Inuyasha Takahashi a young man of 17 lives in a mansion estate with his mom and dad. His half brother Sesshomaru lives three estates down from them with his now pregnant wife Rin. Inuyasha goes to Tokyo high with his two best friends Miroku Houshi and Sango Taji. But no one has ever been closer to him then his best friend Kagome Higurashi. They have known each other since they were three and although they were young there is nothing a demon or hanyou knows better then love. And that is what he felt for her. Tragedy fell upon the two though when they were ten. Kagome's father a prominent buissness man like Inuyasha's father decided to move to America. The two children were heart broken because unbeknownst to the other they had the exact same feelings for each other. They had a teary good bye and promised never to forget the other no matter what and neither did. As time went by Inuyasha met a young women named Kikyo and although she looked exactly like his Kagome she did not have the same caring heart that Kagome did. "Kagome may have been dark but at least she had a pulse." he used to say to himself when he would see Kikyo acting like a heartless bitch to everyone she didn't approve of. Eventually he got tired of her spoiled attitude and dumped her. She was pissed and never got over it…..MEANWHILE….. In America Kagome to met a young man she liked named Naraku but in the end the results were the same and they too broke up. The only other person to know about their feelings for each other is Miroku who was also part of their childhood friendship he was sworn to secrecy by both friends and therefore will not tell the other what they have said about each other. Now seven years later Kagome's father has decided that in the mists of a huge corporate deal that is to be made between his and another company she would be safer in Tokyo with their old friends. "This deal is going to give me quite a few new enemies and I don't want you in the middle of it." he told her. So now Kagome will be reunited with her past friend and secret crush. They'll deal with new threat, jealous ex's, and their personal emotions.
A/N: okay people there you have it if you like it so far keep reading if not get lost(lol just kidding) anyway r&r pleze and thank u I can't get better without your constructive criticism and I'm always open to suggestions and ideas if you have any let me know thanks again.