Disclaimer: I own nothing. Must I always do this? Lol.

I sincerely apologize from the bottom of heart, for this EXTREMELY delayed chapter. I've never been so late in writing, and I feel so horrible that I've kept you all hanging for so long.

Let me just explain why it's taken so long. I was away from home for the last couple of weeks in March, using my grand-parents ANCIENT computer which would not allow me to update. After that, when I got home, I had to leave a couple of days later on my out-of-province exchange trip where I was staying with another girl's family for a few weeks and I had no computer privileges. And finally, my basement is being renovated which means no computer! So I've been basically in computer exile for the past month and a bit.

So I hope you guys understand a little better why I haven't updated. This is the COMPLETE chapter 19.



I threw myself onto my new bed in the dorm room I shared with Edward at Kensington. It felt so weird to be living here now. I was so used to sharing a room with Rosalie, and I missed it more than anything. It hurt like crazy just being away from her, but I was a little more at ease after sending her my letter of apology. As I turned the TV on, Edward wandered in.

"Hey, man," I said quietly.

Edward and I hadn't really spoken since the scene in the Parking Lot. I still couldn't believe it had been less than seven hours.

"Hey," he panted. He was covered in a light sheen of sweat. "I was at the gym. But then I realized that working out wouldn't help..."

I nodded. "Know what you mean, bro. I tried to watch TV but I couldn't concentrate. You okay?"

"Not really," Edward said. "Listen, I'm going out. There's this little meadow I found just North off of the path leading out of Starfield. If you need me, I'll have my cell on."

"Sure," I muttered. "Later."

Edward grabbed a sweatshirt and walked towards the door. As he was about to turn the doorknob, someone knocked on the door. I sat upright, praying to God that it was Rose.


I ran down the stairs, heading towards my car. Being the klutz that I am, I managed to trip at least three times.

"Are you okay?" a timid ninth-grader asked

"Yeah, I'm fine," I panted before waving and beginning to run again.

I couldn't believe that I had been so stupid.

I had managed to reach the Kensington Boys Academy in less than ten minutes, which was definitely an all-time record.

I ran towards the front office, realizing that I had no idea what Edward's room number was.

A kind, blonde lady was sitting at the front desk, reading a romance novel.

"Excuse me," I said. "Could you please tell me which room Edward Cullen is in?"

She put down her novel. "Are you a family member?"

"Yes," I lied. I knew that she wouldn't have given me the number had I not been a family member.

The receptionist raised her eyebrow, but demanded no further explanation. "He's in room number 265. Here is your pass."

She handed me a yellow card hanging from a black cord and I hastily put it around my neck.

"Thank you!" I cried as I took off running towards the dorms.

As I ran down the path leading to the dormitories, several guys gave me weird looks, but I didn't have time to worry about them.

I saw Mike Newton up ahead, and cringed as he jogged towards me.

"Hey Bella! Miss me already?" he said, and flashed a friendly, yet cocky, grin.

I blushed and stopped running, not wanting to appear impolite. "Hey, Mike. Sorry but I don't really have time to talk. I'm going to see Edward."

"Edward?" Mike spat. "What are you doing with him?"

I bit my lip, not wanting to get him angry. "Well, he's my boyfriend now, or at least I hope he is. So I really have to go and straighten things out. But you have a nice day!"

I didn't even wait to see his reaction as I began jogging towards the dorms' entrance.

I stopped just as I reached the door because I was suddenly gripped with a terrible feeling.

What if everything was a lie? Was I really stupid in thinking that Edward could actually love me?

No, I told myself. Edward does love you. His love for you was proven yet again, in the letter that he wrote you. Think about the letter Bella, I tried to convince myself.

I closed my eyes and remembered all of the feelings that I had felt while I was reading the letter. I could practically feel the love he felt for me which each word that was written. How could I doubt his love for me? If someone as amazing as Edward, said he loved me, why would I doubt him? I should embrace and revel in the fact that he did love me, and I should trust him and his words.

Love was all about trust. And I trusted Edward. Sure, we had been through a lot in the last couple of hours, but in the end, all that mattered was whether or not you trusted the one that you loved. And I did choose to trust him.

I was positive that I had never been in love with anyone, other than Edward. And I knew that I never would love anyone, besides him. He was my one true love, and I was foolish to pass up the chance to be with him.

My certainty that my epiphany was true gave me the courage to open the door and began the trek up to his room.

I opened the door and began jogging up the stairs, being careful not to trip or fall.

I finally reached the dorm hallway, and I took off running, frantically searching for room 265. I found the door, and I stopped to catch my breath. I straightened my disheveled clothes before knocking on the door.

I heard footsteps, and prayed to God that Edward would be the one to open the door.

"Emmett!" I said. "Oh."

I tried not to let my disappointment show, so I nervously scratched my nose.

"Hey, Bella," he said. "What brings you here?"

"Umm…" I muttered. "I was looking for Edward… is he here?"

"No," Emmett whispered. "You just missed him."

It was amazing at how those simple words could bring out such a huge wave of emotion. Of course he's not here, I thought. He's off to find someone who'll return his love. Someone beautiful like him…

"He went for a walk," Emmett said, breaking my train of thought. "I know he wanted to be alone, but I'm sure he wouldn't mind a visit from you."

I shrugged. "Maybe… you think so? Will he still want me?"

Emmett groaned. "God, Bella. For someone so smart, you're really not that smart."

"What?" I frowned.

"Of course he still wants you!" he cried. "He always has, and he always will."

I smiled softly. "I guess I should go find him, eh?"

He nodded. "You should."

I stepped forward, and wrapped my arms around him, giving him the biggest hug imaginable. "Thanks, Emmett. I'm so glad you're my friend."

I headed back towards the stairs, and I had barely walked four steps when I heard, "And… Rose?"

I turned around and looked at Emmett. His eyes were glossy, like he was trying to hold back tears that wanted to escape. I really didn't want to spoil the surprise, but I also wanted to put him out of his misery.

"She had the strongest craving to share her wrap with the one person who carries her heart…" I winked.

Emmett continued staring at me for several long moments, before he finally said, "So she's…?"

I shrugged and said in a sing-song voice, "I'll never tell….."

Emmett laughed quietly. "Go get him, tiger."

I chuckled and took off running towards the stairs, ready to go and find my Prince Charming.


After Emmett had forgotten to give me the directions to wherever Edward was, I had called him to find out.

Apparently, he was at some meadow close to Starfield. I had never known that there was one, but I was anxious to see him. The sooner I could tell him that I forgave him, the sooner we could be together again. And a life without Edward was something I never wanted.

I sped up just a little bit, and pulled into the Starfield parking lot. I turned right, heading towards the cafeteria. I pulled into a parking space and leaped out of the car quickly.

I found the path Emmett had told me to take and began walking faster. I was just to anxious to get to Edward to enjoy the scenery around me.

I had been walking for about 5 minutes when I came across a pond. This must be the pond where Emmett and Rosalie shared their first kiss. I stopped for a second to watch the ducks swimming. It was really peaceful out in the forest. No wonder Edward came here to clear his head.

I suddenly remembered my purpose, and took off jogging just slightly west of the trail.

I soon came across a clearing filled with beautiful daisies and green grass. I remembered Emmett had told me the meadow was just past the clearing.

My heart started beating faster and faster with each step I took towards the meadow. I could soon make out the opening of the meadow and I began to jog out of excitement and adrenaline.

And as I reached the opening, I stopped dead in my tracks.

The meadow was absolutely beautiful. It was the shape of a circle and surrounded by tall trees, creating a slightly shaded area. The sun was shining brightly and there were different colored flowers scattered amongst the grass.

But it wasn't the meadow that made me freeze. It was the man lying in the middle of the meadow.

There, right in the middle, lay Edward sprawled on his back with his hands behind his head. His eyes were closed, so he couldn't see me. He looked so incredibly peaceful, that I had half a mind not to bother him. But I needed to let him know that I had forgiven him. That I loved him and that I was never letting him go.

I spoke his name softly, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of the meadow. "Edward."

I didn't think he had heard me, and I was mustering up enough courage to say his name louder, when his eyes suddenly popped open and I was staring into the most beautiful green eyes the world had ever seen.


I lay down quietly in the meadow, basking in its peacefulness. After such a dramatic day, it was the perfect place for me to clear my head.

I had made such a mess of things and I just wished that I could escape. I wished I could go back to a time when Bella and I were together and happy. But you can't go back to the past.

Even though I knew in my heart that Bella loved me, I also knew that she needed time. But that time was slowly splitting my heart in half. It amazed me how much I needed her. Needed to hear her voice, see her smile, and hold her in my arms…. The pain of not doing any of those was too strong.

I sighed and closed my eyes, feeling the heat of the sun on my eyelids. But as I closed my eyes, the only person I saw, would ever see, was Bella.

I could just see her beautiful heart-shaped face, gorgeous pale skin, irresistible rosy cheeks and red lips. Ah… and that smile. The smile that could wash away my anger in a second.

I just missed her so much. What I wouldn't give to have her here, right now, in my arms, just enjoying each other's company and the quiet of the meadow.

And then, as if I had wanted to hear her voice so much that I had imagined it, I heard, "Edward."

It was so quiet; I could have made myself believe that she had spoken.

But it sounded so real. It sounded just like her.

I opened my eyes and the sight before me made my heart swell with so much love that it nearly brought tears to my eyes.

There Bella stood, at the opening of the meadow. I had never seen her look so beautiful. Maybe being away from her had only enhanced her beauty. She seemed to float towards me like she was on a cloud.

I slowly got up and ran towards her. Bella leaped into my arms and crashed her lips onto mine.

I had never been so surprised and happy in my entire life. I melded my lips to hers as our mouths moved together in a heated dance. I griped her tighter, lifting her off the ground and swung her around in a circle, never once breaking the kiss.

Suddenly, it's like I could breathe again. Almost like I had been deprived of air, and just having her in my arms gave me the power to breathe again. I never wanted to let her go.

I dropped her to her feet and ended the kiss softly.

As we separated, we were both breathing heavily. Bella rested her forehead against mine.

"Hi," Bella said softly.

"Hi," I said.

She looked deeply into my eyes and spoke the words I had dreamed of hearing for the past 7 hours and 41 minutes. "I love you. I do. I've loved you ever since we met, when you saved me from that vile Mike Newton. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I'm never going to let you go. I'm so sorry that I caused you pain too. I was just so used to being lied to by guys…. I'm so sorry I didn't understand sooner. I forgive you. Please tell me I'm not too late for you to love me too."

Just seeing the helplessness and pleading her eyes nearly made my heart stop beating. How could she possibly think that I wouldn't love her anymore just because she needed time to think things through?

I placed a kiss softly on her forehead and then looked deep into her soulful brown eyes. "Bella…. My Bella. I love you more than life itself. How could you think that you were too late? My heart only belongs to you. And it always will. Nothing will ever change my mind. I love you. Forever and always."

She laughed quietly, with tears in her eyes. "Good. Because you're not getting rid of me."

I chuckled at her attempt to lighten the mood. I wrapped her up in my arms and whispered in her ear, "I'm never getting rid of you. You're mine. Forever."

"That I am," Bella whispered.

She pulled me down towards the grown and pushed me on my back. I wrapped her up in my arms and she curled against my chest.

Here, right now, with Bella in my arms, was the happiest moment of my life. She was all I needed. More than air, more than food, more than water. She was my everything, and that would never change.


So there you have it. What do you think? I think it ended well.

I promised an update, and I always keep my promises. :)

Next chapter is the last one... tear, tear. Now I can't guarantee when the next one will be up. And for those of you wondering what's going on with Emmett and Rosalie, you'll find out next chapter. But let's just say they also had quite the happy ending... ;)

Now I need to go get ready cause I'm going out, but I definitely won't keep you guys hanging for long. And for those of you who won't be able to review cause you've already reviewed the first part, feel free to PM me with your thoughts about the end of this chapter :)

Until next time,
