Photo Booth

"Oliver, what is it?" Percy Weasley stood, hands on hips, in the middle of a large shopping centre and staring at a large box in front of it. There were pictures of a girl wearing no make-up and her hair pushed out of her eyes. A section was cut out giving access inside and was covered by a long velvet curtain, pulled back to show a stool and blank screen inside. Oliver grinned, putting several muggle coins that he'd told Percy were called "pounds" into a slot. There was a rattle of money and Percy assumed there was more money inside.

"Perce, it's called a 'photo booth'.. Come on" Oliver laughed and sat himself on the stool, pulling Percy by the wrist. The redhead fell onto the Scottish boy's lap and quirked a brow towards the screen. "Photo booth? But Ol.. It's going to record us just sat here.. Talking" Percy poked at the large button just below the screen. The screen moved and Percy was startled by a flash. He yelped, jumping in Oliver's lap and the athlete merely laughed as Percy glared at him. The flash went again and Percy glowered at the screen. Oliver quickly pushed him against the wall of the small booth and kissed him. Percy noted that he saw a flash behind closed eyes and grinned. He ducked his head and felt Oliver kiss the tip of his nose. Percy chuckled to himself, and the light flashed again before Oliver licked the tip of his nose making Percy laugh.

Oliver laughed and pressed a kiss to Percy's forehead before pulling him out of the booth. He leant against the booth, and within a minute or so a roll of four pictures came out of the machine and Percy looked on amazed. Oliver laughed at the pictures before showing them to Percy. The first was of Percy looking curiously at the screen, Oliver watching him in a mixture of affection and amusement. The second Percy looked like a deer caught in head lights whilst over his shoulder Oliver was laughing heartily. The third saw them in a passionate kiss, Oliver dominating Percy. The fourth was a cute pose of Oliver playfully kissing Percy's nose, squashing it ever s slightly. Percy was breaking into a smile.

"But they're not moving, Ol.." Percy looked at Oliver with large blue eyes, confused. The Scot laughed and tucked the photographs into Percy's satchel, a soft smile on his face as he began to lead the other boy away. "They're not meant to, Perce. Muggles like to treasure moments. They have moving pictures like ours but call those videos" He ruffled Percy's hair and lightly caught the red head's pinky finger in his own.

"Silly Muggles" Snorted Percy.

Author's Notes: Well folks, short little thing inspired by a pic I saw of my friend and his girlfriend where she's kissing him on the nose. I thought it was adorable and I could see Ol and Perce doing something similar. And be shamed! I'm supposed to be doing revision for an exam tomorrow about Oliver Cromwell and the Civil War.

Thanks for reading !