A/N: Hey sorry for this being so late, have had writers block for this story. I hope this doesn't make people think I'm ruining it. It will go longer than 1995 when Voldemort gets resurrected,. Not saying how, mainly cause I haven't figured it all our myself,.

College really kicked my but this last term, well that and work. But I should have a lot more free time now to write as the term ended this last week.

Any suggestions on how to continue past that point would be extremely helpful. Cause I don't want to leave this story like I have for the past while. I think I've figured out what to do with this up to there. Might end it there and start a sequel, I don't know.

Chapter 22

Heather had been released from the Hospital Wing later that day, with a clean bill of health, which oddly enough she hadn't needed to be poked and prodded like she used to. She arrived home to see Nathan once again reading the book she had taken away from him, the one that contained the reversal spell for the curse she was under, and now could not get rid of.

"Mom? There's something I don' understand." he said, when he saw her.

"Yes, sweetie what is it?"

"Um, do you know what a Horcrux is?" Heather's eyes widened at that word.

"Where did you hear that word?"

"It's in this book, there's a whole chapter plus a spell used to create them it says."

"Put that book down now do you hear, its for your own good, I will not have you getting caught up in that." she said, "And don't even think about picking it up again, do you hear me Nathan." She heard him sigh, and then saw him set it down. "Dinner will be in about half an hour." As soon as he left the room she picked up the book. Skipping to his bookmark she found that it did indeed have the process of making a Horcrux. She ripped the pages out of the book and threw them in the fireplace.

"Incendio." She calmly stated. She watched as the papers burned. She would not have the conscience of knowing that she had that book and it had the process, it would be better to destroy it in the long run. One less place for a Dark Lord to learn it and create them. While watching it burn, she picked up the rest and looked for the date of publication. 1698. Or at least that was when the first date was. The latest was, in fact, 1991. She looked at the publisher, and saw it was a muggle publisher, why then had the book arrived by owl?

"These people have no idea what they are doing, do they." She gently set the book down and walked back in the kitchen. She was going to contact the publisher and ask them if they planned on continuing to make that book. And how she ended up with a copy in the first place.

Thankfully dinner was a quiet ordeal, with only the three of them there, still affected by the Death Eater Attack. Later that night, she brought up the subject to Sirius.

"Siri?" she called out.

"Yes," he replied. She walked out of the bathroom and climbed into bed next to him, "What is it?"

"I found a lead on how Riddle made his Horcruxes, but I destroyed the ritual and all pages describing it."


"The only problem is, is that the book was the same one the spell that affected me came out of." Sirius knew she was talking about the gender-changing spell. "I burnt the pages out of the copy that we owned, but the publisher is still making them, we need to get them to stop somehow.

"Well, why do we go tell them what they are doing, and get them to take it out of the next edition."

"They are a muggle publisher Sirius, I don't know how they ended up with this books manuscript, but they did."

"Oh." The look on his face was solemn. "So we can still get them to take out the stuff, tell them that while it may not have been copyrighted, that it was my families' information and they stole it."

"Even the wizarding world would believe that one Sirius, but how do we prove it?"


"Prove it Sirius, we need proof before we can take them on." She dropped her looks to the ground, as she thought of a way. "Wait, Sirius, lets go to Grimmauld Place tomorrow, we need to see if your family library has any information on it."

"Considering I own it now, there is nothing my mother's portrait can do if she wanted to do anything."

They arrived at their destination, shortly before Noon as they had to leave Nathan with Lily and James. They walked up to the door and opened it. Inside they found layers upon layers of dust. Kreacher had definitely not been cleaning.

"Well, at least that house-elf is gone right? Bloody bastard seemed to want to kill me when I was a child."

"Let's not wake your dear old mum and get what information we need." Sirius nodded and started up the stairs to the library. Once inside they closed and locked the door. "Accio Horcrux Info!" Heather tried. Nothing happened however, not a single book rose.

"Let me try. They may just not recognize you as a member of the Black Family, Accio Horcrux Info." This time a single book sitting in the middle of the table, still open, rose up and flew to them. Sirius caught it and Heather nearly fainted when she saw the script of Regulus Black addressing his brother.

Sirius, my brother, it said, I do not have much time left on this Earth, whether it is as a Death Eater or not. Know this well. Inside this book lies the key to the Dark Lord's immortality. Ever since he took Kreacher to hide the piece of his soul, a month ago, I have been secretly working against him. Kreacher may still be haunted about what is going to happen, but it must.

When the Dark Lord said that he required the assistance of a house elf, I was only too eager to get into his good books and supplied Kreacher. I gave Kreacher the order to return home after he had finished helping the Dark Lord. When he came back nearly dead, I was surprised. I nursed him back to health and had him tell me what happened.

It seems the Dark Lord made Kreacher drink some kind of nightmare potion, in which it takes the drinker's worst memories and multiplies them tenfold strong. It is a wonder he was sane enough to tell me this. Once Kreacher had completed his portion, the Dark Lord left a locket inside the basin, and filled it with more potion. He left Kreacher to die in that cave. Now a month later, I am going to steal that locket and have Kreacher destroy it.

For it seems that the Dark Lord is using Horcruxes, a Black family based magic our own ancestors used it to avoid rival assisinations. How he got hold of the information, I shall not know, but he did, and I shall take the first step to making sure that he dies, even at the cost of my own life.

I know not where Kreacher shall put the locket, but ask him and tell him that it was his Master Regulus' last wishes to have him give the locket to you, your wife, or your godson.

I am sorry that we, as brothers, never made up. Maybe I would have lived to see you wed the girl that you are dating.

Your brother

Regulus Black.

"You never found this note the first time around, if it even existed, but Kreacher may have taken it as well." Heather told her husband, as his hands trembled. "If you had, we would have had an early start to taking down Voldemort." She felt tear falling down her cheeks. "You might not have died in the Department of Mysteries."

"What's past is past, at least for you Heather, you shouldn't worry yourself with this." he said, his voice shaky, "I still can't believe that my brother deserted the Death Eaters in that way."

"We should talk to Kreacher. Just because I remember it being in a certain place does not mean that it is there." She said, "It will help him rest knowing that his last master's wishes will be fulfilled."

"I know that. Kreacher!" he said, calling out to the house-elf. With a soft pop, the house-elf flew at Sirius.

"Master Sirius is not welcome here, he is not belonging here, not at all."

"Kreacher, please be quiet for a minute." the house elf shut up, "Kreacher, we came here looking for information on something that Voldemort has done. Something he used you in. We found a letter addressed to me from Regulus, he told me what had happened what you had told him, and what he had been planning to do. So please, I need the locket that Regulus told you to destroy, we know how to destroy them, and we will do it."

"Everything Kreacher has done, no mark made by Kreacher." The old house-elf rambled.

"That is because you have to destroy it from the inside Kreacher." Heather sat down next to the house-elf. "And you cannot open it as the locket once belonged to Salazar Slytherin, and needs a Parselmouth to open it."

"No, I wont part with Master Regulus' treasure . . ."

"Kreacher, look, I know that the locket is the last thing you have of his, but, I promise you can have whatever you like out of here if you give us the locket," Sirius said, "You can even have my father's clothes to keep as a keepsake."

"Yous continue Master Regulus' work?"

"Yes, Kreacher, hey, if you want to come with us to our home you can, I can't imagine what it is like staying in here alone all these years." The house-elf seemed not to hear her though as he burst into tears over the fact that someone would be finally helping him fulfill his last master's orders. The house elf, after he had calmed down, beckoned to them and had them follow him to the drawing room. He had them wait at the door as he disabled some spells. After a few minutes of doing this, the house-elf finally reached into a cabinet and pulled out a heavy golden locket.

"Thank you Kreacher." Heather spoke, "This is it, now we just need Harry."

"Who doesn't even know he is a Parselmouth Heather." Sirius said, "How do we break it to him that he possesses a known dark ability. Hell I don't even think James and Lily remember that he is one."

"I know," Heather sighed, "Kreacher?"

"Yes, Mistress?"

"Can you go to Hogwarts and ask for Dumbledore to floo to here, we need to talk to him about this."

"And, Kreacher, please be nice to the old man, he doesn't need you to ruin his life further." Sirius added to the order. The house-elf bowed and left the couple to tend to their own needs.

"This place still creeps me out you know, it isn't as bad, knowing that the last member of my family that I considered family fought against Voldemort at the cost of his life."

"I knew Regulus wasn't evil, he was just misled."

"Yeah, by our parents." Heather turned away from Sirius at that and walked over to the desk.

"This has a boggart in it you know. We should take care of it before too long."

"Why? It isn't as if we are going to live here."

"Eventually the Black family is going to have to relocate, and go into hiding, and we are going to use Dumbledore as the Secret-Keeper, we don't want the problems that we had last time we used that charm." She scowled remembering both times that Pettigrew had betrayed them.

"Master, I cannot find it."

"Fool, keep searching, if we cannot find it that means she has broken free, we must speed up the plans for the Stone again, as soon as I have a body I will go check on the rest of my trinkets."

"A . . . alright Mas . . . Master, I'll keep looking."

"Make sure you do not fail me Quirrel, I do not tolerate failure."

"I shall not fail Master."

"What do you require of me?" Dumbledore asked after arriving at the Black Manor.

"We have another of the Horcruxes, but still no way of destroying them."

"As for the stone?"

"It needs to be moved, the real one does, put a fake in its place, give it back to Flamel, he can decide what to do with it." Sirius said, "He is its rightful owner after all."

"Yes, that is true, and he does love to tinker with things." Dumbledore replied, "He did ask me if I thought it was safe enough to bring it to him, but with the knowledge Voldemort would be in the country, I told him it would not. Is he aware that you have your memories back?"

"Most likely, but he won't dare do anything now, he probably is aware that the timeline is changed. Though he might move his . . . Oh shit, Dumbledore, you know where the Gaunt shack is don't you?"

"Gaunt shack?"

"Shit, you mean you found it while I was still in school . . . Which means we need to hurry, we do not have the luxury of waiting around anymore."

"No I was surprised you mentioned it, my dear, is there a Horcrux there?"

"The Resurrection Stone, sir, and please destroy the Horcrux before you go trying to communicate with anyone."

"I see, I shall move quickly on the Horcrux, this puts us down to the diary, Harry himself, and the cup, Tom may be paranoid that he may not move the one in the Lestrange Vault . . . It has top security, unless Sirius here can wrangle his way inside, but its unlikely. Which means . . ."

"We have to have dear cousin Bellatrix to get inside, and she won't do so. Of course if we promised her she could search for her master afteward, and not let her see what we take, then it might be worth it, then just wait till next year and get the diary when Malfoy sets it loose." Sirius pointed out, "If he still does anyway."

The group sat in silence and then Dumbledore spoke up, "We do need to move quickly, Sirius how soon can you talk to Lestrange?"

"I'll go tomorrow and see if I can't make a deal with her. She may be the most fanatical, but she is also a Slytherin and knows when to make a deal."


Three days later Sirius arrived home from Azkaban with a single piece of parchment. The parchment, while it was held steady was read aloud to Dumbledore and Heather.

I, Bellatrix Lestrange, in exchange for freedom from the wizarding prison of Azkaban, will allow my cousin, Aurror First Class Sirius Black to take any one item from my vault at Gringotts, vault number 25.


The note was signed with both Sirius' and Bellatrix's names as witness and maker of the note. It was also stamped with the Minister's approval. Once they had the item, she was free to go search out her master.

"It will be worth it in the end love," Sirius said, seeing Heather's concerned face, "it will bring Voldemort back into a state where he could be killed, if she manages to find him."

"Yeah, there is no guarantee she will find him. Considering he is currently at Hogwarts, probably pissed off at us right now. I doubt he will want her looking for him, with what her term of release was." The two Blacks laughed at the thought of Bellatrix admitting to Voldemort how she got released from Azkaban. No doubt he would kill her for her stupidity.

Within just the short time since their children had entered into Hogwarts they had collected most of the Horcruxes. They had all but the diary of Tom Riddle in hand or close by. And as long as Malfoy played his part correctly and how she remembered it, they would have the next one in hand soon enough.

A/N: It was pointed out to me by rochchen that i did have some inconsistancies with some other events that happened it had more to do with the . As for Regulus dieing I think their mother knew when he was dead as even Sirius knew in OOtP. Especially with the circumstances, how exactly did they know he died except for the family tree?

I did go back and fix what I saw as the problem, but if I didn't just let me know.