddy, you're in for the long haul."

"Very well, my Love... if you insist." He embraced her gently and conveyed 'relaxation' through their bond. He could tell when she was having a contraction, but with the meditation techniques he had taught her, she was handling them well... at this point. Each hour that passed, either she or Spock would take another reading. Her progression was steady.

"I'm very warm. Would you adjust my temperature pad please? Thanks. I think I'm reaching the limits of my meditation in controlling the pain from the contractions. Care to join me?"

"That's what I'm here for." Spock replied. Rearranging the pillows, he wedged himself behind her and the wall. With his long legs on either side of her, she could lean back on his chest in the semi-upright position that suited her right now. For a few minutes he gently stroked her arms and shoulders, then reached up beneath the back of her hair and established contact on certain Psi points. Christine rolled her head down and around as the pain subsided and her entire body became ever so relaxed.

"Oh, yeah... that's good." She whispered. Then her water broke. "Damn! I just got comfortable again." Spock slipped out from behind her and laid her back on more pillows. He then folded up the absorbent pad and slid it out from underneath. A container near the bed kept him from having to leave her to dispose of it. He had tried to think of everything. "Thanks, Love. Might as well take a reading now."

"Excellent.", Spock observed. Dilation at nine. You've done well."

"So far. Remember two things. I'm still only human, and they don't call it 'labor' for nothing." Without the meld, her discomfort increased, and Spock knew it. She had already gotten herself into a variation of the birthing position. Her body knew better than she did on some things. Spock sat on the bed next to her to re-establish the meld. He was not preventing her from feeling anything, on the contrary... she was even more aware of what was happening. What could be debilitating and stressful pain was limited to a dull ache that was quite manageable. Not much longer. "What are my readings?"

"Dilation is ten point five, contractions continuous. Do whatever your body is telling you to do. Listen to it." Spock got behind her again, and helped support her in the birthing position. He leaned his head against the back of hers. It was the only way to maintain the meld without hands. Not as effective, but good enough for right now.

Christine started pushing. Counting. Breathing. Pushing. She was working very, very hard, but maintaining control of her situation. She reached down with one hand. The head was crowning. Now the months of swimming exercises were worth every minute. One huge push. "Aarrrggh!" The head was out. Spock turned his attention to his son.

"Push again now!" as he turned the baby to one side. Christine pushed, and for the first time, cried out in pain. But it was over. She let go of her legs and something warm and wet was now on her abdomen. Spock put a towel over the baby, then took Christine's hands and placed them on top. "Rub him dry, pat his back, gently. You've got to clear his lungs."

"Is he okay?" She was catching her breath.

"Yes. He's fine. This is normal. No crying." Spock was concentrating on the other things he had to do now, it had not dawned on him that he just became a father. "The umbilical cord is contracting, sending any remaining blood back into his body. It will then break off. No need to cut it." He folded and pulled out another soaked pad.

"Spock, I have to push again!" She was panicking a little.

"It's okay. Hold onto Samek. You're passing the placenta. It won't be as bad." Spock was correct. Vulcan baby, Vulcan placenta. Smaller than Terran. It passed easily. Christine really started to relax again. Then, this little person she was holding on her abdomen, coughed twice and sneezed three times. "Good. He cleared his lungs. He's breathing on his own now."

"Spock, why isn't he making any sounds?"

"If his vocal apparatus is Vulcan rather than Terran, he won't be able to make sounds for about a day. I have Terran vocal chords. I cried at my birth. That really caused my father to loose his controls when he heard me. He said I was 'so human'."

"Well, your father doesn't feel that way now, In his way, he does love you."

"I know."

Just then. "eeep!"

Christine looked down at her son. "What was that?!"

"eeep. eeep."

Spock smiled. "Vulcan! This is all he can accomplish right now until his vocal apparatus dries out."

"Our baby squeaks?!" Christine was incredulous.

"Our baby squeaks." Spock had a plastine bag for the placenta and umbilical cord, and set them aside. "I'll put those in the stasis unit. A present for Dr. McCoy. Correct?" Christine nodded, still staring at her son. He folded and pulled out another pad. With a pan of warm water, he cleaned his wife enough to make her more comfortable. "Let me have Samek a minute and I'll get him cleaned up too. We have company coming."

"That's right, Leonard's coming. Spock, I can barely see in this light, what does Samek look like?"

"Like a new-born Vulcan infant with brown hair and blue eyes. I'm almost done. Here." Christine was sitting up against the pillows, her legs down straight again, covered in another clean sheet. Spock handed their son to her. He was now clean, diapered and wrapped in a small, soft receiving blanket.

"Spock! He's beautiful! Hi, baby! Spock, he's looking right at me!"

"He knows who you are. He also knows me. My parental bond with him was established a month ago. We'll work on yours' after McCoy leaves. Acceptable?"

"Yes, my Love... acceptable. Go call Leonard. What time is it?"

"0300. He did say he wanted to be called. Shall we wake him?"

"Yes. Wake him. It's a tradition with doctors. He won't mind, much." McCoy arrived within five minutes. Spock met him at the front door.

"Our son appears quite well. His eyes cannot handle bright light for another day. You will have to adjust your vision to ten percent ambient lighting. Please remember what we discussed. Come in." The kitchen / dining area was very dimly lit, but McCoy could manage."Please wait here, I'll get Samek." Spock went into the back bedroom area.

"Samek?" McCoy thought to himself. "Samek cha Spock. Has a nice ring to it." The dining table already had on it a large blanket, folded over several times. Spock came back in, holding a tiny form against his shoulder with one hand. With both hands, he laid him down on the table and unfolded the blanket. Samek wiggled and looked around. McCoy smiled his biggest smile, but said nothing. Taking out his medical tricorder and scanner, he began his examination. Barely mouthing the words, Spock followed his instructions to bend his arms and legs, turn him over, etc. McCoy nodded that he was finished. Spock wrapped his son in the receiving blanket again and returned him to his place on his shoulder. McCoy figured it must be a Vulcan thing. McCoy was not allowed to speak, but Spock was.

"Christine is waiting to see you. Remember to speak very softly to her so Samek does not hear you. I will remain here. Please make it brief."

"Hi, Chrissy. How's my girl? You have a beautiful, healthy son."

"Leonard. What an incredible, wonderful experience. Spock was..."

"I know, Chrissy... I know. Let me give you a once over." He scanned here briefly. "You're fine, just as I figured. Call me if you need anything, otherwise the orders for everyone else are to leave the three of you alone until you're ready. Sound good?"

"Sounds great. Thank you for understanding, Leonard. You're the best. Oh, don't forget your present in the stasis unit. Something to play with for a few days, I'm sure." McCoy frowned, he didn't get it. "The placenta? We thought you'd like to examine it, run tests, do what you want."

"Thank you. Get your rest. Make your husband do all the work. He always says he can go without sleep for days. Let him prove it. Ya' did good, Chrissy. See ya' soon." Heading out where Spock was waiting, he took his present from the stasis unit. McCoy then mouthed the words, 'Congratulations, Daddy!', smiled, and left.

Spock ordered the computer to put their door on privacy lock, then returned to Christine. He handed Samek back to her and sat on the edge of the bed. She was curious if her son might be hungry yet, and he was. "Are all Vulcan newborns so coordinated and attentive?"

"Some more than others. Samek appears average in these capacities. When he is done, we will begin our attempt to establish a parental bond for you. Spock reached down and gently kissed the mother of his child. "I love you, Christine. Thank you for giving us Samek."

Spock went to take a shower and get a clean house robe. Then he spent about seven minutes in the 'nursery', and came out with a Vulcan cradle, delivered by his father at For Ni Naar. It was to be a surprise for Christine. It happened to be Spock's cradle, and his father's too. Christine smiled. 'Yep. Vulcans sure love to save things and pass them down. Nice traditions.' Finished nursing, Samek was placed in 'his' cradle now. Still wiggling and looking around. His contentment was because he was bonded to his father, who protected his mind and shielded it from the multitude of unbound thoughts and emotions outside their walls.

"Samek will be just fine for a while now. Would you like to get up and I'll assist you with a shower, some fresh nightclothes? I can also change the bed linens to normal."


"Yes..." was all she could say. Christine was tired now, but this last effort would be worth it. Once they both returned to bed, Spock explained how they would lay on their sides, facing each other with Samek between them. Just in his diaper, Christine was totally amazed that a newborn could hold his head up and pull himself around with his elbows. Spock said the legs would figure out what they're supposed to do in a few days. Samek also could roll over, front to back and front again. His little hands had a grip like iron. Holding onto two fingers, Spock pulled him up into a sitting position, then let him back down again. Just a demonstration. Too early for sitting, just yet. Rolling and crawling around in the little corral they created for him, Samek was very inquisitive. Vulcan curiosity is hereditary. Spock had to be quick when Samek tried to grab things on his father that he shouldn't, but was well rewarded when he headed over to his mother for another meal.

"Are you ready to attempt establishing your bond with Samek?"

"Sooner the better. How can a newborn establish his own bond?"

"Out of necessity. He has one with me, so he is content. You and I will meld. I will create another anchoring tendril from your Psi center. I will continue to shield him, but when I block my bond to him, he will immediately seek another. If I sense his attempt in your mind, I will be able to 'connect' the two of you. I regret this will cause him momentary anxiety. Let us hope it will work." Spock established his meld with Christine.

"Christine, hold Samek now. Look into his eyes. Open your gift to him. I'm going to block him now. Call to him in your mind." Samek stiffened in her arms. She could feel his anxiety growing. He was alone. "Samek, come to Mommy. Here I am, baby."

His little mind instinctively reached out to her. Spock 'wove' the two psionic tendrils together, and Samek relaxed. They had been successful. To what degree would be unknown for some time. Spock kept his parental bond with his son blocked, as each minute the bond with his mother grew stronger and stronger. Christine was crying her happy tears. Spock withdrew from the meld, but still blocked.

Samek was absolutely fascinated with her now. He wouldn't take his eyes off of hers'. Christine laughed when his tiny eyebrows went straight up at one point, just like his father! She was meeting her son for the first time in the Vulcan way.

Spock and Christine were still in the same position on the bed with the space between them for the baby. Christine seemed to know when the time was right to let him back down on the bed. He rolled and pulled himself right back over to her side and curled up in his little fetal position. He fell asleep. "I would say you were successful, wouldn't you?", he asked through their bond, not wanting to wake his son.

"Spock, this moment was worth ten times ten months!" She put her arm around her baby and pulled him closer to her. He did not awaken.

"I will keep my bond with him blocked for several hours. It's just time together that you and he need. Sleep now for a while, my Love. I will stay awake and make sure he is safe while sleeping."

"Thank you, Spock. I'd be afraid I'd roll over on him. Humans can be sensory dense at times."

"You're just a new mother. Besides, he would let you know his alarm or fear through the bond you and he share. It does have it's purposes. Sleep now. I am content to watch over the two of you."

Three hours later, Samek had enough sleep and was hungry again. He rooted around until he found what he wanted. His nursing woke up Christine. "Why don't you just help yourself? Aren't you a clever baby! Look, Spock!"

"I am looking. He knows your scent. He knows both of ours. Infants rely on their rudimentary instincts. May I get you something to eat also? Our 'bonding' period is over, but it was very important we were not interrupted."

"One of my fruit 'smoothies' sounds great. Are you going to work today?"

"Not today, probably tomorrow. How do you feel, physically?"

"Like a deflated balloon. No pain. A little sore, but manageable." He handed her breakfast. "Someone needs changing."

"You take the smoothie, I'll take the baby."

After finishing her breakfast at 1100, Christine got up for a while. Took another shower, washed her hair, change of clothes... felt like a new woman. She found Spock back on a freshly changed bed, playing with Samek. She had never heard an adult Vulcan male speak 'baby talk' in Vulcan.

"What are you saying?" She asked.

"Some very human sentiments from a father to his son. How's you bond with Samek?" Spock asked.

"I know where he is at all times. I know his emotional state. I know that he is aware of me."

"Good. I'm going to stop blocking my bond with him. Let's see how he handles the two of us." Samek seemed confused at first. He kept changing the focus of his attention back and forth between the two of them. Once again content, he was focusing his attention now on his feet. "That went well.", Spock concluded. "Two bonds, no big deal."

Christine laughed. Spock smiled, and Samek said "eeep!"


Spock programmed the computer to increase ambient lighting imperceptibly throughout the day, to adjust Samek's eyes to brighter light. Christine was glad that it was getting easier for her to see too.

"Beloved. Before you are able to take Samek out on your own, without me nearby, you will need to learn how to shield him. I am convinced you have the ability because your gift is a type of shield. We must find a way for you to envision something analogous to this new situation."

"You shield him to protect him from detrimental influences. Does that make him oblivious to his surroundings?"

"No, just thoughts and emotions from other minds within a sphere of influence. It is not necessary for me to shield him from everyone on the ship all at once. His natural psionic ability will determine the size of that sphere."

"Shield is an appropriate word. In my mind, I see him wearing a knitted cap that I've made for him instead."

"Acceptable. Try it on me. Christine, why are you laughing?"

"You look silly wearing that cap!

"Fine. I look silly. Shield my mind."

An hour later. "This is not going to work!"

"Do not give up so easily. I do sense activity. Concentrate on you gift and adapting it."

Another hour passed... then. "Oh... my... god..., what was that?!"

Spock actually laughed this time. "You did it. For a few seconds... but you did it. Excellent. Let's take a break. I know you're tired, and if you focus on your parental bond now, you will notice that someone is hungry."

"Oh, you're right! Sorry, baby! Mama's coming!"

If Christine and Spock were going to live and work on the Enterprise while raising a child, the shielding problem would have to be solved. Spock was encouraged by those few seconds when his own personal shields were down and he felt Christine was shielding him instead. She did it once, she could do it again.

Samek was down for a nap. Christine felt refreshed and ready to try again. Spock wanted to help her more, but this was something she had to do on her own. At least she had him to practice on. By late afternoon, they both realized that this wasn't going to be happening any time soon.

"Even if I can shield him, it takes all of my concentration. How am I supposed to work?" Christine was frustrated.

"You are correct, but since I cannot bring a baby onto the Bridge, you will have to take him to Sickbay each day. We would set up an area in some quiet corner where we'll have a force field to protect him from anything infectious. The problem of shielding must be approached from a different perspective."

"I can't come up with any new ideas because I don't even understand what you can and cannot do. Can you shield me?"


"From anywhere on the ship?"


"Then can you use me as a relay station?"

Spock was astonished. "Yes! Of course! I've said it before, you are very creative! I'm going down to Engineering."


"Farthest distance from here. I'll call you when I get there."

Samek was in his cradle. Not hungry. Didn't need changing. Knew where 'mother' was. He had just figured out how to make his cradle rock and that pleased him. Christine watched him in disbelief.


"Samek is rocking his cradle by himself!"

"Clever mother, clever child. According to Samek's grandmother, I could not do that."

"Spock! We haven't told our parents yet!"

"That oversight will be corrected this evening. Now, are you ready?"

"How am I supposed to be ready?"

"Rhetorical question. Here goes." Christine watched Samek, but he didn't do anything different except discover his feet again. "Beloved, your idea is working perfectly. It is no different for me than if I was right next to him. Do you sense any extra activity going on in your mind?"

"Extra activity? No. This is wonderful. We make a great team!"

"Always have. I'm coming back."

Baby on Board

Spock returned to duty the following morning. He graciously endured all the good-natured kidding that went along with many sincere congratulations. Christine was home with the baby. Her idea for shielding was a flawless solution. He knew that in time, she would also develop the ability. While he had been otherwise occupied, Enterprise received its' next assignment and was headed once again towards Earth. Spock was pleased that Starfleet Command was keeping to its' promises. Number one in importance was that the ship would never again be purposely sent into harms way.

Spock watched his friend. He knew him better than anyone else, up until now. The Captain was a different person. Beth was the center of Jim's universe, and he was, indeed, a complete person again. She filled the emptiness caused by past tragedies and healed his emotional wounds. On the Bridge, Kirk was relaxed, happy, still very much in charge, but never again would he feel lonely.

For Ni Naar had been dubbed by some as the 'romantic' planet, the evidence being the four newly married couples who had moved into the neighborhood. Spock was surprised that Kirk reserved a 'family' unit to move into soon. He said he wanted to make sure they would have one if needed, and being Captain, could do what he wanted to anyway. Rank does indeed have its' privileges, Spock concluded.

Alpha shift over, Jim and Spock smiled at each other as they headed their separate ways without comment. Each knew what the other was thinking anyway. Not telepathy, friendship.

Entering their quarters, Spock was almost overcome emotionally as he was greeted by his wife and baby. His 'humanity' was leaking badly as he returned their greeting and they went inside. Christine enjoyed every second of her day. Feeding. Changing. Playing. Watching her son sleep. Then, the love of her life comes home. The 'abduction' ten months ago, and all the other trials in between... they all became insignificant compared to this moment.

"I have insinuated today that we 'might' be having our dinner this evening in Rec Room Four. Are you up to it?"

"I'd love to! Will Samek be alright with all those people?"

"Wife, think about your question. Will he be alright? What do you think?"

"I think he'll be just fine. What should I wear? I want to try that front carrier with the short cape that your mother sent. It's in the nursery, would you get it please?" Christine was self conscious of her figure, and chose a loose-fitting, long dress with short sleeves. The Vulcan cape was specifically for nursing mothers, besides shielding the baby from sunlight. It matched her dress well. With a well fed and sleeping Samek in his carrier, Spock and family were making their first public appearance. Yes, Christine was excited. Could you blame her?

Rec Room Four had its' usual level of activity at 1800. Next to the main replicator was an alcove with just one table... a quite corner. Spock had left a 'reserved' sign there an hour earlier. Jim and Beth were across the room, seated with several other people, sitting over coffee and dessert now and enjoying a lively conversation.

The 'family' slipped in almost without notice. Jim noticed. Others in the room looked to him for an indication of what would be proper behavior in this situation. The Captain did nothing, and that was the clue to leave them alone for now. Spock assisted Christine with her seat, as she was partially supporting her infant beneath the cape with one arm. It would be easy enough for her to switch arms as necessary to eat. Once settled, he went to the replicator and retrieved their meals. Seated at their table, facing out into the room, Spock and Christine were well aware of all the 'eyes' on them. They were grateful that the crew was respecting their privacy, even in a public room. Let them at least enjoy their dinner in peace. There was an empy chair against the wall, next to Christine.

Finished with their meal, and relaxing over cups of tea, Spock caught Jim's attention. Jim and Beth quietly excused themselves from their group and went over to meet Samek. Beth sat down next to Christine as she revealed their son from underneath the cape. He was still sleeping. Such a beautiful baby. He had his father's basic Vulcan features, and his mother's hair and eye color. The conversation was soft and private. Finally, Samek decided to wake up. He looked deeply into both Jim and Beth's eyes. Spock was shielding him, of course, but with the parental bonds, the baby had no fear or anxiety of anything new or strange. Fascinated with their faces, he reached out a tiny hand. Jim offered one finger, and was surprised at the strength of his grip. The properly 'short' visit was over, and the two departed. After a minute, Nyota and Janice came up to Christine and met Samek while Spock sat back with a very content look. "Women and babies," Spock observed, "just like on Vulcan. An instinctive and natural attraction." He also observed that his wife practically 'glowed' with love and pride.

For the next hour, one or two at a time, people who personally knew either Christine or Spock would come up to meet their son. Others only observed from a distance, but Spock could sense their feelings of warmth and welcome also. Silent Samek didn't 'eeep' once, and Spock was rather sure that tonight there would be some vocalizations. After an appropriate length of time, Spock assisted Christine with getting Samek back into his carrier, and they left for home.

Spock and Christine, Finally!

Chapter 20. Samek - Part Two


Christine handed Samek off to Spock and headed for the dressing area outside the bathroom. Spock took his son to the nursery for changing too. When Christine came into the bedroom, Spock was already in a house robe, laying on his back, upper body supported with pillows and knees bent to create a little place for Samek to lay back at an angle and see his father. Spock was talking to him in Vulcan again.

"Do you think he understands you?", she asked.

"Of course not, but is this not the same for Terran infants? If you want them to be bilingual, both languages must be spoken from the very beginning."

"Bilingual. I hadn't thought of that. Perhaps I should learn Vulcan along with Samek."

"It would be a logical progression. Right now, I'm trying to initiate some vocalilzations." Spock explained.

"Vocalizations? What happened to 'eeep'?" Christine noticed that Spock was smiling at his son while he spoke to him, and was almost tickling him... some sort of physical stimulation.


"There we go." Spock said with satifaction. "Anything else?"

"AAAAAaaaaaeeeeeEEE..." Samek obliged.

"That was good too. Do you have anything to say to your mother?" As Christine came to sit on the bed next to them.

"aaaaaauuuuhhhhh" Samek looked at his mother."EEEaaaaahhhh"

"His vocal apparatus is now functional. I believe he is surprised with his accomplishments. We can begin our attempt to get him to imitate the sounds we make. His Imitation of sounds can happen from this point up to two months. Understanding what the sounds means will begin another month after that."

"And all of this is quite normal for a Vulcan infant?" Christine asked.

"Quite normal. Beloved, I am fully aware that our son is more than half Terran. Whatever his progress, it will be normal for him, and him alone. I will not compare his progress with others. Not like what was done to me. My father refused to accept the possibility that my brain might be a complex fusion of Vulcan and Terran physiology. From the beginning, what I couldn't accomplish the Vulcan way, I had to find an alternative on my own. Forty one years of... what do you call it? Trying to fit a round peg in a square hole? If it hadn't been for Vger, I might have wound up insane. Enough! The past is the past. I choose now to live in the present and forward to the future. Agreed?"

"AAeeeeed" Spock and Christine looked at Samek, then at each other.

"Guess who just had the last word?", and Christine laughed.

New Orders

Back on the Bridge next morning, Kirk slipped over to Spock's station. Standing on the far side, they could always share a quiet conversation. "I didn't have a chance to brief you on our new orders."

"I am aware of our destination based on navtigational coordinates. Shall I assume it has something to do with the dilithium crystals that are in our shuttlebay?"

"Command wants them brought back to Earth, to be delivered to the UFP General Assembly and Council. They're going to make a big deal out of this."

"It is a big deal." Spock agreed.

"True, but just as they didn't like being the bad guy with the 'mandatory transfer' issue, they'll take the credit for this one and get to be the good guy. The presence of the ambassador from For Ni Naar is respectfully requested. I already told Beth. She's excited.

"Speaking on behalf of her family, this is an excellent opportunity for your wife to explain their philosophy and desires for any future development on their planet."

"My wife," Kirk paused. "Hearing you say that makes it all the more real to me."

"You are not convinced yet that you are married?"

No... no, Spock. I'm convinced, and you'll just have to believe me on that one. But hearing it from different sources, it's a confirmation that dreams can come true."

"I share in your joy. Do we have any other orders from Command after delivering the crystals?"

"Not yet. We're four days from Earth. The UFP General Assembly meets the week after. I'm taking Beth to meet the rest of her family in Iowa."

"They are your family too." Spock reminded him.

"Oh god... that's right! I have in-laws now. Hey, so do you. How'd it go for you, meeting Christine's family?"

"Rather positive, overall. The concussion and black eye healed well. Jim, we are hoping to take some time to visit them, so Samek may meet his grandparents."

"You know by now you're good for the time off. Concussion? Who hit you?"

"Accident, really... precipitated by a bad case of xenophobia. At least the two of you are Terran. Beth's grandparents have believed their children were dead for thirty four years. It should be a positive, and emotional experience."

"You'll be staying at the house on the coast?"

"It is our home. Christine is very anxious to return. You and Beth must come visit. Stay overnight. I have a surprise in my cellar to show you."

"Sounds good. Let's see what Command has in store for us, then we'll set dates."


Day Care

"Leonard, it has to go somewhere. Where do you suggest I leave my baby? In the hallway? Accomodations are always made for a 'special needs' child, and Samek qualifies. Besides, he may be the first, but we now have five other married couples on board. Figure the odds."

"I'll leave that to your husband, Chrissy. I never gave 'day care' a thought. Don't know why. You're right, of course. We have plenty of room in Sickbay now. Let's find a good location. We'll need a separate entrance from the hallway to minimize cross contamination, besides a secondary force field to prevent infections from reaching the children. So, if we're going to do this... how many?"

"Six family quarters maximum. One baby so far. Nine months minimum before you have to worry about any more. Just make sure the location has room to expand in some direction. No attendant needed for now. Samek will be fine on his own. He'll let me know if he needs anything. Spock and I will work on ideas for physical and mental stimulation."

"Let's pull up the schematics and figure something out. Where is your son now?"

"Spock and I both have our own computer terminals in our quarters. He's working there today. One of us has to be with him at all times. No Vulcan babysitters on the Enterprise yet."

"Okay, you and I will come up with a prelilminary plan to run past Spock. Then Engineering can get to work on it. Shouldn't take too long." McCoy concluded. Two days later, the first Starfleet sanctioned, deep-space, day care center had it's grand opening, with just one little client... Samek.


That evening, Spock was very quiet... contemplative. Christine could tell through their bond that he looking for the right opportunity to talk with her. She took Samek out of his cradle and climbed onto their bed. He looked at her as she patted the mattress right next to her. No words, just 'get over here', as she smiled.

He sat down, folded his legs and paused a minute. She waited.

"Christine, we do not actually know when my next 'Time' will be. Hopefully, I will have remained on schedule, although that would be a little early for you to become pregnant again."

"A year off? No sweat... not at least until labor begins again. What will it be like for us, when it comes?"

"What you might have read in your medical studies was probably vague and incomplete. I will tell you everything there is to know regarding Vulcan reproductive biology. I will answer all of your questions." Christine curled up on the bed, nursing Samek. Spock slid over to sit next to them.

The Awakening

"At one point, between twelve and seventeen usually, the young male experiences his 'awakening'. That is the polite way to say his reproductive system is fully developed and becomes functional, against his will. Our 'mind rules' include the ability to voluntarily control all body functions. Jim has observed my ability to make myself deeply unconscious at a moment's notice. If not a major blood vessel, I can stop myself from bleeding. Those are examples. A Vulcan male must now learn at this time how to control these new bodily functions as well. It is usually the father or close male relative who takes on this responsibility. The first Pon Farr can then be expected within no more than seven years."

Spock's First Pon Farr

"I was twenty-three. I was assigned to the Enterprise, as an ensign. This experience for a young Vulcan is a very mild version, when the body now is 'setting the clock'. The blood fever of Plak Tow is not achieved. I experienced fatigue, headache, agitation, inability to concentrate. Dr. Boyce confined me to my quarters, checked on me a few times each day to make sure I was getting some food and water. The doctor knew what was going on but didn't say. On the fourth day, I was feeling much better and ready to resume my duties. The doctor's final medical orders were "Now you remember this... it'll happen again in exactly seven years." Of course, I already knew. Every Vulcan male is educated in these matters. It is just not spoken of. I was relieved my doctor used such discretion."

Spock's Second Pon Farr

"Seven years later, almost to the day, at age 30. I knew that the first 'symptom', if you would call it that, would be my desire to search out my bondmate, even across the vastness of space. But the desire did not occur. The bond was created by the parents of my betrothed. and my father. At the age of seven, it was literally forced upon me. A very stern lecture from Father finally made me concede. T'Pring also made it very clear from the beginning that she wanted nothing to do with me and only obeyed her parents, like a good little Vulcan girl. The betrothal bond, like any other type of telepathy, is not of the physical dimension but the psychic dimension. Distance does not matter. I gave it my best effort, several times, yet no response. I should at least have been able to tell that she did indeed exist. It is not like trying to call someone on a comm unit. I should have known, but... nothing."

"Next, the physical symptoms again. Not like last time, these were much worse. We had a different doctor and I was concerned how to deal with it this time. How would he respond? It was obvious that Dr. Boyce had informed his replacement about Vulcan biology. So it was the same thing, confined to quarters, monitored more often. Dr. Piper also asked me several times if I wanted to go to Vulcan. I said no. I wasn't being 'called' to return home. This time, however I also had a high fever. The first Plak Tow doesn't usually last very long. Three days later, the fever broke and I was well again. I drew the conclusion that since I am half human, this may be all that it ever would be. A full Vulcan would have been forced home to participate in the bonding ritual, or simply die because he did not complete the 'biological imperative'."

"And what of T'Pring?" Christine asked.

Spock's Third Pon Farr

"Yes... and what of T'Pring. You were there, on the ship."

"My third 'Time', it was T'Pring who contacted me through the betrothal bond. I was taken by surprise. It was obvious now that the ability had always been there, so my conclusion was that she had been 'blocking' me all these years. She also did not know me, my personality, my character. While I had no desire to bond with her, she too was effectively prevented from bonding with anyone else. If she had a third party contact me by conventional means, to negotiate a dissolution of the betrothal, I would have been agreeable. And she would have received a considerable settlement from my family."

"Instead, she chose to put on her 'charade', and make a mockery of the ceremony. Her constant contact with me through the bond threw me completely into full Pon Farr. My first experience with the real thing, and I was not prepared for it. The conclusion I had drawn previously that being half human would save me from the experience was incorrect. Otherwise I could have requested leave months earlier for the proper time, and been on Vulcan, ready for it."

"On the ship... I was not myself, no controls at all. Doctor McCoy had not been told anything from his predecessors. Finally, I told Jim. You also did not know what was happening to me, and your kindness was returned with complete disrespect. We discussed after Vger how deeply I regretted my actions then. Part of me also wanted you, very much, in a very physical way. I couldn't understand that feeling was coming from a subconscious desire for you as my true bondmate. I believe at one point I made reference that it was illogical for us to resist our true natures, or a similar sentiment. That part of me was trying to tell you that I wanted to return to you the feelings you had for me, but I truly did not know how. It was a bad situation for the two of us."

"And now... whenever it is to come, this will be my fourth Pon Farr. Finally I am looking forward to it. No confusion, no fear. I have you, Christine, my beloved Bondmate."

"You will still need to know other details. For example, when I am in Plak Tow, it is you who will control me. It is not just a physical joining, but a telepathic one as well. We will be in a mind meld for the duration. Do not fear it. You may believe you are losing your identity, but that is not the case. I promise you this. Through the meld, you can speak to me plainly, firmly, and I will obey. I will have no choice but to obey you."

"I will know a few months in advance that my Time is coming. We will have to coordinate your biological clock to match mine. More than likely you will be on a long term contraception. Administering the antidote to cancel it will initiate your ovulation within twelve hours. This will be a suitable substitution for Vulcan biology. It is the 'act' that stimulates ovulation in a Vulcan female. My body can sense chemical changes in yours, so Plak Tow ends when conception occurs. If conception does not occur, the fever continues for up to four days. The first day is always 'intense', after that, there is time for sleeping, resting, eating, whatever. Four days maximum and the fever is burned out. Again, if at any moment I can sense that you have conceived, it is over. You would also prepare your body, so if I am unaware of the strength of my actions, I will not be able to hurt you. These are acceptable accommodations, for both of us. It will be our very special time."

Christine put Samek down in his cradle. He was already fast asleep. She leaned back over to Spock and nestled in his arms. "Every moment is our very special time, my Love."

Arrival at Starfleet Drydock

The six months that the Enterprise and Guardian were out created a long list of minor repairs and adjustments, not to mention some new adaptations based on actual experience. Chief Engineer Scott still had that dilithiium crystal the Captain had given to him. Kirk entrusted Scotty to use it to the best advantage for his ship. Dilithium was used to regulate the mixture of matter and antimatter in the warp core. Since even the smallest crystals from For Ni Naar were larger than any others ever known, Scott spent much time in research before his first attempt to cut the crystal to more manageable sizes. He was successful. Now in drydock, he had the specialized facilities and additional expertise necessary to continue his work.

The new estimate for their stay on Earth was three weeks. That was just fine for Kirk. The Federation had moved its' date for Beth's reception by the General Assembly up one week, but afterwards the two of them would finally get some time off together. Beth had learned that the UFP had over one hundred fifty official member planets. This did not include colonies or protectorates. It was her family's gift of the crystals, along with a little prodding by Starfleet, that inspired this event. The Rheinhardts and Vulcan Ambassador Sarek understood that the giver had the obligation, not the recipient, but the rest of the Federation felt it had to respond in some way. Being the Ambassador from the newest member planet, Beth would sit there and accept their 'thank-you's' graciously. Hopefully, as Spock had told Jim, she would also have the opportunity to explain her family's philosophy and desires for any future development on their planet.

Back Home at Starlight House

"We're home! We're home!" Christine twirled around in the foyer. "I didn't realize how much I missed this until now. The management company did a very good job keeping everything just as we left it. Even the flower gardens are weeded. Did you call ahead for them to stock the stasis unit?"

"Naturally." Spock had his hands full with Samek, who was trying to look at everything all at once. "If you will take our son, I will take the storage containers upstairs. All of this for three weeks?" Spock was half way up the stairs with two of the containers already.

"You never traveled with a baby before. Well, neither have I, but I just happen to know better in this case. You'll have to trust me on this one. Hey, how convenient for you to pass off a baby that needed changing! Where's the diaper bag?! Stop squirming around, Samek! You'll get to see it all, give Mommy a chance."

Christine loved candlelight. Dinner that evening was in the kitchen with low ambient lighting and candles on the big, wooden table. Samek had his dinner earlier, and was content to be passed back and forth between parents while they ate. Like all Vulcan infants, he had no reason to be 'fussy'. Christine remembered her 'babysitting' days as a teenager. Crying babies... won't go to sleep babies... she should get down on her hands and knees and thank God she married a Vulcan...

It had been a long day. Heading upstairs, Spock carried Samek in his favorite 'over-the-shoulder-with-one-hand' style. Christine asked, but he had no idea where his method came from, it just happened the night his son was born. They passed the nursery door. Samek's cradle was on Christine's side of the bed, and he would sleep there until he no longer needed to nurse during the night. With both of them having a parental bond, caring for an infant was highly organized. They knew if he was hungry or needed changing, which were the two main requests. Christine handled the feeding and Spock handled the rest. On occasion, Samek simply wanted their company, which of course, they obliged. He would nestle between them like the night he was born, and revel in the bond the three of them shared. Spock explained these visits would end when he was able to sleep through the night, and that they should enjoy them while they lasted. They did.

Morning light revealed the California coast in springtime. Sunshine streamed into the kitchen as they enjoyed first meal. "Grandparents." Christine announced.


"Your parents are here for the UFP General Assembly."

"You know this. Are we reviewing our facts?" It was a rhetorical question, as Spock was quite used to this now.

"It's logical. Sarek and Amanda have a limited time to visit. They want to meet my parents, and visa versa. Everyone wants to meet Samek. We can always go to Indiana at a later time for the rest of the Chapel clan to meet him, but let's keep it small and manageable for now. We have more than enough room for everyone to stay here. Can you think of any problems with the scenario?"

"Not at this time, no."

"Good. I've got to make some calls... invitations."

Except for the fact that Christine was a responsible physician, Spock would have been concerned that she might be on stimulants. He had never seen her with so much energy. Perhaps the fact that both their parents were going to be staying here at the same time, to see their new grandson, and something about that 'housewarming' again. She had yet to explain this Terran custom. Spock figured the best thing for him would be to do whatever she asked, and to do it immediately. Mostly, it was rearranging furniture, more than once in some rooms. Her enthusiasm finally tempered as she reached the limits of her energy reserve. Spock was wise enough not to mention that there was no apparent difference to having furniture in one position over another. Christine was satisfied, and that was what mattered. He also had to promise not to entice anyone into the cellar, since it was still being kept a secret from her. Although difficult, he did promise.

Sarek and Amanda would be brought, late tomorrow morning by the Embassy limousine. John and Emily would arrive early afternoon by public transporter to the station at the park next door. Spock would meet them there and escort them back to the house. Beds were made, towels and linens stocked, meals planned. This was Christine's event. New house, new baby and the in-laws meeting for the first time.