Make You Smile

Chapter One

Girl Next Door

Sixteen year old John Cena peered out his bedroom window curiously watching a moving van pull up his next door neighbour's driveway.

"New neighbours," John muttered to himself. "…Better get used to the new amp." He chuckled referring to his sound system which frequently belted out his rap music.

Continuing to snoop through the window, John saw a near-new Merc pull up near the van.

"Pfft, rich people," He thought as he watched.

A man and a woman stepped out of the car and walked towards the house. John followed them with his eyes, but was soon distracted by a third figure exiting the car. He could immediately see that she was beyond beautiful, even though he could barely make out her features. He watched as she also made her way towards the house, carrying an Ipod in one hand whilst admiring the features of the building before exiting his sight inside the house.

John continued to look for a few minutes hoping the girl would come back into his view. When she didn't he retreated back to his bed and lay down.

"Wow…" John breathed and began thinking about her only to then be disturbed by his mother calling his name.

"JOHN! Come downstairs, we're all going next door to meet the new neighbours."

John's eyes popped open and he immediately jumped up excitedly.

"YES!" He hissed and punched the air before running downstairs to meet his family.

John ran to his font lawn reaching his family well out of breath. They all looked at him confused.

"What's the matter, why are you so out of breathe John?" John's dad Jack Cena questioned.

John froze; oh I was just overly excited to meet the new hot chick next door he thought, but replied with a shrug.

"I know what it is!" Steven, John's 13 year old brother piped up. "John's got all happy cos' he gets to see that hot chick next door.

John eyed him. He was exactly right, but he could never admit to his parents that that was the real reason for him being all puffed out.

"That's enough Steven," Mary Cena scolded her son and began walking over next door.

Steven just poked out his tongue at John only to receive a death glare from his brother.

The four Cena's patiently waited at the new neighbour's front door.

Oh man, this is it, this is it, this it, John repeated in his head as the door opened revealing a man and a woman who stood beside him.

The adults greeted each other, and John was able to hear that the new neighbours were named "The Stratus'". John eyed the place as the entered the house. Everything was bare, naturally because they hadn't even had the chance to get settled in before his family barged in on them. He continued to look and hope the girl would appear to greet them as the made their way to the living room.

"Trish!" The man called as John snapped out of his thoughts. His eyes wandered to the stairs and the girl he had been dying to see came trotting down, but ever so gracefully.

"Trish, honey, these are the Cena's," Mr Stratus introduced. She politely shook everyone's hand before coming face-to-face with John. John gave a small, polite, but nervous smile as she shook his hand.

"I'm Trish," she stated, looking into his eyes.

"John," was all he could say bluntly, before breaking eye contact feeling embarrassed.

That was it. The day John Cena met Trish Stratus. In the next couple of days their encounters were brief and just a simply "hi". However over weeks and months they became very close, and eventually considered each other best friends.

John and Trish were inseparable. They always would hang out together at each other's houses. They even made a special day. Friday nights were now considered "John and Trish" night were they would hang at John's and watch movies.

Even though they were next door neighbours they would spend hours on the phone talking to each other even if would be easier to just go over and talk in person.

At school however, they weren't seen together as much. The two had their own cliques. John focused a lot on football and Trish, on school. Even though at school they did their own thing, everyone still knew that they were in fact best friends, forever.


"Jooohhhnn!" Trish called as she made her way to his room.

John was lying on his bed flipping through a football magazine when Trish barged into his room.

"John!" Trish said in a frustrated tone. "I was totally calling your name, did you not hear me!?"

"Trish…" He began. "I have now come to the conclusion that when you say my name like this, "Jooohhhnn", he mimicked, "You have incredibly useless information to tell me that quite frankly I never care about" He concluded smugly.

Trish stood the, hands on hips, furious. "John Felix Anthony Cena, I hate you!"

John chuckled. "Trish I was kidding, although sometimes it's true! I mean last week you told me Stacy got a pedicure…what use is that to me!?" He stated.

Trish huffed. "First of all, it was a manicure! Second I was telling you because I thought it was interesting and wanted you to pay for mine," Trish replied matter-of-factly.

John eyed her. "Is that so? Well I guess if you want me to pay for everything then I need to you to say "you know what" and then maybe I will," he said slyly whilst getting up from the bed.

Trish knew what was coming and tried her best to escape the room, but was quickly caught by John who threw her to the bed and began tickling her.

"Say it, say it, say it!!!" John forced on Trish as he tickled her profusely.

"No, John I can't breathe, stop please!" Trish begged.

"Not until you say it!"

"Fine! Fine! JOHN CENA IS THE HOTTEST MAN I HAVE EVER SEEN AND I WANT TO HAVE HIS BABIES!" Trish screamed hoping John would stop tickling her.

"Good." John said getting off her. "Now that wasn't so hard"

Trish sat up and crossed her arms angrily. "I ha…"

"What was that you were going to say?" John cut her off raising his fingers to her taunting her.

"…love you," Trish finished, not wanting to be tickled again.

"Mhhmm," John mumbled as Trish got up off the bed. "We'd make great looking babies, don't ya think?" He said.

Trish giggled, "Yeh, we would".

John grinned, amused. "Wanna try?" He joked.

Trish placed her hands on her hips. "Nice try loser". She turned around and headed for the door. "I gotta go meet Stace." John nodded.

"Love you," Trish said before exiting.

"Love you too," John called after her, smiling. He loved it when the girl next door could make him smile.