Takato and Rika in Termina

By Ganondorf8

Prologue, the First.

Author's Note: This story is a spiritual successor to "Tai and Sora in Hyrule" for it is a similar concept only focusing on the Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and featuring characters from Digimon Tamer. The world is that of Termina but the events take place sometime after the events of the actual game itself. You'll understand what I'm talking about once things start to pick up in the later chapters of this adventure. Just like my previous stories along these lines, the perspective will change from character to character starting with Takato followed by Guilmon, Rika, and Renamon before the cycle repeats itself. Sometimes the rotation may change because of something important, but you'll be told about it ahead of time so don't worry too much about it.

Takato's POV

" I just wanted to see what kind of reaction you would have if I were to lead you all this way into this quaint little cave because I was bored and wanted to have some kind of entertainment. Don't give me that look my young lady for that look could actually become permanent if you know what I mean. In fact, that look of yours is nothing short of boring so why don't I make some kind of improvement to it by changing your appearance to something that's more fitting."

" If you do that then I am going to be re-arranging your face using my boot!" shouted Rika.

" You are quite the feisty one when you have to be don't you?"

" Then you haven't seen just how feisty I can get and that goes for Renamon as well," said Rika.

" Ah yes, your strange companion who loves to live in the shadows just so that she can protect you from harm. Not even her power will be able to help you once I have made my adjustment of your appearance, so just

relax for a few moments and everything will be over in a matter of moments." It was at that moment when Rika felt as though she were being hit by some kind of invisible force to which Renamon was struggling to remove it from her partner only to find herself being forced back into the wall. Guilmon and I covered our eyes for there was a sudden flash of bright light, and once we could see each other again, Guilmon noticed that Rika had gone and standing in her place was some kind of small creature that looked like a small child. I didn't catch onto what happened at first but when I saw that this creature had the exact same hairstyle as Rika, I realized that she was the creature that was standing in front of us; a creature that was a cross between some kind of plant and a human which I knew was a Deku Scrub thanks to my excessive Majora's Mask playing.

" Rika? Are you okay?" I asked.

" What does it look like to you goggle-brain?" Rika shouted when she realized what she had become.

" You've been turned into a Deku Scrub!" I shouted.

" Thanks for stating the obvious so how am I supposed to change back to normal?" asked Rika.

" Oh this is a permanent fixture my dear young lady so I advise to you that you quickly learn just how a scrub lives. You needed a new look in order to get rid of that old look that you were giving me, and I think that this has turned out rather well. Don't be sad at all my young man for you shall be given the exact same adjustment that your friend has been given. There is no need for one of you to have all of the fun while the other just sits there and does nothing. The thought of seeing two Dekus together just brings tears to my eyes, and it also makes me wonder just how you two are going to handle your new way of life." I then felt my body being changed due to the strange force that was now hitting it; images of Deku Scrubs danced around my head and were trying to bury me deep within their collective numbers. I tried to get out of the gathering of scrubs but they proved to be too much for me to handle, and so I wound up blacking out with the images of the scrubs fresh in my mind. When I woke up a few moments later after having been knocked out by what my visions had been telling me, Rika pointed a finger towards a small lake that was inside the cave and so I checked out my reflection which is what she was getting at. I almost screamed at the top of my lungs when I realized that I had become a Deku Scrub as well while Rika just stood there in disbelief over what she had become, and tried to pinch herself thinking that this was just a video game rather than being the real thing.

I suppose that you are all wondering as to what just happened with myself and Rika having been turned into Deku Scrubs by someone who just wanted to see us suffer. I thought that spending some time with Rika in order for her to get a better understanding of what I do with my life would just be one of those simple things that brings people closer together. It would soon turn out that the night that I had been hoping for was going to be anything but simple once we found ourselves deep within another world that is different from our own. It was one of those mornings where I found myself sleeping in late causing my parents to constantly tell me to get out of bed otherwise I would be late for school yet again. The reason for my late nights was due to the fact that I had received a gift from Jeri which comprised of a video game that I had always wanted to play, but never got the chance to as I didn't have the correct system at the time for me to enjoy it. At first I didn't find any interest in The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask thinking that it was just another game where you had to save someone, but soon enough I found myself becoming engrossed with the storyline which lead me to staying up way past midnight so that I could see what was going to happen next. During the third straight night of playing way past the bedtime that my parents had set up for me, I was once again playing Majora's Mask in order to see what kind of experiences I was going to see next. Guilmon, who had been watching me play while chewing on his Guilmon Bread that my parents make especially for him was wondering as to why I was going around as some kind of elf-like character trying to save a doomed world.

" I don't understand why you playing with a boy that is dressed up like an elf," said Guilmon.

" The hero of the game is Link and he has always been dressed like that ever since he first made his appearance back in 1986," I said.

" He's been wearing the same clothes for over 20 years?" asked Guilmon.

" Not exactly although I guess that would be kind of funny now that you mention it. You see the series takes place during different eras according to the timeline which has been created, and in each of these eras exists a different Link whose job it is was to save the kingdom of Hyrule, or some other world that just so happens to be in need of a hero," I replied.

" Different Links?" asked Guilmon.

" It's something that Nintendo had done," I replied. I knew right then that Guilmon was lost all because my explanations only made things even more confusing, but then that is what glued me to the series in the first place which makes me glad that Jeri gave me this gift as a sign of her friendship. I had hoped that Jeri or one of the others would have wanted to play the game with me, but they all left for their respective vacations due to it being the beginning of summer vacation today which made me wonder if it were just some kind of coincidence. The only Tamer that was still around was Rika who was busy training with Renamon in case a future threat decides to target our world. There hadn't been any such incidents since the Locomon problem but Rika was insistent on training because she says that neglecting such things would only make you sloppy later on. Guilmon had fallen asleep by this point having had his fill on Guilmon Bread, but I was still awake thinking about how I could spend time with Rika without having to do so as her sparring partner. Then an idea struck me hard in the head which meant that I had come up with a sure-fire way that we could spend some time together. The next morning had come and I had managed to find her just as she was about to get started with her daily ritual of practicing to become stronger.

" You want me and Renamon to come over to your place in order to play a video game?" asked Rika.

" I figure that we could spend some time together," I replied.

" Your goggles must be on too tight as why would I want to waste my time playing a stupid video game when I could be training for something really important?" asked Rika.

" Well you are the only Tamer around seeing as everyone else have all gone on vacation at the exact same time which still makes me think that it is all just a coincidence. I know that you don't like video games Rika as you have more important things to do, but why don't you have some fun for a change and come on over to my place to spend the night? If you just gave them a chance I'm sure that you will get to love video games just as much as I do which is essentially every day," I replied before closing my mouth after hearing what I just said. I couldn't believe that I said those exact words to Rika in that series of events which means that she was probably going to ridicule me for being too obsessed with video games. As I waited for her to begin letting me have it starting with the usual beginning insult, Rika surprised me for the first time in a long time that was willing to come on over in order to play gameswith me.

" Okay, you've got yourself a deal," smiled Rika.

" Excuse me?" I asked.

" I'll take you up on your offer Takato but I suggest that you take off those goggles for a while as I think they are starting to mess with your mind. Renamon and I will be over at your place by exactly 7:00pm so be sure that you've got everything set up by the time we arrive, otherwise you'll be getting yet another earful from me about wasting my time," replied Rika as she walked off leaving me alone to ponder over what she had just said. She actually wanted to come on over to my place in order to play video games with me? That was the first time she had ever wanted to do that which made me wonder if her mind had been messed around with instead of mine which she claimed to be true. Either way I was completely surprised and raced back home in order to set things up before they arrive otherwise I would face the wrath of Rika, and that was something that I could do without. About an hour before the apparent deadline given to me by Rika, I had already finished setting up what I needed in order for us to enjoy some video games, and so I took the extra time to play even more of Majora's Mask as I so wanted to see what was going to happen next. Guilmon had recently gone downstairs in order to get himself another supply of Guilmon Bread before coming back up to my room in order to speak to me about something.

" Rika wanted to come over?" asked Guilmon.

" Surprising isn't it?" I asked.

" I wish that you could have taken some kind of picture or recorded what she said as that has to be the first time she has ever wanted to do that," replied Guilmon.

" I have been wondering as to why she wanted to spend some time with me in this fashion which is unusual even for her, but I suppose that I can always ask her when she and Renamon arrive in less than an hour. You know, that's the fourth batch of Guilmon Bread that you have eaten today...you must really be hungry if you've had that much and giving my parents a reasonable workout," I laughed as Guilmon stuffed another piece of bread into his mouth before going back downstairs for his fifth helping. Eventually Rika and Renamon arrived with some essentials needed for a sleep over although I was wondering as to what Rika was holding in her hand that she couldn't have placed onto her back. Renamon immediately settled down somewhere in order to perform some meditation while Rika demanded that I take her to my room otherwise we were going to be wasting the entire night standing by the front door.

" Your room looks like someone had used it as a battleground given the mess, but then you always were the kind of person that enjoyed living in your own filth," said Rika.

" I'll get around to cleaning up once we've had our sleep-over," I said blushing.

" So this is the video game system that you want me to play when you asked me earlier to come on over. If you think that I am impressed with this piece of junk then you will have to be disappointed goggle boy, but I guess that I could force myself into watching you play so that I can waste my time staying here with you rather than just staring at the ceiling and hoping that it is all over soon enough," said Rika. Despite the friendship that she and I have developed over the years, she still had that sour disposition of hers which made me want to question as to why I am friends with her, but I suppose that she had her reasons for being that way due to the way her family life has been. I then said that I had to go and check up on Guilmon who hadn't returned from his recent bread binge, so I left Rika on her own in order to see about my friend and hoping that she would have a change of heart. Should I have left her like that with my video game system? My mind froze at such a thought as I entered the kitchen and saw that Guilmon was sitting at the table munching away on bread.

" Rika doesn't sound very happy," said Guilmon.

" You get used to it after a while," I sighed.

" Maybe you should get her a video game that she can play," suggested Guilmon.

" I don't think that she is into that sort of thing," I said.

" Maybe she just needs a moment to get herself involved with it," said Guilmon.

" And this coming from a Digimon who loves to eat bread," I sighed.

" You could always ask her why she was carrying around that strange controller in her hand," said Guilmon.

" She was carrying what?" I asked.

" What did you say Takato?" asked Guilmon.

" What was Rika carrying?" I asked.

" She was carrying around a controller that looks very similar to what you use to play your video games Takato, but she has a custom one as it was covered in all kinds of colourful designs unlike your controllers which are just plain looking," replied Guilmon. I ran back up to my room in order to find out what was going on, and when I came charging into my room like I were some kind of deranged beast, there was Rika sitting on the floor with her custom controller in her hand and playing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask as though she was an expert at it. My first reaction was that of surprise as who would have thought that Rika would be sitting here playing a video game let alone one of my own; my second reaction was since when was she able to be so good at something that she completely despised.

" Don't tell me that you're surprised by what you're seeing," said Rika.

" I am surprised as I never expected this," I said.

" I've had this custom designed controller for a few days now ever since Henry first showed me how to play video games about three months ago, and I wanted to give this thing a real test by using your own system as the testing grounds. You actually believed that I hated video games when I spoke you earlier? You're so naive Takato as I would have thought that you would have figured out my ruse long ago instead of sticking to the delusion that I was making fun of what you liked to do. While you were gone attending to whatever Guilmon was doing, I've been playing my own file on this Zelda game of yours and already I've reached the point where you get to explore Clock Town in human form thus allowing you to explore beyond the town walls," said Rika.

" That was just over five minutes ago," I said.

" I'm a fast player," smiled Rika.

" Then I'll watch you play the game in order to see if you will be able to reach the exact point that I've gotten to before you came over with Renamon." I said as I sat down in order to watch Rika play, and right from the start she proved to be really good by doing things that took me days to figure out which again makes me believe that she was an expert. After watching her for about an hour where she was blazing through the adventure in record time, a thought started to appear in my mind which consisted of what would it be like if we could be a part of the world of Termina. Rika just stared at me shaking her head in the process thinking that I was deep in my fantasies again before some strange voice began to speak out from somewhere which caused Guilmon and Renamon to enter the room.

" Did you just imagine that you could be in the world of Termina?"

" How did you know that?" I asked.

" A lot of people have often dreamed of the same thing and yet not a single one of them have managed to see that dream become a reality. That is because they were not destined to go there because Termina had no need of their presence, but that is no longer the case for the world needs someone of your skills to be able to assist it in its time of need. The four of you can easily come to Termina by allowing me to bring you there so that you can experience the magic and mystery that exists there."

" You want us to go into a video game?" asked Rika.

" Who said that it was?"

" I did!" shouted Rika.

" Then I shall make you realize the false words that you have spoken by allowing you to see with your eyes, and not what your mind is telling you." Without warning my room began to shimmer about as though someone were trying to transport it somewhere else, but then I realized that we were the ones doing all of the shimmering as we found ourselves being pulled into the television with my video game system turning itself off. Rika, Renamon, Guilmon, and I were falling through some kind of darkness without having any idea as to where we were going before we all landed in some kind of forest that had a rather eerie feel to it. Actually, everyone fell on top of me which made me want to cut back on Guilmon's bread intake, but as I got up to my feet I noticed that the surroundings were really familiar to me as though I had seen them somewhere before.

" Where are we?" asked Rika.

" I think we just got transported into my video game," I replied.

" And I think that you have finally lost it," snapped Rika.

" Think about it for a second Rika! This forest is where Majora's Mask begins when Link is riding through the Lost Woods in search of a friend that he knew about, and it was in this forest that he was jumped by two fairies and a kid wearing a strange mask before giving chase to them all because they stole his ocarina and horse," I said.

" Okay, so that is one similarity but even you couldn't think that this was real," said Rika.

" Then please explain that," I said as I pointed towards something that was going on behind Rika's back to which she turned her attention to. A robed figure came riding by on a horse and was taunting us to the point where it wanted us to follow along for reasons that only it would know. Rika immediately decided to follow along with Renamon by her side as she was one who never turned down a taunt, and all Guilmon and I did was sigh as we began to follow along as well even though we had no idea as to what we were getting into.

To Be Continued.

There will be Digimon in the world of Termina although not quite what you would expect them to be given the nature behind this parallel world. I hope that you all liked this concept for I do wish to see it continue so please read and review this new story of mine, the first one in almost four years.