A/N: Sorry about the wait, I've been really busy and this story doesn't seem too popular. But I like it so here is another chapter.

Dear Troy,

Why do boys always fall for peer pressure? Just tell Sharpay that you don't want to have sex yet. If she doesn't understand that then she is not the person you should give your virginity to anyway.

I don't mind you asking advice actually, though it is a bit sad that you can't talk to any of your friends. And this letter thing is probably a good way to tell people your problems without feeling embarrassed, coz we don't actually know each other.

You sound like you really do like your girlfriend, but Jason says you have cheated on her and I have to believe him. I was feeling bad for still communicating with you after he made me promise not to but I think he said 'promise not to talk to Troy anymore' so as long as we always write letters I'm not breaking my promise.

Anyway, just be honest with your feeling, not all macho and stupid.



Thanks, I haven't talked to Shar yet but I will. I will try to be honest but I don't know how it will work. I think it's harder for guys, girls are expected to be emotional and stuff, but if anyone found out I was having doubts about whether to have sex my rep would be shot.

Also, I don't think I've mentioned this before, you're not showing or talking about these letters to anyone are you? I really hope I can trust you with them. Please don't tell your friends and especially not Cross.

I'm glad you're still writing to me because I actually kind of like getting your letters now, though writing back is hardship. But honestly I don't think you should feel guilty about breaking a promise to Cross because if you don't dump him he will break your heart. And don't believe him about me cheating on Sharpay, I hate guys who cheat and would never do that.



Actually I never even thought about showing these letters to anyone. Don't worry, I never will if you don't want me to, you can trust me. But you haven't been showing mine to anyone have you? That would be so hypocritical.

I think you're just making excuses when you say it's harder for guys to talk about their feelings. If you were really strong you would say what you think without worrying about your rep.

Thanks for saying you 'kind of like' getting my letters. That's so sweet (sarcastic tone). And thanks for replying to my letters, as hard as it is for you.

Please stop saying that Jason is a bad guy who will break my heart. I love him and he loves me, we are very happy together and I don't like you making me doubt that.

By the way, since I gave you advice you owe me.



Ok, if I owe you advice here it is BREAK UP WITH JASON CROSS. I am really sorry because I know you don't want to hear this but I promise you he is a bad guy. And I think I've told you before my mission in writing these letters to you is to get you to dump him.

When I said I like you letters it was a compliment, each day when I come home and check the mailbox I am happy when I see your handwriting on an envelope.

Something very strange is happening with my best friend. You know how we were talking about how it's hard for guys to show their emotions? Well lately it seems like that is all Chad does. We don't really hang out alone a lot, so don't usually have in depth conversations. But lately whenever he sees me between classes he'll come up and be like 'Troy, man I really need to talk to you.' Or 'Troy I'm so glad you're my best friend.'

I don't know what is going on with him. I never see him outside of school except for basketball. And for some reason he's never around at lunch anymore. I'm always with the rest of the basketball team and Sharpay. Which is fine, I suppose, but I hope Chad's ok. I've tried asking Shar if she's noticed anything but she just looks vague and says I should talk to Chad.

What should I do?



Here's what you do. TALK TO HIM!

I stole your idea of using capitals for emphasis. But I didn't like your use of capitals, I am not breaking up with Jason, will you get over that already? It doesn't count as advice to tell me to so you still owe me.

I have now given you two bits of advice, (but have you talked to Sharpay about sex yet?) I thought of some advice you could give me. What could I get my mum for her birthday next week? She has seemed pretty sad lately. It's just me and her since my dad died, she never goes out with any friends and we hardly ever see our relatives. I want to get her something really special so she will be happy again.

I hope everything is ok with Chad, which I'm sure it is. Couldn't you talk to that other friend of yours? The one who was laughing with Chad? Wait I'll check your letter. Ok, he's name is Ryan, your girlfriends brother. He seems to be good friends with Chad, ask him if he knows what's up.

It's really nice of you to say you like seeing my handwriting, your's is very messy but I suppose I like seeing it now too.


Dear Gabriella,

You have kept all my letters? I knew you didn't hate me as much as you said you used to. But maybe you are just keeping them in case you need blackmail later. I hope not.

I am very sorry that your dad died, you can talk (write) to me about it if you want. I'm not sure what you can get your mum for her birthday. I know! I will subtly question my mother about what she would like and then tell you, ok?

I still haven't managed to talk to Chad (or Sharpay but that's because I'm afraid to, not because of lack of opportunity) but I have a plan. When we next have basketball training I am going to hide one of his shoes, I can help him look for it and when we are alone I can ask if he is ok. Isn't it brilliant?

Now that you mention Ryan he actually hasn't been around much either lately, but I'm not really that good friends with him. I only know him through Shar, and he and Chad have become good mates too.


P.S. I do not have messy handwriting.

Dear Troy,

Thanks for your help, I'm kidding, you didn't help me at all in your letter. But thanks for saying you will ask your mum. And thanks for being sorry about my dad, it's alright, I don't mind talking about him. He died when I was eight. We had rented a little house in the forest and he had a heart attack while he was out chopping wood. The doctors still are not really sure why because he was in good shape, it was just one of those things that happen sometimes. I miss him a lot but at least I can still enjoy my life. My mum just always seems to be sad, I'm not sure if she ever dealt with her grief properly.

Your plan for talking to Chad is very childish but I suppose it will work, why can't you just ask to talk to him alone at basketball training? I hope you find out what is going on with him. And talk to Sharpay.


P.S. Yeah, you do. But it's cute.

Dear Gabriella,

Ok, now I really need your help. I talked to Chad thanks to my plan but now I kind of wish I hadn't. I mean I found out why he has been acting so strange but it's… ok I'll just write down what happened because I'm sort of freaking out right now.

So we had basketball training and I hid his shoe then offered to help look for it while the others went to start practice. So we were looking under benches and on top of lockers (his shoe was in a sink) and then this happened;

Me: "so, Chad, did you want to talk to me about something?"

Chad, looking around and realised we were alone: "Um, I don't know if now is a good time."

Me: "sure it is."

Chad: "it's nothing important."

Me: "well you've been acting kind of weirdly and I hardly ever see you around."

Chad: "I've just been busy."

Me: "are you sure everything is ok?"

Chad, standing up straight and looking at me: "actually Troy there is something I need to tell you but I'm not sure how you will take it."

Me, also facing him: "try me."

Chad, taking a deep breathe: "ok, man, I-I'm gay."

And that's were I lost it, I don't mean physically, I would never hit Chad, but just like mentally or something. My mind just went blank. I walked over to the sink and got out his shoe, threw it near him and walked out. I didn't speak to him, I couldn't even look at him during training. Then I came home and wrote this to you. I can't believe my best friend is gay, and I never guessed. Now I am so lost and confused, what can I do?

Also I'm sorry if I only talk about myself in letters, I don't mean to. I'm glad you told me about your dad but it's sad that that happened to him.



I hoped you liked that, now they are becoming friends and they are each going to have a lot of stuff to deal with. Review!