The Looney Tunes are the funniest animals doing too much looniness and sometimes violent things to make it funnier until something just happened. When Pepe keep on chasing Penelope, someone suddenly killing him, but, no one didn't know who killed Pepe. Find out when the Looney Tunes are on the case of...

Part 1

Story by: shrekrulez

DISCLAIMER: LOONEY TUNES, WB shield, related characters, likenesses and all related incida are trademarks of Warner Bros. Entertainment

NOTE: this story is consider shocking also funnier, but, it contains cartoon action/intense violence, rude humor and mild sensuality. I rated this story T for Teens. Not recommended for young readers.

The incident started in the Warner Bros Studios at Stage 13, Pepe LePew is getting ready to chase the beautiful femine feline; Penelope Pussycat. The Director came and showing the script to Penelope got under the table and bumped the paint can to make a white stripe on her back, then, Pepe show you as skunk and beginning falling in love with you.

Penelope agreed with the Director and she's all set. So does Pepe. When Penelope saw Pepe, she's realizing about the true feelings from him, but, not to her. Her career comes first.

"OKAY! Let's get ready for the show. LIGHTS! CAMERA! AND...ACTION!," the Director said.

The action started.

"Come on, my little pigeon! I am looking for you! So de vous, so de vous, wherever you are?," said Pepe until he stopped in the middle of resturant as Penelope hold a frying pan and smacking him on his head. "I need a medical attention on this lover. Uhh... (thud!)," said Pepe as he lands on the floor as Penelope leaving immediately away from him.

Then, she goes on the boat and floating faster from Paris all the way to Florida at Miami Beach. Penelope wearing a sexy red swimsuit and laying down on her beach blanket feeling relief that Pepe didn't find her there until...

"Hello, my little fish in the sea. You didn't send me a postcard, no?," said Pepe as Penelope leaving him under the sand and goes off again. Pepe said, "you know what? She didn't make me a sandcastle when I'm around. Oh, well. Back to pursuit. En Guarde, my darling." Then, they off towards to the sunset as the sun sank down it said P.U. and goes away from them. Then, the film finished as the "That's All Folks!" appeared.

"OKAY! THAT'S THE RAP, EVERYONE! GOOD JOB! Penelope, you were sensational and so are you, too, Pepe. I'll give your next assignments next week. Take the rest of the day off. See you in a week. Take care, you two," the Director said as he going have a meeting with the Board of Directors.

Pepe said to Penelope, "well, pigeon, I guess we have to take a long break, yes? I better get going. Take care, sweetheart." As Pepe walk away feeling unhappy, Penelope cries a little and then she spoke and said to him,


Pepe stopped and said, "huh?" Penelope stopped and said, "you know, maybe we can...umm...go out to dinner...just the two of us. I wanna be with you, sweetie. Please?" Penelope kissing Pepe on the lips and he said, "it's a date." Bugs and Lola Bunny came and saw Pepe and Penelope kissing together. "They certainly a great couple, huh, Lola?," Bugs asks and Lola answered, "yes, they are. I'm glad those two were meant to be together. Just like us." Both of them kissing together. Later that night at the West Hollywood Resturant, Pepe and Penelope were dressing so sophisticated with a nice suit and a red hot dress, are now waiting for a waiter. The waiter came and said,

"welcome, Misouir Pepe and Madamwaselle Penelope. And for what this occassion, hmm?"

"Me and my pigeon are on a romantic date. A table for 2, please, oui?," Pepe asks.

"Oui. Follow me, please," said the Waiter as both lovers are following the Waiter as he stopped their table and the Waiter hold the chair for Penelope as she sits, the Waiter pushes the chair closer to the table not tightly and Pepe sits as well. The waiter said,

"here are your menus. Tell me what kind of dish did you want?"

"I'll have a fish delouce with french potatoes and rice," said Penelope.

"And what for the gentleman?," the Waiter asks as Pepe answered him, "I'll have chicken gordon bleu with french potatoes and a biscuit."

"Excellent choices, sir and madam. I'll give a special wine for your dinner. Coming right up," said the Waiter as he taken both menus and going to the kitchen to get the meal. Pepe smiles and so does Penelope. Pepe asks his fiancee a question.

"So, pigeon, why you want to go on a date with moi? I thought you didn't like moi."

"Well, it's according to our cartoon scripts. I thought I didn't have any feelings about you. Until now," said Penelope.

"Hmm. It is funny, I feel the same way, too," said Pepe, "we have differences between us. I'm a skunk and you're a cat dressing like a skunk woman. Pretty funny stuff, no?"

"(laughs) Yeah. You know what? I do have a crush on you," said Penelope.

"You do, don't you?," Pepe asks while he's smiling. "Absolutely. You're charming, handsome, good looking and very kind, too. Great qualifications of my dream boat," said Penelope.

"Stop that. You are making me blush. Flurt," said Pepe. Suddenly, the waiters got their meals and they start eating their meals when suddenly, a band plays a romantic song called, "Wild Horses" and the female performer sings beautifully. Pepe asks, "our romantic song awaits, my pigeon. Wanna dance?" Penelope answered, "I love to, handsome." Both of them dancing divinely as the crowd saw them happy for two cartoon characters in love.

Then, their night just starts the fireworks as both Pepe and Penelope were kissing together. Pepe and Penelope were leaving the resturant walking slowly feeling wonderful about themselves in love. They're approaching towards to the South Beverly Hills Park, while they're entering the park, both Pepe and Penelope stopped at the moonlight scene as it shades from the back of themselves.

"This is a night I won't forget, my darling," said Penelope as Pepe said when he smiles at her, "so am I, my pigeon. So am I."

As both of them starts kissing, they making love from takne their clothes off until a mysterious stranger approaching towards to them without any interruptions. The stranger hides inside the bushes and watching them. "Say, piegon, let's chase each other again like old times sake. What did you say?," Pepe asks.

"(laughs) Pretty silly idea, but, why not? Come on. One who behinds, it's a stinker," said Penelope while running. "HEY! THAT'S INSULTING! HA HA HA!," said Pepe as he in a chasing position. Then, the stranger got a gun with a sliencer as he run faster to get to Pepe on a clear shot. Penelope stops and hiding inside the bushes.

"(laughs) I love this chase," said Penelope feeling happily as Pepe stopped looking back and fourth to find his fiancee. "Come on, my little Bon Bon. I am coming to find you. So de vous, so de vous, where you are? Huh? You're not my chocolate Bon Bon, aren't you?," said Pepe as the stranger shows his gun and about to shoot at him.

(shooting Pepe sliently while blood gushing out of his body)

The stranger left in a hurry and disappeared without a trace. Penelope pops out and touching her body with to be sexy for Pepe and said, "come on, big boy. You want me, don't you? Pepe? Pepe? Sweetheart, where are you? Huh? (steps on blood) What's going on here?," Penelope asks as she follows the bloodprints leading to someone until when she stopped and saw the stranger with a gun and a tail wagging.

"PEPE! PEPE! OH, MY GOD, PEPE! Oh, no. Who've done that to you? I better call the Hospital. (pressing the button) Hello, 911 Emergency? This is Penelope from the Looney Tunes Gang. Listen, my boyfriend got shot. Name? PEPE LEPEW! PLEASE, HURRY!," said Penelope.

Meanwhile at the Arizona Mountains, Wily E. Coyote is trying to get the Road Runner again from using the Acme products. He's using the catapult to get enough speed to capture the Road Runner.

Unfortunately, it didn't worked out very well. When he using it, he got smackdown on the ground. Again and again and again and again. He can't stop hurting himself until his cell phone rings.

He picks up his phone and starts talking in sign language, "hello, Wily E. Coyote, Super Genius, may I help you? Penelope. Hi. Huh? Pepe got what? We'll be right over. Bye." Then, he got swattened on the ground. He gets up and whistles to Road Runner.

"BEEP BEEP!", the Road Runner shouts and Wily is going back into the hole which he made. He picks up the sign and it said, "Road Runner, something just happened to Pepe LePew. We must get to the Hospital, immediately."

The Road Runner picks up the sign and it said, "RIGHT! We better get the others and fast. LET'S GO!" Then, both of them ran very quickly to get the Looney Tunes.

They got a hold with Slyvestor and Tweety, then, Taz, Marvin and K9, then, Granny, Hippity Hopper, Speedy, Porky, Henry Hawk, Yosmite Sam, Foghorn Leghorn, Prissy, Barnyard Dog, and now, Lola as she ran quickly to stop Bugs, Daffy and Elmer.

"I say it's Duck Season," said Daffy.

"I say it's Rabbit Season," said Bugs Bunny.

"Rabbit Season, Duck Season," they said it constantly in front of Elmer until they reverse it, "Duck Season, Rabbit Season," and Daffy said something stupid,

"I say it's Duck Season and I said Fire!"

Then, Elmer and the hunters starts firing at Daffy as he turned into swiss cheese. Daffy moves slowly, breathing havily as he getting close to Bugs and said, "you're dispicable!" Then, Lola appeared.

"STOP YOUR LOONINESS! We got a problem," said Lola.

"What is it, Lola?," Bugs asks as Lola answered, "it's Pepe. He's been hospitalized with a coma. We get better going to the Hospital right now. COME ON!," said Lola as Bugs and Elmer ran very quickly leaving Daffy stranded without anyone to help.

"Help me? Someone help me? This is a revolting situation I've been to. No one ever helped me around," said Daffy feeling discouraged.

Bugs and Elmer came back and getting Daffy back up as Bugs said to Daffy, "we don't you to behind again as usual. Come on, swiss cheese. We got a appointment with our friend, Pepe. LET'S GO, DUCK!"

A little later at the Hospital, all the Looney Tunes gang were waiting for Pepe's condition until one of the Doctors came and said to them, "I'm sorry. We try to reconstruct his body vessels and his organs. Most of them were gushing badly by too much bullets. We'll do everything we can, but, his condition is unsettled. (sighs) He got a few hours to live."

The Looney Tunes gang were devastated as their beloveded character and friend is about to die soon. "gee, Granny, why Pepe have to die? I mean we were violent to entertain anyone with laughter. Not like this, not like this," said Tweety.

"I know, Tweety. The investigators didn't found any evidence from Pepe's death. We don't know who's been responsible," said Granny.

"Sufferin' succotash, guys, we can't give up. We must any evidence to find that murder. Penelope, can you discribe the shooter before Pepe got shot?," Slyvestor asks.

"Well, he got a black jacket and a black mask. He got a colt python 6mm with a sliencer. Wait. He got a red tail. He's not human," said Penelope.

"Good, Penelope, we got a first shot to find the corprate. Then, we'll brought justice to him. You stay here with Pepe. Me and my friends got arrangments with our shooter," said Bugs and his friends are gonna to the scene of a crime to find a peice of evidence. Meanwhile somewhere in downtown Burbank, a old shack is closer to the WB studios is with lots of mafia cars parking in front of the building. Inside the place, the gangsters are playing pool until the shooter came.

"It is finished, my friend?," the big guy in a big suit, he's named Reggie Molina, the crime overlord of his gang. His partners are Frankie, Leon, Pats, Harrisburg and Jimmy Rifle.

"Yes, it is finished. Where is my money?," said the shooter. "Give him the money," said Reggie as Pats got the suitcase of 500,000 as he opened it. "You did a outstanding job, my friend. I think you should've become our new member. You'll be the richest person in the world."

"Actually, I'm not a person. I'm a cat. A cartoon cat."

He reveals himself to them and it's a Looney Tune cat character named, LeFur Ze Cat. He was one of Pepe's cartoons and want revenge after all these years from getting skunked too much. "That is okay. I am only to get my revenge on that Suc Le Pew, permanently. If you excuse me, I got my pigeon to have fun," said LeFur.

"Here's my card. Just in case, if you wanna join us. Take care," said Reggie as LeFur leaves and closing the door.

"Hey, boss, what if the Looney Tunes found out the job thing? They'll put us away for good," said Jimmy.

"Point taken, Jimmy. You boys find them and kill them for good. Make sure the cops off our backs," said Reggie.

"YES, BOSS!," they shouted with their guns locked and loaded.

Meanwhile at the crime scene, the Looney Tunes search everywhere while the investigators also searching for any clues, too. They didn't found any until Speedy and the Road Runner found something on the bushes. It's a peice of red hair.

"AMIGOS! AMIGOS! Look what me and Senor Runner found. It is a peice of red hair. I think Senorita Penelope was telling the truth. It was from a toon killer," said Speedy as Bugs sniffs the hair.

"Boy, this is toon is a professional. Maybe we can look around again. Hey, Lieutanent, did you find any clues?," Bugs asks.

"Well, we find a red bow, pantyhose stockings and a red bra. (sniffs) Smells great," said the Lieutanent holding a red bra as Bugs did. Lola saw doing that and angrily mad at her boyfriend. "BUGS!" (SLAP!) "MEN!" Lola leaves as Bugs said, "maybe I shouldn't be doing that in front of her. Uhh. (THUD!)"

"Hmm. Maybe this is a clue. Let me see that bra. This is indescribingly accurate from this bra. AHA! AS I EXPECTED! Made in China," said Daffy.

"What do you think this soppose to do with Pepe's murder?," Tweety asks.

"Well, that country made lots of great bras for sexy women," said Daffy until Hippity giving him a facelift with his legs. "why is always happening to me?," Daffy asks after he got his facelift.

"This bra belongs to Penelope. They were making out like that. Lucky girl," said Lieutanent.

"Yea-yea-yea-yea...yeah. Wh-wh-wh-what are we gonna do? Investigating the whole--whole--whole neighbor-borhood?," Porky Pig asks.

"Well, Porky, it seems we got ourselves a pyschopathic killer. We have to get back to the studio, immediately," said the Lieutanent. As the cops and the L.T. gang leaving the scene of the crime, the gangsters were right in front of them.

"Hey, you won't get away from us, see? Been watching too many mafia movies very much. Let's kill 'em, boys," said Jimmy Rifle. The gangsters were start shooting as the L.T. gang and the cops duck and cover. "DUCK AND COVER!," the officer shouts as Daffy said, "I'm a duck. (bullet through his hair) Geez, I already got a hairstyle like that."

"Don't worry, you darn, not good for nothing galloots. I'll stop their shooting. HEY, YOU GANGSTERS! YOU DON'T WANNA MESS WITH THE ROUGHEST, TOUGHEST, MEANEST...!," said Yosemite Sam until one blast smokes him badly. "(coughs) I guess I make uncondtional retreat. YAH!" He escapes and Foghorn Leghorn made a bad remark.

"I say..uh, I say, next time, better make directive approach. You just stink as...Uhh...never mind. What are we suppose to do now?"

"Well, we'll give them a slip and then, you cops grab those dirty crooks behind bars," said Bugs.

"It might work. Let's do it," said the Lieutanent. Now, the Looney Tunes got lots of banana peels to make them slip their job badly as Bugs gonna negotiate with them.

"Wait a minute. Wait a minute. WAIT A MINUTE!," said Bugs as the gangsters stop firing. "Hold your fire, mugs. Bugs got a whit flag. WE WON! WE GOT THEM ALL! HA HA HA HA!," said Frankie.

"Not surrender, but, to negotiate, what did you say?," Bugs asks.

"I hope you know what you're doing, sweetie," said Lola while the Looney Tunes gang holding the peels. "Well, what am I saying is this, how about making more money? I mean we make more than ever by being partners. You know, stealing, roiting, corrupting. That kind of stuff," said Bugs.

"I don't trust him, man. He might set a trap to lurde to the cops. Let's kill," said Pats.

"He didn't bring something behind him. Good thought from him. So, Mr. Bunny, what propersition you had in mind?," Frankie asks.

"You, me and your boys taken over the business industry. We can get rid of those insofferable miscrients. What do you say?," Bugs asks.

"I argee. This rabbit is pretty cool. What do you say he would join our group?," Frankie asks. They agreed with Frankie until Bugs made a signal and starts putting the peels on the ground. Bugs shaking Frankie's hand until he pushes him into the peel trap and so is them. They start sliping uncontrolably while they're trying to get their tommy guns and colt guns.


"YEAH, LET'S KILL THE RABBIT!," said Pats when he got a gun and starts shooting at him and Bugs got a pipe and the bullets when through around the pipes and the bullets come back to him shooting the car to make it into swiss cheese. "MAN! I HAVE THAT CAR WASH AND POLISHED!," said Pats. Then, all of the thugs went slipping on the ground. "OW!" The bad guys got their guns and starts shooting.

The cops were gonna do the same thing. "There's too many of them. What shall we do?," Pats asks.

"GET IN THE CAR AND LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!," said Harrisburg as the thugs went inside another car and drove away fast. "COME ON, GUYS, LET'S GO AND GET THEM!," said the Lieutanent. The cops are on the chase and so is the Looney Tunes, too. Meanwhile back at the Hospital, LeFur Ze Cat is wearing the same coat to find the room where Penelope is.

He enters the lobby and going towards to the elevator and going up to the 6 floor and then, he saw the door opened at room 123 and it's Penelope holding Pepe's hand feeling sad. He's gonna make a drastic approach to make love with her. Penelope turned around and spook a little and said,

"who are you?"

"I am your lover, mon cherie. It is me, LeFur Ze Cat, to make comforting with you. Poor Pepe, doesn't stand a chance against moi," said LeFur.

"How could you say that? He's my dream boat. I remember when I first met him been chasing me alot. Thinking that I'm a female skunk. It was pretty romantic," said Penelope until LeFur force her to make love in a uncomfortable way. "Let's make out, mon cheri," said LeFur. "NO! NO! GET OFF FROM ME! HELP ME! NURSE! ANYONE, HELP!," Penelope struggles as LeFur starts making love with her when suddenly a gun locks to fire from a officer named Joe Milton from the LAPD.

"Hold it right ther, pal. Don't make a move. Let her go. NOW!," said Joe.

"Who are you, misouir?," LeFur asks. "I'm Joe Milton, LAPD. What you're doing is sexual harrassment and raping. Let her go now. (letting Penelope go from LeFur) Put your hands behind you and don't move a muscle. Are you okay?," said Joe.

"Yes, thank you, sir. I want you to kick his butt and putting him in Jail," said Penelope when she's right behind him until LeFur gots the same weapon which it did to Pepe. "HA HA HA HA HA! Big mistake, misouir. You better low down your weapon or Pepe gets it."

Penelope and Joe are upset in tears if Joe didn't cooperate he'll kill Pepe forever. Joe have no choice, but, to disarm himself and letting LeFur go. "Okay, pal, put your weapon also. I did mine and you can to. Please," said Joe, but, LeFur lied as he gonna kill him. "Maybe not, jackass. Say good-bye to your precious Pepe. (evil laughter)," said LeFur.

Penelope ran and kick his face and scratch it hard. LeFur got his face bleeding and Joe got his weapon and said, "LET'S GET PEPE AND GETTING OURSELVES OUT OF HERE!"

So they did. They got Pepe off from his bed and ran very quickly. As they off from the Hospital, the gangsters were getting closer. Penelope asks in desperation, "did you have a car on you?" Joe points at his car. "THERE! HURRY!" Both of them were entering the car as Joe drive faster. LeFur came out as the gangster's car stopped.

"HEY! I thought you were having with the catgirl," said Frankie.

"MARDE ME! They are getting away. AFTER THEM! THAT WAY!," said LeFur.

"Man, your face got gushed with blood. Need a ointment?," said Pats as LeFur got sting bad. "AHH! WATCH IT, FOOL! URGH!," said LeFur.

"What-what-what the heck is going on? There's two cars in a -a-a- car chase scene," said Porky. Then, the shooting starts as both cars keep on pacing closer to each other. "WHAT IS THIS!?! SPEED!?! I really like the movie very much," said Joe. The gangsters can't stand it from their pointless battle and shooting so they're gonna make a final blow.

"THAT IS IT! I JUST CANNOT STAND IT! Is there a weapon to vanquished them?," LeFur asks.

"I got a hand gernade, LeFur. Time to give them a big bang," said Pats as he got the gernade.

"Huh? Oh, my god. HE GOT A GERNADE! HE'S GONNA KILL 'EM! DO SOMETHING!," said Lola.

"Damn it, I forgot to get more bullest. I'm out. Silly me," said Lieutanent, "they're approaching towards to the peir. They can't stopped."

"BYE-BYE, LOSERS! HA HA HA!," said Pats while he threw a gernade and it lands on top of the car. It lands on the water, sinks into the water and then, it went (KABOOM!) The cars stopped and the objects are floating up and it's a badge and picture of Pepe and Penelope from her wallet. The gangsters were laughing along with LeFur.



"SEE YOU LATER!," said Jimmy Rifle as they drove away from them. Then, the Looney Tunes and the cops were walking slowly as they saw the objects floating around. "(sniffs) I cannot believe they're gone already. LeFur will pay for this and his new friends. Of course you know, this means WAR!," said Bugs.

"I'm gonna miss that non-stoping heartwarming machine skunk. This is really dispicable," said Daffy.

"Let's get back to the studio to tell the WB company, we lost both of them. My partner, too," said the Lieutanent. Now, all of them, we're going back to the WB studios to tell everyone they lost two characters forever.

Is this the end for Penelope, Pepe and his new friend? What will happen to the Looney Tunes Gang now? Don't miss a powerful conclusion about...WHO MURDERED PEPE?

Beh-beh-beh...THAT'S (not) ALL, FOLKS!...TO BE CONTINUED!