Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or anything, and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't want me to.

Title: Midnight to Love

Summary: 'Just because I love you, doesn't mean I need you.' She thought, as she stared at him from a distance. 'Just because I want you, doesn't mean that you'll want me, nor would I want you to.' [SasuFemNaru [VampFic

Me: Enjoy!


Slipping through the alleyways, creeping past the unsuspected crowd, I dashed towards the next street, unnoticed. But then again, who would pay attention to those they do not know. To anyone who would wear black, and to anyone...who they could just not see?

Stalking towards the park, the gruesomely empty park, where a child was spotted sitting down on the swing, teetering back and forth. The child looked pale, alone...delicious. I licked my lips, and smirked. Walking towards the child, arms crossed on my chest.

As I got closer, I must have been heard, for the child had raised their head to meet mine. It was a girl, about five or so. As I neared her, she jumped off her swing, and stood straight up, staring intensely into my eyes. As I stood a ft. Away from her, I saw her clench her tiny hands into fists, arms trembling, but her eyes, her eyes kept the same fiery it did before, before softening her gaze, and looked sadly at me.

"Who are you." She simply said in a soft voice, not stating it as a question, yet it was no statement either. Just a simple question, yet not a question.

I stepped closer, and went down on one knee. "My name you won't need." I harshly held her chin with my fingers. "For tonight, is your last night." I lifted her chin harshly to my left, sinking my fangs into her left shoulder, onto her collarbone, and piercing through the skin to blood. I felt the blood flow into my mouth as I sucked onto her neck. But as I did this, I wondered. Why had she not scream out yet. In pain, nor in pleas for help to come.

Alas, as I finished up, I raised my head, only to feel shock as I see the small little girl holding a gentle yet sad smile on her face. "Thank you." She had said, before she passed out to go to the other world.

'She thanked me? But why? I killed her! Why would she thank me! She should be hating me! Not giving thanks.' I thought to myself, confused. Finally, I let out a sigh, before taking the body into my hands, and headed towards the cliff.

As I reached the cliff, I dropped the body into the ocean, watching as the currents pulled and wash her body deeper into the ocean. Watching until the body was no more. The minute it was gone, I raised my head up into the sky, to stare at the starless sky, until I decided that it was time to head back, and turned around to walk back home.

I walked about for around half an hour or so, and soon came face to face with a small cottage, with beige walls, and a red roof, just like any other houses, except this one was surrounded by trees and plants and flowers, with an aura that held much evil at night, yet in the morning...

I took out the keys, and shuffled through them until I've found the right one, and opened the door. It clicked open, and I entered the house. The minute I entered the house, the lights went on, as though the house knew that I was in, and turned it on for me. As though it were awaiting for my return.

I stepped into my chambers, and the minute I entered, a person came out from the lurking shadows. That person, being a female, wore a simple maid suit, held out a hand to assist me. I tried to shoo her away, not needing her help, nor wanting her presence in my chamber. But she would not leave me be, until she knew that I was out.

"Go." I said, as I stepped into bed, feeling the bed embracing me with its warmth.

She stepped out the door, and just before she closed the door, she gave me a response, "Hai...Naruto-sama."

Hope you enjoyed it, just like I did when I wrote it! Please R&R