Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto!

Enjoy! Warning: Might contain some vulgar language. You have been warned.

"EH??!!" I stared in shock, as I saw the mother rushed in and gave a tight hug to both Itachi and Sasuke, the minute we had entered their home, with me crush inbetween them in the hug, because she had hugged us without knowing that I was here.

And now...I will suffocate to death. Oh how great. The amazing Vampire killed by a hug. Wouldn't I be a big laughing stock.

I moved my arms up, as best as I could, and proceeded to try and push away from me. When that didn't work, I used my fists, and slammed them as hard as I can against her chest, yet she wouldn't let go, nor did she flinch.

What is she? Steel woman? My gods, at this rate, I really will die!

"...a.i.r..."I gasped out, and was immediately released. I took in big deep breaths, in order to stable myself, before looking up and glaring at the lady, only to see her smiling beautifully. I could only stare, as she lit up, flowers from out of nowhere started to flow down from the sky, enlightening her features. I was caught onto the moment, that is, until the chicken assed raven headed boy, decided to shove me forward, making me lose my balance, and fall flat onto my face.

I groaned inwardly. First my ass, now my face?!! What is wrong with this world? I heard footsteps coming closer, until it stopped. I looked up slightly, only to see a hand in front of me. I tried to look higher, catching the glance of that lady again, smiling charmingly at me. I took her hand, not wanting to be rude, and pulled myself up.

"Hello little youngling, my name is Uchiha Mikoto, the mother of both Itachi and Sasuke. And you must be..."

"Uzumaki Naruto..." I said slowly, not sure what to do at this moment.

She released a gasp, and a hand came up to cover her mouth, before she smiled and giggled, which freaked me out. I mean, what kind of person would do that, when you first just met the person. It's not like I'm a killer or a thief or anything. Well...I slay vampires, but she doesn't seem to be a vampire...or is she?

As I pondered this, I didn't notice a man slipping in, that is, until I've looked up. Seeing him glide so gracefully across the room, so graceful and silent, like a dancer, yet so charming and mysterious, I couldn't help but stare in admiration.

He has stopped beside Mikoto-san. He gave a small smile, while I had returned.

"My name is Fugaku Uchiha, their father, and her husband." He said, giving a nod their way when he mentioned them.

I was going to introduce myself, when I saw her, Mikoto-san, practically pouncing on him. My jaw dropped as I stared at them. Mikoto was practically kissing the heck out of him, and not before long, it turned to a full blowout make-out session. I turned away, creeped out. I heard chuckling behind me, and turned around. Seemingly remember the two brothers. They walked away, and I guess they wanted me to follow them, seeing as how they beckoned me with their finger. Or one of them did anyways.

Following them, I noticed we've entered the kitchen. It was very clean. Everything was in order, and cleared of mess, and I guess, germs too.

I turned to look at them, my eyes sparkling all the while. "Is there...ramen here?!!" I screeched, my eyes lit up brightly as one of them nodded. I immediately took a seat, on the counter table.

"Which flavour?" Itachi had asked.

"Miso please!" I smiled enthusiastically. He gave me a quick nod before turning to Sasuke's direction.

"You heard her. Make her Miso ramen." Itachi ordered him.

Sasuke glared. "Why don't you make it."

Itachi had rolled his eyes. "It's so obvious you're the better cook between the two of us." He said. "Also, I don't feel like cooking." He said after, with a smirk on his face.

"Fine." Sasuke grumbled.

"Wait! You can make MISO ramen?!" I asked him.

"Duh." Sasuke said. I tried my hardest not to glare at him. After all, he's the one who's going to be making my ramen after all. He deserves some credit. After all, people who can make ramen, can't be all that bad!

So how'd you like it! Please R&R!