Takato and Rika in Termina

By Ganondorf8

Warriors of the Snow

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon, Digimon Tamers, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, or anything else that is associated through a disclaimer. Any original characters you see (and there will be some) are copyrighted to me because that is something I can do.

Author's Note: Now you get to finally meet the Digimon who has been living in Snowhead for an undisclosed amount of time seeing as one has been mentioned indirectly for quite some time now. He is a fanmade character just to let you know although as you will soon discover, he does have a connection to an official Digimon that appeared during the Digimon Tamers storyline. Darmani is also going to making an appearance in his ghostly form for we are reaching one of the next climaxes that involve a certain transformation.

One more thing to mention before things get underway. Renamon is going to come up with quite the excuse to explain why she and Guilmon are dressed up as pilgrims who have to keep their identities hidden from the world at all costs. I actually made this part up at the last minute so it may have some mistakes as far as connections to previous chapters goes.

Renamon's POV

As much as I hated to admit it given that we are in a world whose physics continue to elude us, we had no other choice but to wait it out in the house of the blacksmiths until the weather outside had become tolerant enough for us to be able to continue on our journey in order to find the burial site of Darmani.

From what I have been listening to the entire time about the legend of this brave warrior whose life was cut short, Darmani was one who was respected by all creatures that dwell within these mountains especially among those from his tribe, the Gorons, who apparently worship the very ground he walks on back when he was among the living before the tradegy that claimed his life long before any of us arrived.

Zabora, who had been trying to stir up some conversations in order to pass the time and not having to resort to speaking with Gabora, mentioned that the reason the Gorons chose to bury their hero at such a high altitude was that his spirit could continue to watch over the mountains from beyond the grave.

At first I was surprised that they were able to make their way up there considering that the cliff Zabora alluded us to was much too steep for any Goron to be able to climb, but then he mentioned that there was a secret passage through that particular mountains which was designed for Gorons to use which enabled them to reach the peak where the burial site was located.

Takato had been busy practicing with his newly forged weapon ever since he finished working on it, and he boasted that he could now take on the creatures that live in Termina without having to run away from them...humans can be so fickle at times that it makes me wonder how they have managed to last this long.

Rika on the other hand was sitting by herself in one corner of the room with her head buried in her knees which indicated to me that she was upset over having to wait for the weather to improve...her emotions have really changed ever since we first arrived in Termina for she has been expressing both joyous and miserable feelings that could be tearing her apart from within, and that had me concerned for if that were to continue then she could end up causing a mistake that would bring about our own destruction as well.

Just as I was about to walk over to my Tamer in order to comfort her and ease her troubles, Zabora came over to me for it seemed that he was curious as to why Guilmon and I refuse to expose our true appearances to him and his assistant. If he knew exactly what we were behind these cloaks, he would be in for the shock of his life which is why I had to come up with some quick answers in order to wane his curiosity.

" I have noticed that you and your fellow pilgrim have yet to take off those warm clothes of yours," commented Zabora.

" We prefer to keep them on for that is a part of a special agreement that we made before we chose to begin this journey by accompanying these two brave warriors. Those who are like us are rather shy about revealing their true appearances to those who they see as being outsiders, so we walk among the people in this fashion for we wish to remain secluded which adds a certain air of mystery to how we go about our lives.

My companion and I have been traveling together for a long time and during our travels we have seen others like yourself who are curious as to who exists behind the cowls which conceal our faces...each of them before you have been told the same truth in that our sect as you might call it are very secretive and that forcing us to expose our appearances could result in dire consequences," I said.

" Sounds to me that your collective have some rather strict rules," said Zabora.

" Our elders made these conditions many years ago which those of us of today have to follow for our own safety," I said.

" They must have been some very serious individuals if they chose to create such restrictions upon you, but then I respect their wishes now that you have told me the truth about yourself which is why I won't question you any further about your true identities. However, it does appear to me that you have been showing concerns about the outside where the harsh winter winds blow about because of the cold temperatures that exist in Snowhead.

I know you and your companions have a strong desire to reach the tomb of Darmani for reasons of your own, yet only Gorons are able to survive in the conditions outside provided that the temperature hasn't reached the point where not even they are able to traverse the land," said Zabora.

" Actually, I was thinking about something else," I began.

" Is this another secret that cannot be uttered?" asked Zabora.

" No, I can tell you about this one seeing as it's about something or rather someone that has existed in these mountains for quite some time. We have heard from our Goron guide who recently returned to Clock Town that a warrior lives in these mountains who has been sighted by many travelers who chose to venture forth into this region. He told us that this warrior appears out of nowhere before those who he feels are worthy enough to see him, yet such a thing has only occurred a few times given that most people tend to run away from him," I replied.

" I have heard of this warrior before," began Zabora.

" Do you know anything about him?" I asked.

" No one knows where this warrior comes from for legends say that he appeared one day in the mountains when the weather became so harsh that no living creature could have survived it. It is known that he rescued a young Goron child from freezing to death for the little one ventured forth into the snow to explore and wound up getting caught in the freezing conditions, and for that the Gorons have hailed the warrior as a saviour and treat him with the same respect that they have given to Darmani before and after he died.

The reason that I say legends is that the warrior has been roaming these lands for a few years now and has aided those who were worthy enough to be in need of his assistance...yet no one knows the true identity of this man for he appears when needed and disappears when his services are no longer required. As an act of kindness for resucing the young child from death, the Gorons erected a statue in his honour although even now it remains incomplete for they do not know the true appearance of the warrior to be able to finish what they had started," replied Zabora.

" How can we find him?" I asked.

" The warrior cannot be found by anyone for that is not how he perceives himself before the eyes of people, and if you were to try and find him you will only end up back where you started for he is an enigma!

Many have made the attempt of finding him so that they can learn any secrets that he may be holding, but none so far have succeeded for he is somehow able to distance himself from his pursuers by using the very weather itself to hide away for he is like you in that he keeps his true identity a secret.

He however can find you if he finds you worthy enough to be seen by him which is a rare occurrence given that many who come to Snowhead are able to make their way through without having to rely on his presence. What I can tell you is that these are the kinds of conditions that surround this building in which he will make an appearance for he first appeared in these exact conditions," replied Zabora.

" Then we need to get going right now!" Rika announced as she got up from the corner.

" You wish to go out there even though I said that it's much too dangerous?" asked Zabora.

" We all appreciate the concern you have for us given that this is our first time in the mountains, but we need to reach the burial site of Darmani as soon as possible which means we'll take the chance of freezing to death if it will allow us to reach our goal. Thanks for allowing Takato and me to forge our own weapons despite only having gold dust in our possession as a means of payment, yet now we have to leave for there is something here that we have to do otherwise it could bring about the end of all who live in Snowhead," replied Rika.

" I suppose that this is another secret that cannot be mentioned?" asked Zabora.

" Not really considering that what we have to do involves dealing with the Goron tribe," replied Rika.

" So you wish to aid the troubled Gorons who have isolated themselves from the rest of the world all because of that incident involving the son of the Goron Elder? I have to admit that you are courageous for wanting to risk venturing forth into an area of the mountains where humans and other non-Gorons are seen as unwanted guests in the eyes of the council that has formed in the tribe within recent months.

Now I understand why you need to visit the burial site of Darmani for you believe that his spirit may be able to guide you for the odds are heavily stacked against you. Gabora and I have been wanting peace to return to these mountains for some time for our business is suffering and the Gorons who do not like the idea of being bottled up wish to interact with the other tribes.

You must go quickly if you are to reach your goal!" Zabora said suddenly which caught me by surprise for a few minutes ago he didn't want any of us leaving the safety of his home, and now he insists on us leaving in order to carry on with our journey.

I guess he believed that we were just wandering travelers who needed to be protected from the weather, and that once our true motives were made known to him did he decide to allow us to proceed even if it was at our own risk what with the harsh conditions. Takato and Rika said their thanks to Zabora and Gabora and soon we were outside where the harsh weather made it next to impossible to see where we were going.

" Maybe we should have stayed inside until the weather had gotten better," commented Takato.

" We have to continue making our way to Darmani's burial site if we are to help find the Goron Elder's son for maybe the ghost of their hero can provide us with the means to survive around here. Besides, we're racing against time right now what with the presence of Ganondorf possibly looming over the other regions of Termina seeing as he was the source of the problems that plagued Woodfall.

According to what Zabora told us about the legends that swirl around the character of Darmani, he was buried at the highest point in the Mountain Village for the Gorons believed that he would continue to watch over them in death...the highest mountain around here is the one on the other side of that pond yet climbing it seems to be impossible," said Rika.

" That's because we don't have eyes that can see the truth," sighed Takato.

" What did he mean by that anyway?" asked Rika.

" No wonder you never made it this far into the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask as you find out about the eyes when you get to the Goron Village that lies on the far end of Snowhead to the east," replied Takato.

" Excuse me for not having wasted my free time playing a video game gogglehead!" shouted Rika.

" Anyway, the Lens of Truth as it is called appears to be an unusual looking maginifying glass due to the odd design and the fact that both sides of the mirror come in different colours. By using magical power one can see the truth for what it really is no matter how powerful the illusion before you appears, but sometimes seeing the truth in such a fashion can be deadly for there are some things you don't want to see at all.

The mountain where the burial site is located can be reached there by humans and Gorons by using the Lens of Truth in order to see a large collection of ladders that make their way up to the top, but without the lens one can't make their way up for the ladders cannot be grabbed if they are invisible," said Takato.

" That means we're stuck down here unless we can somehow get the Lens of Truth from the Gorons?" asked Rika " And we all know that won't be happening for non-Gorons are not allowed in the village," replied Takato.

" Guess we're all going to freeze to death just because we don't have the one thing we need to reach the site," moaned Rika.

" You can't blame me for not having the Lens of Truth on hand," said Takato.

" No, but I can blame you gogglehead for not mentioning it to us before we came up here as we could have tried another method to get up there," moaned Rika. Once again our two Tamers were arguing over something that was merely trivial at best, but then Rika did always blast Takato with numerous insults and accusations for as long as they have known each other, she has always put him down whenever he had an idea that he believed would work or when he neglected to mention something of importance to the mission at hand.

This must be one of the more obscure things that comes with being human for the emotions these two are throwing at each other makes me believe that their kind has managed to last this long without tearing each other to pieces, and right now there was nothing that Guilmon and I could do to separate them which meant that all we could do was wait for them to finish venting their respective insults before focusing on the problem at hand which was the fact that all four of us could perish in the cold.

It was at that moment that I began to feel a strange presence nearby for someone was making their way through the cold in order to find out what was going on...and that is when I realized that the presence was exactly identical to what Guilmon and I possess which means that whoever is coming was a Digimon of some kind.

Could it be Yamataromon who has chosen to greet us with a different means of presenting himself? No, it couldn't be him for he prefers to appear out of nowhere and freeze the very fabric of time itself which is not what's happening right now for the snow continues to fall.

This means that there is another Digimon coming our way of a high level for the aura that it gives off is higher than what we have, but lower than what Yamataromon has which indicates that we are about to encounter an Ultimate Digimon.

" You four appear to be lost."

" We're not exactly lost considering that we know where we have to go, but we can't can't to where we need to go for we don't have the proper equipment," snapped Rika.

" Ah, you must be the human known as Rika Nonaka for only she has a fiery attitude like what you are displaying right now...and the human who stands next to you must be the one known as Takato Matsuki for he has the strong imagination which lead to the creation of one of the strongest Digimon to have graced the Digital World for quite some time.

I thought that it was you two that I had sensed when you first arrived in Termina when you were pulled into this world along with your Digimon partners as a result of the dark powers that Ganondorf wields. Tried as I could to reach you before you were dragged into this troubled world for I suspected that Ganondorf had some kind of motivation, but by the time I reached the place that you call home, I discovered that I had arrived too late for you were already on your way to this world.

Thus, I had to find a way to reach you in time so that I could both aid you and warn you of what transpires in Termina as a result of the influences of the Dark Lord. At first I did not know if you were the Tamers who saved the Digital World from the brink of destruction at the hands of the D-Reaper which is why I had to observe you from a distance in order to be sure of my suspicions, but seeing the power of digivolution was all I needed to confirm your identities thus why I have come before you now."

" Who are you?" asked Rika.

" Many around these troubled lands know me as the warrior that appears in the harsh snowfall who leads those worthy of my presence to safety, yet you are surely aware that I am in fact a Digimon otherwise I would not have known of your identities nor that of your partners who chose to mask their identities so as to avoid revealing the truth to those who do not understand.

Be aware that unlike Yamataromon I do not call this world my new home for the Digital World is still the place that I am most comfortable existing in, yet I have traveled to many worlds in order to observe the creatures that exist there as a personal quest of mine which is of no importance right now. Renamon, you know that I am an Ultimate Digimon for that is the scent that you picked up just before I revealed myself to you all.

Such a sense as this shall prove itself to be useful on this journey that you have been thrown into for your lives now hang in the balance with Ganondorf holding all of the cards in play."

" That doesn't answer my question," moaned Rika.

" Your attitude remains as fiery as ever Rika Nonaka for that is what makes you a special person in your own right, but you are correct in that you desired an answer and I did not provide you with one...I am a servant of one of the four sovereign ones that rule over the Digital World, yet you know him by the name of Azulongmon for he is the one who told you the truth about what was befalling our world.

I am known as Crimsonmon of the Snow for it is the harsh lands of the north that call upon me, yet my title is one that you need not have to worry about for you have a much dire situation that requires your immediate attention.

Right now you have all been blanketed by a warm coating of heat which shall protect you from the weather that exists in this place for you have earned my protection, yet you wish to reach a place where you believe will give you what you need to move about the lands that are under the watchful eye of the Gorons.

I have come to this world many times for those who thrive here have spoken of me in legend for my actions have left them seeing me as an enigmatic warrior, and as such I know that which you seek for it lies above at the highest point for the Gorons hold a firm belief that he shall forever watch over them."

" You know about Darmani?" asked Rika.

" He was known as the great hero of the mountain folk whose courage and strength ensured that his people would continue to survive in Snowhead, but not even he could have prevented what fate had in store for him which is why his travel to the Snowhead Temple turned out to be his final journey.

He continued to exist as a wandering spirit who couldn't rest in peace for he did not complete his mission when he was alive, and so he was to remain a tortured soul until the one came along who eased his pain and finished what Darmani had started before his death.

That very spirit eventually returned to the world of the dead in peace for his mission had been completed thus he had no further reason to continue dwindling about as a spirit, but that soon changed when his ghost reappeared again when the dark powers of Ganondorf covered the land in pure chaotic energy.

Darmani knows that his people are in need of a new hero for the one who aided him before is no longer of this world, thus he awaits at his tomb for any who can help him now which is where the two of you humans come in. The one known as Link-goro brought you here for you chose to help out the Goron Elder by finding his precious child who was abducted by unknown forces, yet to be able to venture further into the mountains requires you to become that which isolate themselves.

You have the power to change your appearances into that of Deku Scrubs for you wield masks that allow you to masquerade yourselves as these creatures of the forest, but such power will not aid you here for the Deku Tribe fear the cold as do the Zora thus only the Gorons are able to exist in these conditions provided that it is not too severe even for them." Crimsonmon said.

" So Rika and I have to become Gorons?" asked Takato.

" Only the mountain folk are able to walk about these lands without showing any kind of fear." Crimsonmon answered.

" Guilmon and Renamon don't exactly fit that description," moaned Rika.

" The magic that is contained within the masks are only meant for the humans who are worthy enough to possess the magic which is needed to pass off as the character intended, yet we Digimon do not possess such a power as this and so we are to remain in our standard forms unless special magic is used in order to make others believe what they are is what they are to see with their eyes.

I do not possess such magic for it is one that exists only in this world thus you will need to speak to the one known as Darmani who even now continues to wait for those destined to aid him in saving his people. I have also learned that you lack the eyes that can enable you to see the truth for such an item is needed in order to make your way up the mountain where the Goron hero awaits your arrival.

One does not need to rely on such items if they are able to rely on their own senses which can be more effective than magic that was forged long ago. Each of you have strong senses which can be used to further your own objectives which right now continue to dwindle about in limbo for you have yet to use them, but know that you can achieve what you desire if you have a strong faith in what you wish to accomplish." Crimsonmon said.

" That's easy for you to say as all you need to do is to just warp there," moaned Rika.

" Such a notion is an easy solution to a problem that never had any difficulty to begin with, yet it appears that the words of Yamataromon have eluded you which makes sense for he is one who is difficult to understand what with his ancient stature. You have all been taught much during your time in Termina which is why you have managed to make it to this exact point, for any lack of such knowledge would have brought about your deaths the moment you began to explore your new surroundings." Crimsonmon said.

This Digimon has the stature of a mighty warrior who has saved many lives in this world and others that exist out there, yet he is full of wisdom that belies his appearance so perhaps he is a sort of masquerade in and of himself?

Now that I have gotten a much better look at him as well as knowing a bit about his past have I realized just who he is...Crimsonmon is known throughout the Digital World as the warrior who sleeps among the snowy wastes for it is those harsh conditions he thrives the most which is where many have to go in order to reach him.

Long ago he swore his loyalty to Azulongmon for they say that he used to be a completely different Digimon before the ruler was able to show him a much better destiny than what he himself was going towards.

In his past Crimsonmon was a reckless character who had a strong urge to want to pick fights with just about any Digimon that got in his way all because he felt that they were in his space, but when Azulongmon saved him from himself did he choose to change his ways and became what he is today; an enigmatic character who gives aid to those who are most deserving of it.

" Okay, so how do we get up there?" asked Rika.

" The ladders which you cannot see are the only means for you to reach as the other way is only for the mountain folk to travel, but how can one see anything that is invisible and requires the truth be made real to them in order to continue further? You have the answer to that question deep inside of your hearts yet you have refused to bear witness to it for you under the illusion that you need a specific item in order to continue on a journey that so far has not deterred you in any way.

I suppose that I could always give you this Lens of Truth that I hold in my hands for I knew that you had a need of it once I discovered who you were, but then is this item really all that important to you or maybe you have another means that you can use? The choice is up to you to make although both will get you to wear you need to go, one will lead you down the right path whereas the other will lead you down the wrong one." Crimsonmon answered.

" We'll go it our own way without the Lens," announced Takato.

" What!?" exclaimed Rika.

" We can do this on our own if we just believe in ourselves," smiled Takato.

" Now you've finally lost it gogglehead!" snapped Rika.

" Your friend and the true source that your heart desires speaks the truth Rika Nonaka for you must learn to rely on your own abilities rather than that of items that can perform the task which would make the experience even more easier.

Proceed up the mountain using your senses to guide you up the ladders that cannot be seen and you shall find the hero of the Gorons awaiting you inside of the crypt that he now calls home...this is where we must part ways Digimon Tamers for you have learned all you needed to know from me thus my purpose here is at an end.

The chances of us meeting again all depend on what you do with your adventure and if you happen to venture forth into the depths of the snow." Crimsonmon said as he walked back into the blowing snow and disappeared as though he had never taken the time to speak to us like he did.

" So what now gogglehead?" asked Rika.

" We climb up the mountain," replied Takato.

" If I fall off and something really bad happens to me, I'm going to haunt you for the rest of your life which won't be very pleasant," moaned Rika. Once again her attitude was conflicting due to being in this world for so long, so now I began to start feeling fear towards Rika for I didn't want anything bad happening to her as a result of her wild mood changes.

Climbing up the mountain towards the tomb was easy enough for myself and Guilmon for we had the sharp claws which would enable us to grip onto the snow as tight as possibe preventing either of us from falling, yet our Tamers had the more difficult approach for their lack of protection placed their lives in constant harm and the weather wasn't getting any better.

As we continued to make our way up the mountain (which took a lot longer than expected as a result of Rika constantly muttering about falling off and making Takato carry her several lengths), we could hear someone at the top moaning as though they had experienced some kind of trauma...could this be the one known as Darmani that we have come all this way to find?

Once we reached the top of the mountain upon which we discovered that it was a high peak, we were staring at a large opening that resembled something that you might see inside of a pyramid.

" ENTER!!"

" Who said that?" asked Takato.

" It must be Darmani as who else would be up here," replied Rika. The same voice boomed again and commanded us to enter the cave which we did without question, and the inside of this cave was absolutely remarkable for it featured quite the stylized decor that must have taken the perfect hands to mould it into perfection.

A large stone alter was the central feature of the cave and had a face of a Goron on each side as an indication of who it was errected for. This alter was resting in boiling spring water which made the cave appear as some kind of sauna which might have been what Darmani wanted if he were to have died one day which he did.

That was when his ghost appeared before us which made Rika hug Takato as hard as she could for she was very surprised to see a wandering spirit stand right in front of her, and Takato ended up doing the same thing for he was also surprised at the sudden appearance of Darmani. Guilmon and I were less surprised for we were able to sense his presence the moment we entered the cave, yet we were a little bit caught off guard for he chose to simply appear before us without mentioning any kind of greetings.

" So someone has managed to make their way up to my tomb in order to speak with me," said Darmani.

" We have been seeking you," began Takato.

" I know the reason as to why you have come here before me young human for you and your female companion wish to aid my people for once more they are in danger. You must have spoken to one of my kind beyond these mountains otherwise you would not have come here by choice if you decided to come here as a means of paying respects.

What he has said to you about the troubles that plague my people are true for the Gorons have chosen to isolate themselves from the rest of Termina for they wish to deal with the abduction of the elder's son on their own.

None of them are aware that the man in black armour known as Ganondorf is involved in some way for they are under the assumption that someone from one of the other tribes kidnapped the elder's son. I wish that I could reveal to them that their problems stem from this evil man, yet as you can see by my appearance, I am but a spirit now who cannot return to his place of rest until the problem has been completely resolved...perhaps you two human could resolve the issue for you appear to be very competent warriors," said Darmani.

" We were told that if we were to help out the Gorons then Rika and I must become Gorons ourselves," said Takato.

" The magic of healing that was performed on me by the one who came here before you allowed my spirit to become healed, and in return he received a mask which allowed him to become his own version of myself which allowed both of us to achieve our respective goals. It appears that the two of you wish to acquire the same ability and yet you do not have the means to heal my once more troubled soul, yet do not show signs of fear and concern for there is another way for you to achieve that which you need from me," said Darmani.

" What is it?" asked Takato.

" A procedure that may cause you to lose everything," replied Darmani.

To Be Continued.

Author's Note: A lot of speaking was done this time compared to a lack of action, but then it was necessary to do so in order to explain some concepts which needed to be told. The next chapter will finally showcase Takato and Rika as Gorons as they wind up walking among the tribe in their own way, and my apologies for the cliff-hanger as I wanted to end this one on a high note that ends with wondering as to what will happen next.