Summary: Jacob's feelings in Eclipse.

POV: Jacob's

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

AN: Just something that I thought of.



That's what I felt when Bella finally admitted that she loves me.

I never really thought that she'd admit it. Honestly, I was just trying to get a rise out of her. It's better than nothing, right? I would rather have her feel something for me than feel nothing at all.

But then, everything else came crashing down when I received that letter from Edward and the wedding invitation.

I already knew they wanted to marry when I heard them talking inside the tent. I just didn't think that Bella would agree so fast after everything that happened between us. I know that she chose Edward over me when she came to talk to me, but some part of me, still hoped…wished that she would eventually choose me.

That's why I'm running. Running away from everything. I can't stand and watch them get married. See her become one of them. See them living happily together. I'd rather die than see that.

I know she'll be hurt that I left, that I didn't even say goodbye to her. But I think it's better for the both of us. I'm just making things more complicated for her. It's better if I just disappear from everyone's lives.

I never wanted to become like this, I just wanted to live a normal life. Everything would have just been better if I never met her. God, I wish I can stop this. But I can't, I can't stop loving her, and I won't.

She will never choose me over Edward…but still, at least I felt what it was like to be loved back.



AN2: Thanks for the correction, k8ebug!