Author's Note

Well? That's it.

This was a fun story for me to write, and quite truthfully it was a stretch. I'm not one who likes to write Fan Fiction, but I decided to anyway.

Also, though I am Christian, I'm not too religious, and I'm not Catholic. So writing about two characters who are so strongly religious was a bit of a risk.

Thank you:

To my readers on FanFiction, especially Bellhavenontap and GoddessLaughs. I also want to thank all my friends at home who read the printed version.

I want to especially thank the cast and crew of the film The Boondock Saints. Troy Duffy (writer/director) went through a lot to see his movie made only to have it be stamped with the NC-17 rating from the MPAA. I'm happy to see his movie has become such a cult classic and I'm also happy to see it finally released on DVD in the United States!

A little bit about me:

I'm actually a classically trained musician. I'm majoring in Music Composition and Music Theory. Writing fiction has been a hobby of mine since first grade. I guess something about writing really speaks to me because I'm planning on writing music for the rest of my life.

Well, I guess that's about it!

Thanks for reading!
