A/N: YAY! My first fanfic! Finally! So, I'm hoping to update this frequently, so my ANNOYING friend ezyl's girl dosent kill me! So this post pp. Im not entirely sure on the plot yet, but I hope it turns out nice. Its obviously a DxSfanfic. PLEASE READ AND REVIEW!

Disclaimer: I do not own Danny Phantom. Butch Hartman does.

P.S. this is supposed to be like 4 or 5 weeks after they started going out!

Danny watched Sam sleep peacefully from her bedroom window as he walked closer to the angelic figure. He stared at her face as the sun shone over her. He wished he could just live in that moment forever, as he slowly touched her cheek.

"Mmm… D-Danny…?" Sam asked sleepily. "What time is …?" Sam asked as she turned to see the time on her alarm clock. "CRAP!" She shouted as she franticly sprang out of bed. "Danny! You were supposed to wake me up early so we could get to school early so we wouldn't be mobbed by your fan girls!"

"Well, it's not my fault I'm so damn irresistible!" He said as Sam threw her pillow at him. "Oh! What was that for?" He asked with fake innocence.

"For sounding like Tucker! Now just wait here while I go take a shower!" She said as she grabbed a towel and headed for her bathroom. "And no peeking! I don't care if we are dating!" Sam warned jokingly.

"Aw, man…" he said with as chuckle as Sam walked in the restroom and shut the door.

Danny sighed slightly as he walked towards Sam's black Gothic vanity. He picked up a picture of the three of them hanging out, from when life was normal. Well, at least more normal then they were now. Back then, Danny had his ghost powers, yes, but no one knew about it. Danny was still a freshmen geek, just trying to survive high school, and would have killed for the hottest girl in school, Paulina, to go out with him.

But now Sam was the hottest girl to him. And the girl that once rejected him countless times, was all over him like a dog to a bone now that she found out that regular plain old Danny Fenton, was actually the hot Danny Phantom she had always admired. And besides, Paulina was a bitch. (HA! Get it?) And he loved Sam. More than anything. He couldn't believe how clueless he was back in his freshmen year! How could he not see what was right in front of him?

But it didn't matter now. No, not any more. Now, she was his. Now he didn't have to hide who he was. Now, everything was… was… perfect? Could it be? Was it possible? I mean, he had to admit the fame was a little too much to bear, and the mobs of fangirls that hunted him down where ever he went was very annoying, and he didn't get to his best friend, Tuck much anymore because Tucker was so busy with being mayor and all, but for some reason, it still felt perfect.

"Danny? Earth to Danny?" Danny jumped at the sound of his girlfriend's voice. He was so deep into thought he didn't realize she had gotten out of the shower already.

"uh, yeah?" Danny asked smiling at her with his goofy, geeky, yet charming smile.

"Its time to go to school! Come on were gonna be late!"

"Okay." He said as he kissed her slightly on the check. Sam blushed.

"What was that for?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to." He said, still smiling at her.

"thanks. That was sweet. Now come on! Were gonna be late!" He smiled as they left. Nothing was going to break them apart. Nothing. Or so he thought…

A/N: Ha! Sorry it is so short! So I know this was kindaretarted, but itskinda almost like an intro. Criticism is most wanted! Any writing tips will be warmly acceoted! But don't just say "this sucks" cuz that's not helpin me. U can tell me WHY it sucks and tell me how to fix it, but don't just be a jack ass. Bye!