Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story. This is just for fun and I hope you enjoy reading it.

A Christmas Wish

By Angelwings Sorrow

Chapter 1 "A Gift From Nowhere."

All he ever wanted was who loved him and have some one to love. No one care about him. Growing up one on care At Hogwarts they seemed to care about him but not now. He was of no use now so no one cared about him any longer. He barely passed his finale year as no one was there to help him with his studies he had fallen behind preparing for the finale battle against Voldemort. He had wanted the world to forget The-Boy-Who-Lived and see just Harry. Well he had gotten his wish they forgot the famous Harry Potter and than here was just Plain old Harry. The only problem was being Plain Old Harry wasn't good enough for anyone.

Hermione dropped him like a lead stone in a well. She told him she didn't have time to help him learn stuff he should already know. "Harry I can't Baby-sit you any more I have NEWTs to study for and my future to look forward to." That was the last thing she ever said to him. She didn't give him time argue the weeks he was in the hospital wing healing from the finale battle. She was totally focused on her studies and get into the ministry. She left Hogwarts with Outstanding on all her NEWTs and received a full scholarship one of the best Wizarding Universities in Europe. She and Ron were getting married after her graduation.

Ron was now in the spot light like he always had wanted. Once Harry was released from the hospital wing was formal released from the house team. "We don't need a glory hound bringing the team down by taking credit for the team's hard work." Harry was hurt but he didn't fight back. Instead he just faded to the background and tried to stay out of everyone's way. Ron was now Keeper for the Chuddly cannons.

Professor Snape was the only one to push him into studying and tutoring him two days a week for three hours and for five hours on Sundays. Harry only graduated to please Snape and spare him his presence any longer. He knew the man hated him and did not want to teach Harry for another year maybe two as that how far he was behind. He could see the relief in the Professor's face when he passed his Newts. He was now out of Hogwarts and no longer a constant reminder of Snape's childhood tormentor.

Harry shook these thoughts from his head bringing him out of the past and into the present. It was a cold and damp winter as he made his way through muggle London. It was the Christmas season and Merlin it was crowded the streets were crowded with shoppers on 22 days till Christmas and everyone had to buy now it was getting to be too claustrophobic for him he had to find somewhere to apparate. He ducked into an alley glad to be free from the Christmas rush. He was about to apparate when he heard a meow or he thought it was as it sounded more like a squeak. After about two minutes of Searching he found the source of the Squeak. Hidden in rumpled newspaper behind a dumpster he found two tiny kittens one looked kind of silver the other was back. They were so young their eyes were even open and still covered in blood. Without a second thought He took off his Jacket and wrapped the shivering kittens in it then apparated to St. Bernard's Magical Creature Hospital. It was not a moment to soon either as the Little Black Kitten was fading fast.

"Well Mr. Black your very lucky the kittens are going to be just fine. They are only about a day old, but they'll pull through. Their Magic is what kept them alive long enough for you to find them. Muggle Kittens would have starved to death within hours after birth with out their mother's milk."

"They have magic?"

"Yes I think that's why their mother abandoned these two so soon after birth. All animals are sensitive to feelings and magic She Probably felt the magic and it scared her and she took the rest of the litter away from these to feared for the safety of her muggle kittens. This happen all the time. Some time a witch or wizard like yourself finds them and we can save them sometimes not. There are time the magic come late and the ministry has to confiscate it from a muggle household and the give them to us to adopt out to wizarding families. Since you did find them you don't have to keep them we'll care for them till they are old enough to be adopted."

"No! I want to keep them!" Harry shouted. He didn't mean to but he really wanted to keep the kittens they would help keep the loneliness away.

"It will be a lot of work. They need to be fed every hour they can't miss a single feeding. They also bathed like their mother would have done and be kept warm till their eyes are open and they are old enough to move around on their own."

"I'll do it! I'll take very good care of them. I think I was meant to find them and they were meant to be with me."

"Well then Mr. Black what are you going to name them?" the Vet Healer Smiled "We'll need their Names for our records and we can set up appointments."

"It's almost Christmas so I think I'll call the white on Sliver and the little black one Belle."