Heh, between all my time spent drawing, reading and sleeping, I have little to no time to write, let alone fan fiction. But here it is, Harima is OOC, but that comes around to reason eventually.(I mean how else do I manage some quality fluff?) Enjoy, and thanks for the support!

A lone, compacted figure sat on the roof, out of place. Harima, white as a ghost complete with lines across his being, convalesced from the shock he should have seen coming.

"You never hear the mortar that killed you…" Harima mused to himself as he drew imaginary lines on the roof's concrete slab that was in front of him. "Maybe I really should have seen this coming…"

Harima began thinking rationally for the first time in his life. For the few hours he spent on the roof, he came to many conclusions; one such conclusion was that he was going to be a little more mindful as to how he treats those who care about him. Much like when he started to understand animals, he now had the tools to help people, even if it was a little more personal.

Just as he was thinking about all these things, the two people most directly involved were watching him from the behind the door to the roof.

"Ah, Eri-sempai…" Yakumo said, who had arrived first, and had noticed Eri coming up the stairs.

"Huh? Why is Yakumo here?" Eri was startled as she had assumed no one would be up here.

"I had something to tell Harima-san, but I was told at the class that he had left in a panic." Yakumo had previously had yet another horrible encounter in class 2-C. Even without her powers, Hanai was far too overwhelming. "So I looked in all the usual spots…" Tea-club, gym, and now, the roof.

"Worried about him are you?" Eri asked in a masked accusing tone.

"Well, I had promised him that I would help him after school, and I wanted to be able to find him easily." Yakumo recognized the expression Eri had, and quickly tried to rectify any error. "Ah, well, it's not like that. Harima-san is Harima-san, that's it…"

Eri didn't quite huff, but more of a "hmm" in response before turning to leave.

"Don't forget to remind him about our plans for tomorrow." She said as she stopped after a few steps. The door to the roof had opened behind the girls and Harima Kenji stood on its threshold.

"Ummm…" Harima started. He hadn't expected on kicking his plan into action so soon, but none the less, he quickly turned around, messed around with his face quickly, and turned to face the girls, hair styled and clean shaven.

"Oh, hello girls." Harima said charmingly before walking down the stairs past a pair of stunned girls. 'I'll be good at that in no time…' Harima thought to himself as he strutted down the hallway with his hands in his pockets, secretly laughing at himself.

The two girls had remained in place for quite some time, their minds empty from the shock.

Eventually, Yakumo broke the silence with muffled laughter, the kind of laughter she hadn't felt in a long time, but still she tried her best to keep her image. Eri also laughed weirdly, the tense air between the two girls absolved.

"Hige sure is acting strange today." Eri pointed out, hands on hips, head to the side, but still smiling.

"Yes…" Yakumo agreed, now under control but still wearing a smile because she knew the reason he was like this, and felt touched. She contemplated telling Eri the reason Harima was in such a good mood, but after noticing the grin she wore, decided to just return to her classroom.

After school, Yakumo had decided to stop by the tea club to talk with Akira and Sarah briefly and tell them that she was leaving early today.

Imagine her surprise when instead, the club room was empty save for a lone Harima who was apparently slaving over the tea pot.

"Ah, Harima-san…" Yakumo said quietly before entering and taking a seat at the table.

It took Harima, who was putting all his focus into making tea, a rather long time before he noticed Yakumo, even though her thoughts whispered on constantly behind him.

"I wonder when Yakumo-chan is getting here…" Harima mused out loud as he turned around, finally now noticing not only Yakumo, but Akira who had snuck in behind her at some point, and Sarah, who had just entered.

"Err…" Harima struggled as the tray he carried only had two cups of tea on it. "I can make some more I guess…" he resigned quietly.

However, Sarah had blushingly refused and said she was heading out anyways, which she did after smiling at Yakumo. Akira however, said nothing, and practically gravitated from the room.

-It is as I suspected then…- the thought in her head as she left, leaving the only Harima and Yakumo again.

Yakumo watched them go and felt kind of left behind, but was somewhat grateful to be alone with Harima.

Joining Harima, who was just sitting down to try out the tea he had struggled to make, Yakumo tried to think of something to talk about, but only ended coming out with a nearly silent "thank you".

She was forgetting however, that her thoughts told the whole story, so saying something wasn't particularly necessary.

After waiting a minute or so for the tea to cool, after witnessing Harima make the mistake of not waiting, Yakumo tasted the tea.

Her tongue played through the levels of the tea; soothing, smooth, and with a bite on the end, but what was this texture. What was that? Bringing the cup to her nose, Yakumo smelt something very familiar.

"Umm Harima-san…" Yakumo started.

"Please, call me Kenji." Harima insisted from behind his teacup, his tone clean-cut and unthreatening.

"Ah, Kenji-kun…" Yakumo started yet again.

"How about just Kenji?" Harima said again, not having moved an inch from where he was before.

Yakumo couldn't even remember what she was talking about, but smiled behind her hand nonetheless. She took another sip from her cup before remembering what it was.

"Kenji, how did you put curry into this tea?" Yakumo asked, amazed.

Harima looked embarrassed for a second, but recovered. Yakumo waited for an answer while Harima sat there, thinking of one.

After a silence, Harima finally spoke with a straight face:

"I have absolutely no idea."

Thanks for reading, the next one will be...eventually? Be sure to support the other active fics too!