Chapter 1

Disclaimer- I do not and never have owned anything Gilmore Girl…as much as I wish I did!

Summary- Rory's worst nightmare is now life. Who will be there to help her pick up the pieces?

The stick is blue! Blue…that means positive and positive means….pregnant!!! Four blue sticks! Why the hell couldn't one of the fucking sticks have turned pink? Why is there no shimmer of hope that it's all a mistake? Why can't this be an awful nightmare? How could this happen to me? It only happened once…why would this happen to me? I'm nineteen years old…I can't do this! I'm not strong enough, I'm not my mom! I just need someone to tell me it will be okay…OH GOD!!! I have to tell mom, she's going to be so disappointed, all I wanted to do was make her proud! I didn't even want to do it, he manipulated me! College Freshman can not have babies and make it through especially not at a school like Yale…I am going to have to give up my dreams! This isn't fair!

Lorelai walked through the front door after one of the most stressful Friday's she had ever experienced at work. Alll she wanted to do was vent about her day and then soak in a warm tub and she still had to survive her parents house for dinner later that. All her thoughts were interrupted though as she started down the hallway only to hear sobs coming from the bathroom. She hurried down the hall bracing herself for what she might find. Nothing could have prepared her to see her beloved daughter curled in a ball on the bathroom floor with four pregnancy tests strewn about in front of her. Lorelai took a deep breath, wiped away a few of her own tears then bent down and held her sobbing daughter, telling her that everything would be okay.

I'm going to kill him!!!! How could Dean do this!! Seriously…he was dumb enough to cheat on his wife, but was he asking to get caught by not using protectio,! The Bastard!! I can't believe this is happening again!! All I want to do is breakdown and cry, all my hard work trying to keep Rory from this kind of pain, but if anyone is strong enough to raise this baby and have a fulfilling life that person is Rory!! I have to be strong and supportive for Rory,, I can't push her away like my mother did!

"Rory, honey, we will do this together, everything will work out….I'm going to make sure of it! I promise! You will get to finish at Yale, and you will get to live all of your dreams! You may just have another person to share them with. If anyone can make this work, it's you!" Lorelai promised Rory as she held on to her and rubbed her back soothingly.

An hour later found Lorelai and Rory still on the bathroom floor, Rory finally beginning to catch her breath when Lorelai looked down at her watch "SHIT!!! It's almost six o'clock! Honey, we are going to have to call Grandma and let her know that we aren't going to make it to her party. Afterwards, we will eat mass amounts of junk food and watch Willy Wonka. In the morning, I will help you make all the lists you want!" Lorelai tried to reassure her daughter.

"Mom, it's ok, I need to get out of the house! Besides skipping this party will only make Grandma more mad. I need a few hours to forget everything. Thank you for being so understanding and I'm so sorry I let you down! I just wanted to make you proud and here I am nineteen and pregnant!" Rory said between sniffles.

"Are you sure hon? We can do anything you want…whatever will be best for you, forger Grandma!" Lorelai answered a little unsure about them continuing with their plans to go to Emily's small dinner party.

"I think we should go, plus I don't want to start WWIII just yet, it will be bad enough when I tell Grandma about the pregnancy. But can we keep this between us for now, at least until I find out for sure after a visit to a doctor?" Rory asked her voice becoming stronger.

"Whatever you think is best. Be ready in thirty minutes, or we will be late! Love you honey and I am here if you need ANYTHING!" Lorelai replied feeling a little better about getting out of the house.